
Blades of Balance: Trials of the Hydro Archon Focalors

Not my fanfic. i only share ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bored of her mundane life, Furina yearns to experience something new. Luckily, her wish was about to come true as a man with a mysterious past enters her life. Our protagonist, gifted with extraordinary swordsmanship and an undying spirit embarks on an unexpected journey as he rediscovers himself. Could this be the man she has been waiting for all her life, the one that could save her from this seemingly never ending loop? There was more to him than meets the eye, but that was a risk she was willing to take. As Neuvillette watches with concern, Furina revels in the chaos that unfolds. New chapters thrice a week! Author's Note: This will be a very long fanfic but that doesn't mean the story is slow paced. This fanfic was initially written about 1 month before Fontaine's release but most of the chapters are after 4.0. Why did I choose an OC? Because I felt like Furina deserves better. She needs someone that can truly understand her. Hence, I had to make up my own character. The story gets quite steamy at times and has violent fight scenes as well so its not for everyone. But if you're someone that enjoys an action packed, romantic fanfic with some drama here and there, then this is for you.

DaoisttAYuDl · Video Games
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30 Chs

Chapter 20: Her Dawning Desires

Kyouya trudged into his dimly lit apartment, the weight of the recent battle still lingering in his mind. With a deep breath, he finally reached his bedroom.

He began taking off his tattered uniform, piece by piece, revealing the numerous wounds that adorned his body like battle scars. His breathing quickened while assessing the damage to his body.

As an experienced fighter, he was used to tending to his injuries, but this time it seemed like he suffered more damage than usual.

"I guess that's to be expected when I'm pitted against a Harbinger. That guy was a monster," he sighed.

He slowly limped to the small cabinet where he kept his medical supplies.

With a delicate touch, he cleansed his wounds with antiseptic, gritting his teeth against the stinging sensation.


Once cleaned, he carefully wrapped fresh bandages around his arms and legs, wincing as he applied pressure to the more severe injuries.

The process was slow and painstaking, but he refused to leave any wound untreated.

With his wounds properly tended to, he put on his shorts, allowing himself to collapse onto the softness of his bed, the mattress offering a brief respite from the physical strain.

His muscles ached with every movement, a constant reminder of the ferocity of the fight he had just endured. He stared at the ceiling, recalling the events of the day.

"Atleast Childe is behind bars now. That was one hell of a fight," he yawned.

He brought his hand closer to his face, looking at it momentarily. Not too long ago, his fists were burning and his body felt like it would tear itself apart.

"I don't know what I've gotten myself into. Hey, Raum! You still there?"

He tried calling out to the voices in his head but there was no response.

"I guess I can't just willingly call it."

As the minutes ticked by, his body slowly relaxed, sinking deeper into the comfort of his bed. In that moment, if only for a short while, he savored the blissful escape that sleep offered him.


The next morning, as the soft light of dawn entered through the curtains, Kyouya woke up from his slumber.

He could hear a gentle knock at his door, and groggily rose from the bed. With a yawn, he made his way to the entrance, opening the door, while still in nothing but his shorts.

It was none other than Furina. Her eyes sparkled as she wrapped her arms around him. Despite the pain that pricked at his wounds, he couldn't help but savor the warmth that radiated from her touch.

"Agh…" he winced out softly.

"Sorry!" Furina said, stepping back for a bit.

"It's alright."

With a gentle nudge, he pulled her into his apartment, shutting the door behind them.

He moved carefully, as he guided Furina to sit beside him on the couch. Her eyes softened as she observed him.

"Kyouya, you don't look too good."

"You should see the other guy," he chuckled.

"Yeah… you almost killed him."

"Sorry… uh.. I don't know what came over me back there."

Furina reached out and gently traced the lines of his face with her fingers.

"What are you apologizing for? They're Fatui scum. You don't have to feel sorry about anything. You did what you had to… so you could protect Fontaine… so that you could protect me…"

Her words resonated deeply within him, and he found himself surrendering into her arms.

