
Bleach The Visionary

Daniel gray is your normal everyday person, but one day everything changed when he was suddenly killed by an oncoming car and was transported to the world of bleach but not as himself but as Gremmy Thoumeaux. Daniel now Gremmy has to navigate the dangerous world of bleach with his newfound abilities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first story I've ever wrote besides things for school so I'm open to any suggestions or critiques on the story. I will upload Randomly *Warning I don’t own any of the characters in this novel*

Martrigg · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Grand Entrance

Uryu Ishida (Image)

Keigo Asano (Image)

Mizuiro Kojima (Image)

Chad (image)

Orihime Inoue (image)


After watching my first battle and having a conversation with Yoriichi in her cat form I teleported back to school to make it seem like it never happened.

However, upon materializing back in the school bathroom, a peculiar and chaotic sight greeted me. My shadow clone stood there, engrossed in a mesmerizing clash between two elemental entities. One figure blazed with the intensity of pure fire, while its counterpart shimmered and flowed like liquid water. The bathroom bore the brunt of their skirmish, with waterlogged tiles and scorched walls testifying to their elemental combat.

With a calculated gaze, I locked eyes with my clone, a silent question hanging between us. "Did you ever leave the bathroom?" I inquired, my tone devoid of emotion.

My clone's grin was equal parts mischievous and nonchalant. "Nope, been here the whole time, thoroughly enjoying the show." As those words left his lips, the water figure lunged at me, striking my chest with a watery force that sent me crashing into the wall.

Extracting myself from the dented wall, I muttered, "Alright, that's enough." With a determined thought, I dispelled all the whimsical creations my clone had conjured. His existence concluded with a soft poof, leaving behind a cascade of memories that flowed into me, recounting our shared experiences from his first manifestation until now.

Exhaling with a mix of amusement and resignation, I ruminated, "He truly confined himself to this bathroom, watching elementals battle." A sigh escaped me, followed by a muttered, "Well, at least no unwanted spectators..." My voice trailed off as uncertainty took hold. "...I hope."

Another sigh punctuated my realization: "Now I have to come up with an excuse on where I was all of lunch. I guess I'll just say I got lunch off campus. Let's Hope that's a thing."

It wasn't.






[3 weeks later]

After 3 weeks I have become fairly good friends with the main cast. I am even part of their group now. I haven't told them about my powers yet and I tried to stay away from certain events like Orihime's whole brother thing, cause there's no reason for me to intervene and I denied their invitation to that one supernatural TV show. I took a nap instead.

In the present moment, we all gathered in front of our term results, an impending sense of anticipation hanging in the air. I had expected to have to feign ignorance due to my pre-existing knowledge, but reality hit hard when I saw my ranking: a disappointing 47th. "School is truly not my forte," I muttered, my irritation evident in my expression.

Keigo, casting a look of envy my way, chimed in, "Oh, come on, stop complaining. You made it into the top fifty. Meanwhile, Mizuiro and I…" His tone shifted into feigned sadness as he concluded.

Mizuiro and I exchanged knowing glances, unphased by Keigo's antics, and continued scanning the results. Mizuiro pointed out number 23, remarking, "Look, Ichigo did pretty well."

Keigo promptly launched into a monologue of complaints directed at Ichigo's success. I decided to tune him out, letting his words blur into the background.

As the rant subsided, I approached Chad, inquiring about his score. He merely grunted and pointed to his placement at number 11. "I really am stupid" I thought, and I did all that studying too. I sigh in defeat.

Meanwhile, Ichigo had made his way to the top of the list and announced the name of the top scorer, "Ametasu Ishida." Orihime, standing next to Ichigo, corrected him, "It's Uryu Ishida. He's in our class."

While their conversation unfolded, a sudden flurry of movement caught my attention. Rukia rushed over to us, snatching Ichigo mid-sentence and prompting him to leave abruptly. Chad, Keigo, Mizuiro, and I exchanged curious glances as they departed. Keigo, his mind seemingly elsewhere, remarked, "She's quite the assertive one. Wonder when I'll meet a girl like that." I stared at him, my expression devoid of emotion. Confused, he looked back at me and questioned, "What's wrong?"

Meeting his gaze steadily, I deadpanned, "I thought you were gay."

His bewildered reaction prompted an outpouring of musings about girls while I turned my attention inward, contemplating the events that had just transpired. If my memory served me right, this was the night Ichigo first encountered Ishida. A small, mischievous smile played at the corner of my lips. And if my calculations were correct, tomorrow was set to be an interesting day. Finally, a chance to have a bit of fun.

....The next day....

As the final bell chimed, signaling the end of the school day, I stepped out into the open, scanning the surroundings for any sign of Ichigo. Our usual routine was to walk home together, except for those times when he was busy battling hollows.

With no sight of Ichigo, I decided to rely on my ability to sense his spiritual pressure. Following the trail of his energy, intertwined with the distinct aura of Ishida's, I was led to a potentially intriguing encounter. "This might just be the beginning of a duel between the two. I have to witness this," I mused to myself.

Swiftly employing my teleportation ability, I materialized nearby, seamlessly shadowing Ichigo's spiritual presence as he trailed Ishida. Approaching Ichigo, I playfully slapped his shoulder and quipped, "Hey, Ichigo, stalking Ishida now, are we?"

