
Bleach Fade to Black

Read Fade to black before this Face? What only for my Kitty, Eggy, & Jasmine … Hmmm… that guy seems too powerful for his own good i better fuck him up and show him who’s the mc… I better keep a low profile for now, “remember low key low key” You want me to help you? Sure… but what benefit can I get out of it? Nothing? Bye. What you’ll be my wife? Sure let me handle it. Hmmm… that guy looks like he can Annoying in the future. Should I let him off for now and let him grow into someone that can Annoy me more….. Nahhh. *Tame him* Make him a pet for my Esdeath.

AFatelessTale · Otras
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33 Chs

Just a Kiss

And so a new day arrived and all the woe's of yesterday were washed away in the rain of our youth slowly drying into memories.

Like it's been the case for the last few weeks Yoruichi would leave before he woke up.

He could have said more to make her stay but knew she needed time to heal. Not that he couldn't wake up before Yoruichi he just chose to let her do what she liked.

Ichigo: Ash isn't my kitty just adorable she's too shy to stay.

Ash:....you sure it isn't because you move your hands around the night too much? Especially where you place them.

As Ash said that she couldn't help but give Ichigo a look of disgust and utter contempt so Ichigo spoke of something else to change the subject.

Ichigo: Let's see Yuzu and Karin should be born in the next few days, So i'll go to karate and hang out with Tatsuki...tho hitting on a little girl is annoying….still if i don't set the flags now it'll be harder to later.

Ash: Why not just use your Mangekyō Sharingan and be done with it?

Ichigo: Because that's far too boring, what's the fun in that.

Ash: Well isn't this like a hunt to you? Aren't they just game?

Ichigo: No i refused to control anyone like a puppet in this world. And i have to feel something if i'm going to go after a girl and they are free to be with me or not.

Ash: But why Tatsuki, at least with that cat she can do something while Tatsuki is completely useless and weak.

Ichigo: Careful your jealousy is showing. Besides she could always get stronger….that and i must admit i have a soft spot for tomboys….



And so Ichigo went to the karate dojo bringing along some snacks and sweets.

Going inside before anyone noticed and said it out loud for all to hear

"Wife your darling husband has return come come you don't have be scared i'll beat up anyone tried to fight back from you."

Tatsuki heard that and couldn't help but blush turning crimson red wishing she could hide, but secretly felt very happy saying baka in her mind.

Female instructor 1:Awwwww isn't that adorable Tatsuki he came to see you again you lucky girl Ichigo already looks so handsome I can just imagine what he'll look in a few years.

Tatsuki Mom: Nice to see again you Ichigo


Tatsuki Mom: hello Ichigo

Ichigo: Oh sorry ms. i just got dazed when i saw, you look especially beautiful today is that a new haircut?

Tatsuki Mom: Oh why you aren't you just the most adorable thing. And it is i'm glad at least someone notice and you can call me mother.

Ichigo: Ok mother is it ok if i go play with Tatsuki i brought her snacks they are her favorites.

Tatsuki Mom: Yes of course go play...

Tatsuki dad: So that charming young man is Ichigo...his eyes really are red...he looks out of this world.

Tatsuki Mom: Yes especially with his dark red-orange hair and the diamond between his brows. UGHHHH i just can't wait to have him as my son in law.

Tatsuki dad: True by what we seen so far he's perfect….still there's that thing about him making a Harem…...

Tatsuki Mom: Don't worry that just some kids being kids he'll grow out of it.

Tatsuki dad:.....alright


Ichigo: Hey Tatsuki did you miss me?

Tatsuki: No

Ichigo: Oh i guess i'll have to eat all these candies by myself.

And as Ichigo showed Tatsuki all those sweet she couldn't help but jump on top of him and say she missed him now give me candy so they talk and played a bit as they eat.

Ichigo: Say Tatsuki do you want lot of big sisters?

Tatsuki: Sure but mom and dad said they wouldn't have more

Ichigo: Don't worry you see i'm going have a harem that means you'll always have sisters to fight and play with.

Tatsuki: Really!!!you promise?

Ichigo: I promise.

Tatsuki: pinky promise?

Ichigo: Pinky promise.

