
Blades of Balance: Trials of the Hydro Archon Focalors

Not my fanfic. i only share ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bored of her mundane life, Furina yearns to experience something new. Luckily, her wish was about to come true as a man with a mysterious past enters her life. Our protagonist, gifted with extraordinary swordsmanship and an undying spirit embarks on an unexpected journey as he rediscovers himself. Could this be the man she has been waiting for all her life, the one that could save her from this seemingly never ending loop? There was more to him than meets the eye, but that was a risk she was willing to take. As Neuvillette watches with concern, Furina revels in the chaos that unfolds. New chapters thrice a week! Author's Note: This will be a very long fanfic but that doesn't mean the story is slow paced. This fanfic was initially written about 1 month before Fontaine's release but most of the chapters are after 4.0. Why did I choose an OC? Because I felt like Furina deserves better. She needs someone that can truly understand her. Hence, I had to make up my own character. The story gets quite steamy at times and has violent fight scenes as well so its not for everyone. But if you're someone that enjoys an action packed, romantic fanfic with some drama here and there, then this is for you.

DaoisttAYuDl · Derivados de juegos
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30 Chs

Chapter 21: Hearts Entwined

After a night filled with passion and love, the love birds finally woke up early in the morning and began to dress for the day.

Furina's mismatched eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as she started putting on her outfit. She elegantly donned her signature dark blue suit, adorned with accessories that resembled delicate water droplets.

Next, she slipped into her white shorts. The top hat she wore featured a cute ribbon and white frills.With her outfit complete, she put on a pair of gloves, black on her right hand and white on her left. The contrasting colors flowed well with the rest of her outfit.

As she put on the finishing touches, Kyouya couldn't help but be in awe of her divine presence.

"Looking as gorgeous as ever," he mumbled.

He wore his distinguished Maison Gardiennage uniform, reflecting his rank as the Captain of the esteemed force.

As they stepped out of the apartment, the vibrant streets of Fontaine greeted them.

Furina playfully slipped her arm through Kyouya's with a captivating smile. Linked together, they embarked on a leisurely stroll, their steps in perfect sync with each other.

He felt an indescribable warmth enveloping him as they walked arm in arm. However, while moving through the streets, he could sense the envious glances directed their way.

"Hey, wait! People are staring at us," he whispered.

"And? It's just the renowned Captain Kyouya escorting the cute Hydro Archon. I don't see anything wrong with what," she giggled.

"So you don't mind being seen with me in public like this?"

"Not really. If anyone has a problem with us hanging out like this then they can take it up with me."

"I-I see…"

He wondered what people must be thinking, but he held his head high, determined to cherish this rare moment with her.

Furina's presence radiated a unique charm, captivating the hearts of everyone who glanced their way. Despite the attention, Kyouya found comfort in the way she held him, as if he were the only person in her world.

At that moment, he was truly at peace. He was willing to face any challenge head on as long as she was by his side.

"I'm bored, entertain me today," she smiled.

"H-huh? But I have to get to work."

"What's more important? Me or your work?"

Kyouya stopped walking and gave her a blank stare.

She broke out into a hearty laughter upon witnessing his confused expression.

"I'm just messing with you. Don't get so serious."

"Ugh..," he sighed.

"Don't worry, You don't have to go to work today. I'll write it off," she chuckled.

"You're abusing your authority again…"

"And? Who's gonna stop me?" she asked with a mischievous smile.

"No one, I guess. Alright, what did you have in mind?"

"Obviously we should go watch the grand magic show. The twins are performing in a bit. I even reserved seats for us!" she said, staring expectantly into his eyes.

"Reserved? You were planning on making me skip work all along!"

She simply dragged him along. They walked for a while before finally reaching the crowded venue.

"Wait a minute, they're performing at the Opera Epiclese?"

"Yeah, is there a problem, Kyouya?"

"You didn't even have to reserve these seats, they're yours by default."

Furina laughed as she eagerly entered with Kyouya reluctantly following her.

"You know… magic isn't really my thing," he sighed.

"Have you ever seen a magic show?"