"I heard that you used a Pyro delusion during that fight too…"

"Actually, I didn't just use it…. I absorbed it."

"Right… just like last time with the Electro delusion. So… can you still use your Pyro powers?"

"That's right," he replied while holding his palm out, as small flames flickered in it.

"Wow! How does your body feel right now?"

"Same as usual… I guess I'm getting used to this absorption thing somehow?"

"Impressive… does this mean you could potentially use all seven elements if you were to somehow get your hands on all the remaining delusions?"


"I see…. well that's irrelevant. I can't have you doing something like that."

She paused for a bit before continuing.

"Who knows what will happen to you if you absorb all seven elements? You might lose your humanity."

"You're right…"

He recalled how the voices encouraged him to keep killing. During the fight with Childe, he almost lost control of his own body due to the sheer power he was wielding.

"Furina… I-"

"Hmm, what's the matter?"

She looked into his eyes.

Kyouya wanted to tell her about the situation but ultimately decided not to. He didn't want to sound insane.

After all, who would believe that there were voices telling him what to do?

"It's nothing."

"I get the feeling you're hiding something from me," she said, as her fingers gently caressed his cheek.

Kyouya couldn't help but be captivated by her beautiful heterochromic eyes, and he found himself smiling in response.

"You know me too well. But rest assured, it's nothing too serious," he replied playfully.

Furina raised an eyebrow as she continued to tease him.

"Oh, really? And here I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other."

"Trust me," he conceded, leaning in to press a soft kiss on her forehead, eliciting a blush from her cheeks.

"You… Ugh, fine." she pouted.

Suddenly, she got up and stared into his eyes. She took off her gloves and tossed them away before settling herself into his lap, lovingly wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I know you're tired, but... surely you can handle this?" she asked playfully.

"Of course…"

Unable to wait any longer, Furina's lips suddenly crushed against his in a fierce, passionate kiss, her tongue pushing its way past his lips and exploring every corner of his mouth.

She deepened the kiss, as her hands roamed over his body, tracing lines along the scars on his rough skin. Grinding against him, her movements grew more desperate with each passing second.

As the seconds passed, Furina finally pulled away from the kiss, her breath coming in ragged gasps as they gazed into each other's eyes. She smiled softly, her fingers gently caressing Kyouya's cheek.

"I've been waiting a long time for this. I missed you so much."

Her voice was hoarse with hunger, a raw cry for ownership that echoed through the room like a primal call to mate.

He pulled her close once more, savoring the feeling of finally having her in his arms. To him, it felt like a millennia without her.

"I missed you too, Furina."

Without wasting a second, they began kissing again. Furina tossed her hat aside, her hair cascading around her shoulders in a shimmering waterfall of blue white locks.

His hands started moving quicker, caressing her body while she tried to maintain her composure despite trembling under his touch.

"Naughty boy, you're so impatient!"

Furina's eyes flashed with lust as her hands ran along his chest and shoulders before coming to rest on his neck.

She bit down softly, her teeth sinking into his skin, as she left small bite marks that would serve as a reminder that he belonged to only her.

"Mine…" she whispered.

Kyouya moaned a bit upon feeling her teeth on his skin but ultimately enjoyed it.

As Furina slipped out of her dark blue suit, her body was revealed in all its glory. She was slender and toned, with curves that begged to be explored.

The white lingerie she wore accentuated her natural beauty, drawing attention to her cute breasts and delicate waist. Even though she was a rather petite woman, she managed to look unbelievably sexy.

He moved down and began licking her neck, savoring the taste of her sweat. His touch sent shivers down her spine. At that moment, it felt as if they were both animals in heat.

"Slow down, cutie," she whispered, her warm breath brushing against Kyouya's ear.

She stood before him, fully nude save for the delicate lace undergarments that clung to her body like a second skin, inviting him to take her in that vulnerable state.

"Like what you see?" Furina asked with a hint of mischief in her voice, as she twirled her hair playfully.

"You know my answer will always be yes," he replied.