"Yes, Ichigo, why the pursuit?" startled, Ichigo and I both turned to face Ishida, who had halted to address us. Ishida's inquisitive gaze shifted between us.

Stepping discreetly aside, I concealed my presence, watching their interaction unfold with an air of curiosity. My subtle maneuver seemed effective as they seemed to momentarily forget my presence.

In the midst of their conversation, Ishida took out hollow bait and used it. Ichigo's reaction was swift, questioning Ishida's choice, "Why deploy that? It could endanger innocent lives. Our fight is strictly ours, and others shouldn't suffer."

I interjected casually, my voice muffled by a mouthful of popcorn, "Yeah, seriously, why summon a horde of hollows?" My focus shifted seamlessly between the verbal exchange and my snack.

Both Ichigo and Ishida turned their attention towards me, belatedly acknowledging the forgotten onlooker. In his Soul Reaper form, Ichigo queried incredulously, "Wait, you can see me?"

"Yep, and I've been an audience to your whole chat," I affirmed, offering an encouraging thumbs-up with an exuberant grin. "So, time's ticking, better get to exterminating those hollows."

Empowered by my words, they nodded in unity and departed in opposite directions, each committed to their unique objectives.

Left alone once more, I mused aloud, "I suppose I'll bide my time until the Menos Grande arrives." My casual stroll led me in no particular direction before a beetle-like hollow emerged, lunging towards me.

Reacting with precision, I effortlessly swung a gleaming lightsaber, obliterating the hollow with a single stroke. "Guess it won't hurt to thin the hollow population while I wait for the main event," I quipped.

After a prolonged wait, the sky tore open, revealing a colossal white hand that emerged from the tear, as though the heavens themselves were being torn apart.

Seeing this dramatic development, a wicked smile crept across my face, and I whispered, "Time to make my grand entrance."

With a flourish, I teleported silently behind Ichigo and Ishida, who were engrossed in contemplating ways to thwart the gargantuan hollow emerging from the rift in the sky. Their intense focus was broken as I sauntered forward and casually remarked, "Ay, this one's mine."

Their bemused expressions belied their astonishment. Ichigo's incredulous voice broke the silence, "How are going to kill that thing. It's impossible, it's too massive."

With a confident grin, I gazed at Ichigo and retorted, "Not every Quincy is as weak as four eyes over there," accompanied by a playful gesture towards Ishida.

Amid their disbelief, Ishida met my gaze with a solemn question, "Are you really a Quincy?"

My response was a teasing smile before I pivoted on my heel to face the colossal Menos Grande, the sky cracking behemoth inching its way towards us.

I stuck out my arms. My palms facing outward before a gust of golden energy surged from my form, creating enough force to propel both Ichigo and Ishida away.

"What's he up to?"

"What kind of technique is that?"

Both Ichigo and Ishida voiced their bewilderment

The towering titan strode forth each step causing the earth to shudder. Its immense figure advanced methodically, casting an ominous shadow that engulfed the surroundings in an eerie darkness.

The stark contrast between its pale face and the darkening sky created a chilling tableau. Its hollow mask bore an expression of eternal hunger, a grotesque visage that sent a shiver down the spine.

As the ground quaked beneath its colossal footsteps, the air grew heavy with tension. Its hollow eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and the world seemed to hold its breath in the presence of this living nightmare.

The Menos Grande's massive form was a sight to behold, but it failed to faze me; if anything, it only deepened my grin. Its gaping jaw crackled with reiatsu, as a colossal red orb began to emerge within. The air grew charged with tension, the ominous energy palpable. Yet, my composure held steady, a mix of thrill and determination in my gaze.

My stance unwavering, I stood tall, arms extended and palms aligned toward the Menos Grande, my wrists nearly touching. A radiant sphere of golden energy formed between my hands, its brilliance intensifying with each passing second. The very air hummed with the power contained within.

The Menos's imposing figure was etched into my mind, its dark presence contrasted against my luminous creation.

Casting a sidelong glance at Ichigo, I proclaimed with unwavering confidence, "Impossible to defeat, don't make me laugh."

Summoning the depths of my resolve, I unleashed a deafening cry that echoed through my very being. A primal roar filled the air as I poured my essence into the next two words.

"Finnnnnallllll Flaaaaassssshhh!!!"

A deafening explosion echoed through the air as the Menos Grande's cero met the radiant surge of my Final Flash. The collision of energies was a visual spectacle, an epic clash of power that illuminated the heavens.

In the heart of this celestial duel, my Final Flash burned with unwavering intensity. With each passing moment, its luminous brilliance gained ground, pushing against the crimson torrent of the cero. Slowly, my energy began to carve a path through the onslaught, determination fueling its advance.

Then, with a blinding burst of light, my Final Flash triumphed. It pierced through the cero's core, tearing through the hollow's massive form. Cracks of brilliance raced across the Menos Grande's surface, a herald of its imminent defeat.

As the energies dissipated, the remnants of the hollow faded into nothingness. I stood in the epicenter of a self-made crater, observing the gradual dissolution of the once daunting Menos. My grin widened, an expression of exhilaration and triumph.

"It was stronger than I imagined it.' I muttered, a chuckle escaping me as I watched the remnants of the Menos fade away.


Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed the chapter. For the final move it was between final flash or Archer's Caladborg from Fate Stay Night. I don't know if I chose the wrong one, but I thought final flash was a bit better to use for Gremmy's first big move in the story.