"Well no, I just don't find this stuff interesting. It's not magic. It's just sleight of hand, isn't it?"

"I see. Then would you like to leave?" she asked

"N-no! If it's with you I don't mind watching," he pleaded.

"Aww, you'd go that far for me? I'm so lucky," she chuckled.

As the lights dimmed, they both walked towards the VIP section. Furina sat on her throne and Kyouya stood beside her.

This was the perfect spot to experience the magic show. Not too close, yet not too far.

On the stage, the spotlight was positioned on the charismatic twins, Lyney and Lynette, as they gracefully took their positions. Dressed in fancy attire, they exuded an aura of mystery that captivated the audience from the very start.

The show began with Lyney performing a mesmerizing card trick, skillfully manipulating the deck with his hands that seemed to dance in perfect harmony with the cards.

As the night went on, the duo presented a series of awe-inspiring illusions, showcasing their extraordinary abilities in the magical arts.

Feats of levitation, vanishing acts, and mind-boggling escapes held the audience spellbound, leaving them in awe of the twins' remarkable talent.

Furina watched in amazement, her eyes fixed on the twins' every move.

Even though Kyouya didn't care at first, he found himself becoming more invested in the show with each passing second. This was the charm of the siblings.

As the grand finale approached, Freminet, the third sibling, made a flashy appearance on stage, joining the twins for a spectacular display of magic.

Their coordination was flawless, a testament to the deep bond they shared.

The audience erupted into thunderous applause as the curtains fell, marking the end of the incredible show.

Kyouya and Furina exchanged delighted smiles as they left the VIP section.

"Alright, Furina. You got me. This was really fun to watch."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Kyouya."

"Hold on, I gotta hit the restroom real quick," he said.

Furina nodded as she settled onto a bench nearby.

He made his way to the restroom where he ran into Lyney. It seemed like no one else was there.

"Hello, Captain!"

He turned around to see someone calling out to him. It was none other than the magician he witnessed earlier that night.

"Huh… you know me?" Kyouya asked.

"Of course, I do. Your face is always on the front page. Kyouya, the valiant Captain of the Maison Gardiennage!" Lyney clapped.

Kyouya felt a bit embarrassed at this.

"T-thanks I guess. Hey, I really enjoyed your show tonight."

"I'm glad the heroic Captain thinks we're worthy."

"You give me too much credit, Lyney."

"You're worthy of the praise though. Anyways, you should keep your eyes peeled, Captain. Magic is what you see with your own two eyes. However, seeing is not believing," Lyney chuckled.

"H-huh? What are you talking about?"

"In the space of a short performance, a magician must shatter the barrier between reality and fantasy, giving the audience a glimpse of the extraordinary!"

Freminet quickly cut in and placed an arm on his brother's shoulder.

"Excuse me, Captain. Don't pay too much attention to what my big brother says."

"R-right! It's just artistic stuff. Don't dwell on it too much, Captain," Lyney laughed nervously.

"Whatever you say," Kyouya sighed as he walked out of the restroom. He noticed Lynette leaning on the wall.

"Hey… I gotta ask. Are you a real cat girl?"

She stared at him blankly.

"Sorry, weird question."

Before he could leave, he heard a soft voice.

"Yes, I am."

Kyouya turned back to smile at her and promptly left the area.

He found Furina waiting for him at the benches. Getting close, he reached his arm out to her.

"Did I take too long?" he asked.

"Oh, not at all!"

She looped her arm through Kyouya's, their fingers intertwining naturally as they walked towards the exit. As they strolled through the bustling streets of Fontaine, the city's lights glimmered around them.

Furina's laughter filled the air, as she kept talking about the ridiculous cases she handled in the past few days, while Kyouya silently listened and nodded at occasional intervals.

He was enchanted by the way her eyes sparkled with joy and couldn't help but admire the beauty that radiated from her.

The mesmerizing sounds of the city enveloped them, the laughter, music and the gentle hum of Fontaine's vibrant nightlife.

"We should hang out like this more often," Furina said as her eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Of course..," Kyouya smiled.

As they continued strolling down the road, a sudden beeping from Kyouya's walkie-talkie disrupted their leisurely walk.

He swiftly took it out of his pocket and listened intently to the transmission.

"Attention, this is Alpha Squad. We've got an… Oni attempting to breach through the restricted barrier. He seems to have his own crew. Backup needed urgently at coordinates 23.456, -45.789. Move out and engage with extreme caution. Over."

Kyouya assessed the situation and it sounded awfully familiar to him. He turned to Furina with a conflicted look.

"Looks like we'll have to cut our date short," he sighed.

"There's no way I'm letting you have fun by yourself. I mean, really, an Oni? I absolutely have to see this. I'm coming with!" Furina exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Right… well then, let's bounce."

Kyouya couldn't deny her request, knowing she was more than capable of handling herself. He crouched down, offering his back to Furina.

"Get on," he smirked playfully.

"W-what? You can't be serious.."

Blushing at the unexpected gesture, she hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to climb on. As she settled onto his back, he could feel her arms wrapping around his shoulders.

"Hold on tight," he said while taking a deep breath.

Kyouya channeled his electro powers, as tiny sparks crackled around his body.

"Let's see how fast you really are," she taunted.

"Rolling Thunder," he whispered under his breath.

He dashed forth with thunderous speed, carrying Furina on his back.

The wind rushed past them as they moved and Furina couldn't help but let out a delighted scream, enjoying the exhilarating ride.


"Can you not scream in my ears?" he laughed while sprinting.

As they blitzed through the busy streets, bystanders stopped in awe, their jaws dropping at the incredible display of speed.

People stepped aside, making way for the duo as they zoomed by like a bolt of lightning.

Kyouya was also able to easily navigate through the crowd even though his sheer speed could be considered uncontrollable for most.

He had finally mastered his Electro powers thanks to the long and painful training with Ei.

"I'M LOVING THIS!!!!" she screamed.

Kyouya couldn't help but smile at how much fun she was having. Her happiness meant everything to him.

The journey was over in a flash, and they finally arrived at the venue. He gently let Furina down, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

The officers that had gathered outside the scene looked on in amazement.

"We absolutely have to do that again!" she exclaimed with a wide grin.

"You know… It's not normal for an archon to act so childish but you're so damn cute when you do it," he teased.

"Shut up already!" she kept punching him playfully.

One of the officers approached the doting couple, clearing his throat before addressing them with a salute.

Kyouya acknowledged him with a nod, his expression transitioning from playful to serious.

Furina observed the interaction, a small smile playing on her lips as she witnessed the contrast between Kyouya's silly and professional side.

The officer quickly briefed them on the situation, outlining the details of the Oni and his gang attempting to breach the restricted area.

Kyouya listened attentively, while Furina watched with keen interest. She admired the way he handled himself with authority and grace.

Once the officer was gone, Furina leaned in closer to Kyouya, her voice soft as she whispered in his ear,

"You've gotten pretty good at this police stuff, Captain."

"Hey.. can you not tease me right now? This is serious stuff, alright?" he sighed.

"Alright, alright," she chuckled.

He approached the scene and spotted some familiar faces.

The Oni was none other than Itto. The Arataki gang was accompanying him. Kyouya couldn't help but sigh as he observed the chaotic situation before him.

"Well, well, look who we have here. Causing trouble as usual, Itto?" he asked, crossing his arms.

Itto's jaw dropped slightly, seemingly caught off guard by seeing Kyouya in Fontaine.

"Wait, you? I thought you worked for the Tenryou Commission! Why are you here too?" he stammered.

"I'm a Captain for the Maison Gardiennage. I don't work for the commission, I just helped them once in arresting you."

Furina, standing beside Kyouya, observed the exchange with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Ah, is this the stupid Oni you dragged across Inazuma?" she teased.

"Hey, Lady! Who ya calling stupid?" he growled.

"I'd watch my tone if I were you. This is the Hydro Archon, Focalors," Kyouya warned.

"W-what? THE HYDRO ARCHON? Why is she here? Am I in that much trouble?" Itto almost broke into tears.