Little did Tatsuki know that was the day she sighed a contact with the devil. And how much heartache it bring her and the happiness yet helplessness that soon followed.

Ichigo: Let's see i pretty much did all i could with Tatsuki after all there's not much to do besides hug and hold hand tho too bad she would get sick so much while we played and would have to call the doctor still good thing i was there to help her every time.


Ash: .........

Ichigo: If you liked we can play doctor.


Ichigo: Careful dear your stepping out of your set anime trope, your on your way to being a Tsundere.

As Ash stays silent…. She slowly moves behind Ichigo hugging him. Not letting see the little tomato. And Ichigo slowly turns to her and hugs her as well.

Ash:...Sorry i just get really jealous and don't wish to share you with anyone...it doesn't help i'm not good at showing how i feel about you ...So i get scared you'll no longer like or want me.

Ichigo:It's ok it's my fault for not showing you how much i care…


And so Ichigo just stayed there kissing Ash softly on the lips.

Ichigo: I love you

That time instead of saying nothing Ash just kissed him to show how she felt when he said that and how she feels now and in the future.


Ichigo: Let's see maybe i should go look for Mizuho…..hope i don't have to shave my head that would suck….Now that i think about it why did she like shave head?

As Ichigo was thinking that he saw couple of kids picking on a boy and girl while the boy was busy crying his eyes out the girl tired to act brave for him but it was quickly failing and was nearing her breaking point as other girls were pushing her around ripping her clothes and pulling her hair. He could also see a guy with a shave head a few yards away.

Ichigo:.....you gotta be kidding me….


Ichigo:.....Well if it's what the plot says it's what the plot say. Cheap ass writer couldn't be anymore transparent.

Female bully 1: Look you little shit just give us the money you are holding and we will be on our way.

Female bully 2: Fuck i'm getting tired of this bitch.

As she said that she slapped Mizuho making her fall and another bully came and got on top of Mizuho and started to beat her face.

While all this was happening the guys just stood back acting as if nothing was happening giving the finger to anyone that walk by. But before they could say anything else Ichigo came and kicked all the guys faces in.

As for the girl he simply punched them in the nose. He just didn't care if they were male female or not all of them were left with a bloody nose.

And to rub salt in their wounds he took all the money they had. Keigo just stood there petrified while a gentle golden stream went on a journey down his pants until it reach new land on the sidewalk.

As for Mizuho she just stayed there frozen on the ground as Ichigo reached down pulling her up giving her the most charming smile she had ever seen.

However before she could say anything Ichigo picked her up like a princess saying it's alright they can't hurt you anymore. And took her to a park that was nearby while telling Keigo to follow.

As for Mizuho she couldn't help but blush especially when she heard him say under his breath how dare they hurt such a beautiful girl. As they got to the park Ichigo looked at them and said he'll be back and quickly ran off.

Mizuho wanted to tell him to stay but he was gone before she could get a word out. And she felt hopeless like something replaceable was gone from her life and would never come back, and finally started to cry she felt even worse than when they were beating on her.

But not even 3 mins passed and ichigo came back with some bages. He reach down with his fingers and wiped her tears away.

Ichigo: Now what may be the cause of such a beloved girl tears to stain her beautiful face.

Mizuho saw who it was and quickly got up jumping into ichigo's arms crying even harder.

Ichigo just wrapped his arms around her petting her head and softly said in her ear "There there let it all out" and Keigo well….he just stood there crying his eyes out, unknown if for his pee, the beating he got, or seeing his big sister cry. But finally after 10 mins they stopped crying.

And Ichigo said he bought some stuff from the store some warm food and hot cocoa for them, A pair of new pants and shoes for Keigo and a new dress and the same looking clothes they ripped from Mizuho.

But first gave them first aid after all they were covered from head to toes in bruises. Ichigo tried to get Mizuho to eat and dress herself in new clothes. But she didn't want to move away from Ichigo, so Ichigo just had her sit on his lap as he fed her while she was blushing so bad you could see smoke coming out of her head.

Ichigo: Oh you have some rice on the side of your check and near your lips. Let me get that for you.

And he did reached down to her face to eat the first rice and as he was but to eat the last one near her lips with his own.....

For those of you that have said it's been too short

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts