
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 9: Meeting with a Maiden

[Neutral POV]

District 64 of North Rukongai provides its population with wild crops. While the yields rely on the nearby rivers, many enjoy the scenery of the vast pastures and small groves of trees. Drought and floods were an afterthought for residents, with the mesmerizing winding rivers and streams that seemed to travel forever, residents could care less. Man's intervention is the only thing that can affect the lush greenery in District 64.

A thick tree line protects one such river. The roots secure the soil, retaining water as it remains in the ground, keeping the dirt damp. At this river, a youthful man with slicked red hair fiddled with his white hachimaki. Standing on the gravel at the riverside, his blue and white happi blends in with the white rushing rapids. His black eyes show concern as they peer into the raging river. He shakes his head before climbing onto a boulder beside him, sitting down legs crossed.

He watches, elbows resting on his legs as he hunches over, waiting for something. His resting face is calm, although his pupils flashed in contrast. A faint murmur slips from his mouth as stares out.

'Should be time you finish up…'

A few seconds later, a young woman with dark pink hair emerged near the start of the rapids. Her face drooped in exhaustion. The lungs in her body worked to gather air, causing her soaking black kimono to heave with each breath. She waded through the water, nearly stumbling on the slippery rocks submerged in the river. The man seated on the boulder leaned forward at the sight.

Seeing her reach the shore, he stood and leapt off the boulder. The woman rung out her hair and damp kimono. Upon reaching her, the man's hand extended a towel which she snatched away.

Her exhausted voice resounded over the loud rushing water.

"Next step?"


In a grove of trees away from the river, Kenji and Furoufushi sat themselves in thick grass. Sunlight rippled through the trees' swaying leaves, creating pinholes of light. Birds chirped before flying away in their presence. The pleasant scent of grass and bark tingled their noses. His arm extended handing over her Zanpakutou. She retrieved it from his grasp as he spoke in a serene voice.

"Lay your sword across your lap. Close your eyes."

She did as she was told. A small breeze passed by, picking up fallen leaves in a shower of greens and yellows, her damp hair sailed in its movement. She took a deep breath, allowing the air to fill her lungs. He spoke once more.

"Let your mind wander. You traversed the rapids to the point of exhaustion. Let it go, lose the tension and allow your senses to take over."

Her hands laying on the sword. She drifted.

*whish* *fwooo*

"Let the wind sweep you away."

*chirp* *chirp~* *chirp*

"The sounds of birds will fade into the distance."


"The leaves will dance, free them from your mind."

Kenji watched as her body eased completely, releasing itself from the real world. He smiled in mirth, eyes reflecting her calm state. His lips released a whisper into the wandering breeze as his eyes shut closed.

"Such a pure soul…"


[Furoufushi POV]

The air fell still. The noise ceased. My nose was filled with a cozy scent. Warm green tea and flowers.

How could that be?

Sitting up, my eyes broke open in caution. I was met with a new face. A woman with shimmering silver hair, tied up in a ponytail with a black ribbon. A camellia rested on her right ear. Her eyes were closed shut, decorated with fluttering long eyelashes. A resting smile sat on her elegant face while her nose wiggled as if she sensed something.

Her clothes struck me as odd. Like a Miko [Shrine maiden], she wore a Kosode and Hakama. However, her red silk Kosode had splotches of white in random spots. The Hakama she wore was white, yet it had dashes of red staining its fabric. Her hands were clasped together on her lap while she sat on her knees. She just smiled at me.



Was I supposed to speak? I looked around the room we sat in. It resembled the inside of a shrine. With dark wood and deep shadows, the interior was rather normal. In fact, there weren't any furnishings at all. It was bland as hell.

I turned my head behind me to see an open door. What I saw past the doorway puzzled me. Standing up, I felt my body being pulled to the entrance of the shrine. I reached the door, gripping the frame as tight as I could with one of my hands.


I peeked my head out the door. Billions of colorful flower petals whipped by in a flurry. Like a massive river, the petals flickered by the entrance at inconceivable speeds. The overwhelming scent of flowers filled my head, making me nauseous. My vision scaled up the 'enclosure' of soaring petals. What I found left me in awe.

The shrine was placed in the eye of a typhoon, comprised completely of vibrant flower petals.

My gaze lowered below me.

"Woah!" *thud*

I fell on my ass, left in pure shock. The shrine was floating in the air. We were hovering above an endless abyss.

I was brought out of my daze when I heard an unearthly giggle behind me.


My head turned to find the maiden still sitting in the same spot. Her speckled sleeve was covering her raised lips.

This bitch…

"No need to get angry. Everything is quite new to you. Please, sit."

She quickly bowed her head in apology before gesturing for me to take a seat before her.

My senses were rather tense at the moment. However, her presence was special in an inexplicable way. I humored her and moved back in front of her.



Was she ever gonna talk? Fine.

I fired off a simple question.

"Who the hell are you?"

Her hands returned to her lap when she heard my question. She faced me with utmost seriousness, eyebrows furrowed. She leaned forward slightly, as if she were telling a secret, and spoke in confirmation.


"Yes, you."



"Don't you mean you?"

"That's what I said."

"No, you meant me."

"That's exactly what I said!"

"But you said you…hehe~"

This bitch…I'm gonna kill her.

A fist shot out from my side. Breaking her nose seemed like a good joke.


Huh? She dodged it so easily.

"My~. Such an uncouth girl. It appears I'll have to beat some sense into you."

Her 'pleasant' words sent shivers down my spine.


Two wooden swords dropped from the shadowy ceiling. The maiden swiftly took to the air with a handspring. Her hand snatched a sword in mid-air while transitioning into a front tuck. My eyes widened at the absurd speed she showed. Her wooden sword was going to hit my head. I rolled to the side, out of the way.

*crack* *shatter*

Finishing the roll, I looked back while crouching. The impact of her overhead swing caused some of the wood floor to explode and scatter. I felt cold sweat around the crown of my head.

"Rolling around like an animal. I'm curious, what species of rodent are you? Hehe~."

The maiden brought her sleeve to her face in laughter.

This bitch!

I dashed for the other sword that had landed near her. She slashed at me from her standing position. Without even using her legs, the maiden's 'casual' swing neared my face. I jumped as high as I could before lifting and splitting my legs apart. The sword slipped underneath my jump.


"It seems I was wrong. Could you be a monkey? Can you throw your feces too?"

I picked up the sword, ignoring her snide comments. Turning to face her, I couldn't help but feel my blood boil.

Eat shit bitch!

I dipped low, my target was her ankles. If she wanted the sky, she could have it for now. I'll let you taste the ground soon enough. I slashed at her ankles while she stood, unmoving. The maiden refused to jump, making me uneasy.



My sword passed through her ankles! How is that possible?!


The top of my head throbbed like a boulder hit me. I looked up from my knees. The maiden's eyes slithered open, ever so faintly. I saw a sadistic twinkle in her pure white eyes, her smile turned vicious. Her next words were condescending, dripping with harsh sarcasm, making me quake in fury.

"Didn't you know? I'm untouchable. At least monkeys can be smart. You, however…tsk tsk. Such a shame. I'll have to knock some manners into your empty skull first."



[Neutral POV]

Kenji waited under the shade of the trees. The chirping of birds was weakening, retreating to their nests. The sun was lowering, causing the trees to cast shadows far across the thick grass. His eyes opened while a smirk spread on his lips.

"DAMMIT! YOU'D BETTER-… huh? Tenchou?"

Erupting in fury, Furoufushi found herself standing in a grove of trees. She noticed the sunset seeping through the cracks of the tree line. The situation was really confusing for her. First, she fell 'asleep' some mornings ago. Then she was fighting a sadistic shrine maiden for what seemed like forever. And finally, she 'awoke' to a sunset. To her, it was like two days passed during her fight.

Kenji stood up, turning to walk home. His student chased after him as he spoke with an easy air.

"It's still the same day. You just met the spirit of your Zanpakutou. We achieved this by putting you into a state of Jinzen, Sword Meditation. We overloaded your senses in the river, causing you to exhaust yourself. Weakening yourself physically made it easier to tune in with your Zanpakutou's spirit. Judging by your state, it seems that they weren't too nice."

"Nice?! I was beaten for hours, days! The sadistic woman! Whenever I tried to ask anything, she just hit me over the head. The bitch!"

Furoufushi's veins were threatening to burst. Red in rage she stomped and marched next to Kenji. He chuckled at her misery before soothing her.

"Heh. Well, I wouldn't be too worried. I imagine she'll bug you in the night or whenever you have free time. Now that you've met her, I'll arrange some practical training for tomorrow morning."

Kenji rested his hand on her head, ruffling her hair in amusement. He smirked as they walked out of the grove, facing the open orange sky.


Furoufushi swatted his hand away like he was a bug. Her face showed frustration as she grumbled. She wasn't having any of it.

"Buzz off! You have no idea how pissed I am!"


"I'm super serious you know?!"

