
Bleak Midwinter.

> “Assume nothing. Not assuming anything clears your eyes. The eyes of your mind. Understand that there is no conditioning that can prepare you for having coals branded into your eyes, being burnt to death, being raped, drowned, suffocated… repeatedly and endlessly.” > "Misfortune is a fact of nature acceptable to women, especially when it falls on other women." > "Human life holds no inherent value. Have you not realised this, child? Despite all you have witnessed? It possesses no intrinsic worth." > “Is that so? Then I will simply have to become the one who would stretch this boundary of frail morality veiled underneath a thick layer of hypocrisy and double standards." > “Because chaos is more organised than order itself. Exactly as you taught me” Torn between where to direct his life, Arthur Olvasen has to decide on a side——as quickly as possible, as the merger and the potential interracial war between Earth and Eden creeps eerily close——the Bad or the Worse. *********************** NOTE: The story is slow burn; in action, world building and as well as potential romance. Just like how things should be. LoL. Tag along with it. You won't regret it. The story is also available on RoyalRoad underneath the same username of Reprobate. ************************* Cover is drawn by Aphora. You can commission yours by contacting them on Instagram (_aphora_) or KoFi (https://ko-fi.com/aphora_illustrations). This story's co-author is Komrade. And is being edited by incezangwill. Big thanks to all of them.

Reprobate · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
81 Chs

Thunderclap - Ⅴ


Once the soldiers had contacted the authorities and they were given the green signal to cooperate with Os Paucos—Arthur and Michael—despite the reluctance, they started to do as they were instructed. 

Most of the forces were now stationed at the outer perimeter of the place, along with the shimmer's boundary.

The other national forces were mobilised to move towards Seoul. However, they were still some distance away. Aerial support had already arrived, the circling jets flying just beneath the shimmer that loomed right above the troposphere. 

Astrid was now in a much better state. The shock from seeing a man not only die but being ripped apart while he was alive and consumed by monsters she had only heard about in movies had its effect imprinted deeply on her, however, the thought of similar creatures coming to Earth in huge hordes was what made her and the others to forget the absolute nightmare and focus on the bigger threat. 

Korea had reported the incident to the United Nations in that little time as well, however, they decided against the containment of Arthur and Michael. It was because the other heirs, or according to the UN, The Os Paucos were appearing in front of other Frontiers as well. 

Due to their coordinated appearance, they had decided to not get in their way. They were of national threats, believed to hold enough power to destroy cities in a small time, however, right now they were helping. Surrendering and accepting their loss, the UN decided to let them do their thing. 

In front of the Seoul frontier, Michael was preparing his bag, stuffing things quickly into it. Astrid was sitting on a chair right beside the opening. Her hand was pressed against the rock solid dome surrounding the frontier. 

"Well at least we know it's this small area that will be added." Astrid spoke out loud for the first time since Arthur consoled her. 

Arthur shook his head. "It's a space-time thing." He tried to explain in simpler terms. "The dome contains it. And the shimmer is resisting it from fully manifesting." He turned his head towards Astrid who looked up at him. His features were obscured by the looming shadow of his curtains that were dishevelled haphazardly. "Which one do you think is in jeopardy?" 

Astrid looked towards the sky and then at the dome. The entire sky looked like a cracked vase, ready to break into bits. "The shimmer…but look, even the dome is cracking as well. I guess we have hope–"

He shook his head once again. "The shimmer breaking isn't a good thing. It seems like it's the automatic response from the Gods' divinity acting against the holes into the separation. On the contrary, the dome breaking is even bad." He paused, taking in a deep breath and then exhaling, forming a smoky cloud. "It means the merger is nearing."

"..." She turned her head down. 

"I'd want you to leave the country as soon as possible but I need you to do something." Arthur spoke, placing his own hand at the dome, a few inches away from Astrid's. "I need you to keep the dome from breaking. Even after the shimmer is gone. Can you do that?"

She flicked her loose hair behind. "Of course." She replied with a smile. "Anything you ask."

From the corner of his eye, he looked down, turned around and patted her head before pulling it into a hug while she was still sitting. Her head was against his midsection as he gently held it like that for a while. "Take care."

A small slither of something coiled through Arthur's fingers and then seeped into her skin. 

"Mmm. You too." Staying like that for a while, Arthur let go of her. Her hands stayed at his sleeves for a while but he pulled them away. Astrid stood up and picked up a bag from the side. "Here, your bag."

"Oh, thanks." 

"Finally done, geez." Michael groaned as he walked towards the dome. A group of soldiers walked right behind them. "Let's go."

Arthur walked past and stood between the soldiers and Michael. "Which one is in command now?"

"I am." A man walked up to him. It was the same man who was acting as a translator between Astrid and his commander. "After the death of Major Kim Min-seok, Colonel Lee Sang-hyun has decided to select me as the next in command."

Arthur stood in front of him, his back straight. His jaw tightened. "What's your name?"

The man suddenly felt a shiver down his spine. "Captain Park Ji-hoon."

Arthur dusted Park's shoulder before crouching enough to reach his ear. "Your Major is lucky to be killed by that Wujin. If I hear about any kind of thing happening to Astrid…" he paused, letting his words sink in. "...you will find out I am much worse than those things."

Keeping his voice under a whisper, Park replied. "Are you threatening me? Us?"

Arthur's eyes glowed. "Yes. I think you are still not aware of the direness of your situation." Park gulped a dry lump of saliva. 

"It's a direct order to do as you say. As long as that doesn't change, I can guarantee no one will place a finger on her."

Straightening his back, Arthur cracked his neck. "I can work with that."

Saying that, he picked up his bag and went towards where Michael and Astrid were. 

As they stood in front of the dome, Arthur looked at Astrid who had both her hands on the dome. 

"Just a little, alright?" Arthur reminded her.

"I got it."

As the skin of her fingers cracked against the dome, Arcanum slipped out in a sudden burst. 

「Spirit's song. Twilight. Fate's hand.」---「Phase 2: Unseal」

The crack on the dome widened. The huge crack caved inwards and the ethereal shards flew outwards. The huge shards were connected by a chord of light as they started to drift away from the dome. Followed by a huge rumble in the ground that made even the buildings shudder violently. 

Not wasting a single second, both Arthur and Michael jumped inside the small crack. At the same time, Astrid reversed her touch on the dome. 

「Titan's chains, Sage's curse. Fate's hand.」--- 「Phase 2: Seal」

She chanted again with a practised ease, not breaking a sweat.

The chords of white that connected the dome's broken shards retracted and pulled it back into place, sealing the broken area once again. With a steady breath, Astrid leaned against it, her palms still touching the dome as she maintained it. 

'Good luck…' 

She saw herself smile in the translucent dome before a surge of determination flooded her. 

On the inside, Michael had his eyes wide open. 

"Bloody hell… " He mumbled as a gust of violent wind slapped his face and blew his white mane behind. 

A surge of pain invaded Arthur's primary node as he swallowed a dry lump of saliva. "No, this is… Eden. Our real world." He spoke to himself, excitement bubbling in his chest.

Yes, indeed. 'YOUR' real world. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

An American and a European on new, foreign land. Nightmare fuel.

Reprobatecreators' thoughts