
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Cómic
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78 Chs

Chapter 10: Snowfall Scenes

Life in Akachou's Tengoku continued like usual… is what the master of the teahouse would like to say. Kenji was now handling a moody student who was bickering more than usual. In the light of day, Tengoku operated on thin ice. Customers were shaking in their sandals, as the pink terror walked around with bags under her eyes. Her heavy breathing was like the subtle sharpening of the reaper's scythe.

The Fatal Camellia was turning into a deadly garden. Any misstep around her resulted in a terrifying chill traveling down one's spine. Without having to look, anyone who 'had a problem' was sent signals of fight or flight. Patrons worried about the employee's health, often requesting she rest and relax. Whether they were truly concerned about her health or their own well-being, remained to be seen.

Despite her challenges with her sadistic Zanpakutou spirit, she made no complaints to Kenji. The red-haired man was observing her closely, ensuring she wasn't completely breaking down. Silent conversations were shared between the two members of Tengoku. Isolated meditation was now a staple of Furoufushi's free time.

Training under Kenji continued in the mornings, helping her hone basic sword movements and theory. Not once had Furoufushi shown up late to their mornings, even as her sleep diminished to a staggering degree. Under the dim illumination of the rising sun, their mornings were filled with the sounds of cutting wind. For weeks their routine remained unchanging. Sunlight shortened as leaves started to float from their branches in a canvas of yellow and red.

Interrupting the fall season, a rare snowfall began to blanket the streets of Akachou. Litter was covered under the breathtaking coating of white powder. Sightings of children were seldom, retreating to their shelters. Adults huddled around each other sharing small fires made of collapsing homes. Tengoku and its patrons settled into a tranquil hush as everyone watched the brilliant snowflakes descend from the sky.

Furoufushi savored the air of unharmed innocence, forgetting the trials of her training. A warm cup of green tea was placed in front of the daydreaming woman. Breaking from her trance, her violet eye darted up to see Kenji's departing back. Thoughts of her teacher lingered in her mind. She wondered if the man ever took a break. If he didn't, why should she?

Jumping up from a side booth, Furoufushi made her way behind the counter, next to Kenji. She hoisted her defiant sword in her lap and closed her eyes. An imperceptible smile spread on Kenji's lips as he too closed his eyes. His hand retrieved Muhou before leaning it on his shoulder.


[??? POV]

*Whoosh* *shiii~*

"Damn cold…"

The 'inviting' white powder was irritating to an astonishing degree. My vision fogged up again as I trudged through the ankle-deep layers. My oversized, checkered red and black Hanten [short winter coat] was covered in snow.


I had to stop. The river next to me continued to run. Despite the presence of the meddlesome white drops, only the edges of the river iced over. It was an annoying cold, one that teetered on uncomfortable and freezing.

*squeak* *squeak*

My foggy glasses are making my mood even worse. Why am I traveling in early winter? What's the point? Ah, best not think about it. Let's keep moving.

I pulled off from the riverside and headed up into the tree line. Stillness filled the air as I walked. Large patches of snowfall rest away from the sleeping trees. I steer clear of the sleet, using the cover of the trees as makeshift pathways. Before I knew it, I found myself in a similar scene.

"I'm lost…*sigh*"

Maybe going back will help. I turn and walk the way I came from. My ear twitched at a faint sound in the distance. Peering through the thick woods, I can't find where it's coming from. I followed my ears and left the trails under the trees. Trekking in falling snow, the cold begins to seep into my straw Waraji.

"*sniffle* Can't these clouds give me a break?"

My arms slip into my Hanten in search of heat. The warmth of my armpits is immediately seared in aching from my frozen hands. Gritting my teeth, my glasses begin to fog up once more. Before I can stop under a tree to wipe them, I hear what sounds to be yelling.

I hurried in the direction of the shouting. Snow kicked up behind me as I ran. The changes in powder and sleet caused me to slip and fall.

"Wha- Whoa!" *fwof*

My glasses were now coated in the stuff. I have to admit, leaving in the morning snowfall was not my brightest idea. The freezing temperature bit into my hands as I lifted myself out of the white. Moisture sprang off my clothes as I patted myself off.

While I pulled off my glasses, a soft voice of a man broke me out of my episode.

"S'cuse me, young miss, is everything okay?"

With my blurry vision, all I could make out was red hair and a tall, well-built figure. Well, all that was relative since I was 164 cm tall, but I digress. Considering the timing of our meeting, I'm at a disadvantage. A little bait and we'll see.

"Ah! Yes, just a little lost."

"I see. Well, if you turn about 90 degrees to your left, you'll meet up with the road leading out of District 64. Anyway, be safe, it's cold out here."

Eh? You're polite enough to give directions but you won't guide me? Hmm. No point in thinking about it.

"Thank you very much, mister!"

"Don't worry about it."

I bowed to him in thanks before wiping off my icy glasses. His casual demeanor was setting me off a little bit. A second later, a woman's voice came from the same direction as the red-haired man, her tone and words were quite crude.

"Oi, Tenchou. Who's the chick with the huge empty bags on her chest?"

This bitch…

The red-haired man jumped in before I could say anything. His voice turned urgent and uneasy. My face probably looks really ugly right now.

"She just got lost in here. Let's head back, we can start again. There's enough time before we have to go back. Come, Fu-chan."

Fu-chan? I put on my clean glasses to see a young woman with dark pink pigtails, bangs hung over her single violet eye. Her left eye had what I would consider a cute scar. Her face and mannerisms reminded me of those wild bandit girls that only liked to fight. She was a little shorter than me. Her black kimono was quite tasteful with embroidered camellias. She was carrying a common katana. However, her aura was quite fierce, likely hinging on sadistic.

All in all, I could confidently say I hate her already…

My eyes darted to the tall man who first spoke to me. His red hair was slicked back and bound by a white hachimaki. How… original? His bare chest was loosely covered by a blue and white striped happi. The white pants he wore blended into the snow. Before I could make any further observations, his black eyes flashed from the woman at his side to me.

The feeling was strange as if he knew exactly who I was and how strong I was. It was unsettling, but I could tell he judged me as inconsequential. My blood began to boil. But what was the point? What do I need to prove to such a guy?

"She got lost huh? Seems her head's as empty as those massive bags on her chest."

That girl really has a talent for making my head spin scenarios of murder.

I couldn't help myself. "I didn't know pink-furred monkeys lived in this forest. But here you are."

Her eye squinted at me, the tension between us was palpable. "Haa? What'd you say you dirty-"


The air around me shifted. Pressure descended upon my body, causing me to stiffen up. Like being placed under a raging waterfall, I struggled to stand. No doubt that woman had done something to me. I reached into my hanten, grasping at the concealed knife.

*thud* "Krrr~."

The weight on my body increased causing my knees to buckle. The black pupils that were set on me were now condemning her. A second before my knees could give way, his low, stern voice reprimanded the pink-haired woman.

"Enough. You need a real break, I pushed you too far. You haven't been getting enough sleep either. We're heading back."

"But she-" I watched as the girl lowered her head. Shame was evident in her soft voice.

"You're done. We're leaving. You're taking the week off. Give me your sword."

His voice was uncompromising. Hand extended toward her; the pigtailed woman reluctantly gave her sword to him. A relieved sigh escaped my lips.


"I'm sorry about that. We'll be leaving now. Come, Furoufushi."

*Whish* *Whish*

They both left before I could say anything more, they took off in a blur. Realizing my blunder, a wave of powerlessness washed over me. My emotions shouldn't control me. It should be the other way around.


I wouldn't be able to beat her anyway. North Rukongai seems to be more dangerous than I imagined. I couldn't even sense if the man was a threat.

Careful, Batsu, one step at a time.