Kyouya shook his head.

"As much as I'd love to catch up, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to put you behind bars, Itto." he said firmly, gesturing for the other officers to take charge of the situation.

"Wait! I wasn't trying to trespass! I just wanted to see the fancy magic show everyone's been talking about!" he whined.

"That show ended an hour ago," Furina laughed.

"Ah… I guess we wasted too much time chasing that one onikabuto, boss!" Akira said.

"It's never a waste to acquire more onikabutos, Akira!" Itto laughed.

"Yeah, we'll be taking those from you as well, " Kyouya sighed.

"WHAT? NOOO!" Itto shouted as he was taken into custody alongside his gang.

"I'll deal with him later," Kyouya muttered.

"I'm sure you will," Furina giggled


With the situation under control, they resumed their date.

Under the shimmering moonlight, Furina's delicate fingers wrapped around his arm.

"I'm not letting you go tonight," she whispered.

Kyouya smiled, as they strolled hand in hand through the streets.

The city was filled with vibrant colors and sounds, a symphony of laughter and chatter from its lively inhabitants. They wandered through charming alleys and quaint shops, their laughter blending with the ambient sounds.

Before Kyouya realized it, they had reached Palais Mermonia. He had lost track of time chatting with her. They stepped inside and boarded the elevator, reaching the top floor.

Hand in hand, they walked to her door. Her bedroom was a breathtaking mix of extravagance and cuteness. It was adorned in shades of turquoise and silver, with flowing water motifs etched into the walls.

A luxurious bed, draped in majestic blue fabrics, stood as the centerpiece, accompanied by fluffy pillows and plush aquatic-themed stuffed oceanids. Crystal chandeliers illuminated the space, while elegant decorations adorned the shelves.

"Looks a bit different from the last time I was here," Kyouya chuckled.

"Go on," she said, pointing at the bed.

He slowly settled onto the plush bed. As he made himself comfortable, a mischievous smile graced Furina's lips, and she swiftly jumped onto his lap, hugging him tightly.

Kyouya couldn't help but be enchanted by her infectious laugh, his heart beating in harmony with hers. Their hands found each other, intertwining effortlessly as they chatted endlessly for hours. He talked all about his journey in Inazuma and explained how he spent a whole year fighting Ei in another realm.

Furina was awestruck upon hearing about his experience. While she already knew that he possessed immense strength, she didn't expect the fight to be that close. She realized that there was still so much to him that she didn't know and couldn't wait to find out.

The night felt endless, as if time had slowed down to savor this moment. They found themselves wrapped together in a loving embrace, their fingers tracing soft patterns on each other's skin.

However, as the hours passed, Kyouya's eyelids grew heavy, weighed down by the warmth of Furina's embrace and the soothing sound of her voice. He had a long day but he fought hard to stay awake, not wanting the enchanting night to end.

Both of them lived demanding lives, with Furina entangled in court proceedings and Kyouya faithfully fulfilling his role as a Captain in the Maison Gardenniage.

He knew that their responsibilities meant they couldn't always spend time with each other like this. So, he always cherished these rare moments together.

The drowsiness washed over him like a gentle tide, making it increasingly difficult to keep his eyes open. After all, even the strongest fighters would need to rest from time to time.

Furina, noticing his struggle, softly caressed his hair.

"It's alright, go to sleep. I'm not going anywhere," she whispered.

Kyouya's head gently found its place against her chest.

With a contented sigh, he passed out almost instantly while Furina continued to silently stroke his hair. The deadly warrior seemed ever so innocent at this very moment. He found peace in her arms.

"You look so adorable right now. I should take some pictures of your sleeping face," she whispered.

But, she started feeling fatigued herself. Unable to hold on any longer, she leaned in closer to him.

"Maybe later… I'm too tired to go fetch the Kamera now," she yawned.

In the soft glow of the moonlight, they slept in each other's arms, a picture of serenity and love

Will finally be free tomorrow. Can't wait to speedrun Fontaine exploration. Also, Furina drip marketing is really close (hopefully) so I'm pretty excited for that too.

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