With a seductive smile playing on her lips, she reached out and took hold of one of his hands, guiding it towards where she wanted it most.

As Kyouya slowly unhooked Furina's bra and traced his hands along her delicate breasts, she let out a soft moan of pleasure, her eyes closing in anticipation of what was to come.


When he finally cupped her breasts softly, she sighed, savoring the warmth of his hands against her sensitive flesh. He moved closer to begin sucking her tits and she let out another soft moan, her fingers slowly working their way into his shorts.

Her touch was gentle, stroking the sensitive areas within reach until he could no longer resist the temptation to give in.

"You're already this big."

"I can't help it… you're too damn sexy, Furina,"

"S-Shut up already, dumbass!"

Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment at his words.

She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should continue or stop out of respect for her divine image. But then, she realized it was just the two of them here. What was even the point of holding back? She didn't have to put up an act here like she always did in public. She could finally let loose… in front of him.

Kyouya stopped sucking on her breasts and pulled away momentarily. Furina watched as he undid his shorts, freeing himself from their confines. His throbbing cock was right in front of her.

She gulped upon observing his member up close, her eyes trailing over its length and thickness. It wasn't the first time she had seen it, but each time she did, she was fascinated.

As an Archon, she had always led a rather sheltered lifestyle. That was… until she met him. She reached out tentatively, running her fingers along the veins of his shaft, feeling its heat and rigidity beneath her fingertips.

"Look at you all fired up," she giggled.

As Furina removed her thong, she sat before him naked, in all her glory, her body exposed and vulnerable in ways that only heightened her sensuality.

The sight of her perfectly sculpted form sent waves of desire coursing through his veins, making it difficult to maintain any semblance of control or restraint. It seemed like he was the predator and she was his prey, ready to be taken.

"I'm so lucky."

Furina blushed at his words, turning her gaze away from him. She couldn't look him in the eyes in this state.

"Just how long are you gonna make me wait? Get it over with…" she spoke shyly, her voice barely audible.

Kyouya scooped the little lady up from the couch, cradling her in his arms. She nestled against him, savoring the embrace of his strong arms.

"A-Am I too heavy?"

"No, you're actually as light as a feather."

The soft glow of ambient light cast a warm embrace around them, painting the room in hues of tranquility as he carried her with a touch that was both tender and protective.

Furina's thoughts drifted back to that fateful day. The last time Kyouya carried her like this was back when Arlecchino had nearly claimed her life.

She was on the brink of death and accepted her fate. But somehow, this man had saved her against a high ranked Harbinger. This was completely outside of the realm of expectation. She knew Kyouya was strong but did not think he could go up against the Knave of all people.

Just how was he able to do it? Was there more to him than she knew? She decided not to dwell on it. None of that mattered now because they were together.

The memory sent a shiver down her spine and Furina held onto him tighter, finding solace in the strength of his embrace. She knew that he was her steadfast protector against any turmoil that might arise. With him by her side, she could stand strong and lead Fontaine to a better future.

Upon feeling her touch, Kyouya gazed into her eyes.

"Is something wrong, Furina?"

"No. All is right in the world, as long as you're here with me," she smiled.

"That's cute."

She covered her face out of embarrassment.

"Stop teasing me!"

"Sorry, I couldn't help it."

They finally reached his bedroom and he gently placed Furina down on the bed.

Taking a deep breath, Kyouya got on top of her on all fours, rubbing his member at her entrance.

"Mmmph!" she moaned.

"How badly do you want this?" he asked while pushing a strand of hair away from her face.

Though he was far gone in lust, his heart continued to beat rapidly. The sound of their breathing resonated through the room, gently dispelling its silence.

"Y-you… are you gonna make me beg for it!?"

She squirmed on the bedsheets, her delicate fingers grasping for a pillow she could hold on to.

"Of course… you always act like you're in charge but today… it's my turn." he smirked.

"This isn't fair!" her signature pouting graced her features.

Though Kyouya wanted to treasure her, he also wished to ravage her, to get drunk on her, and consume her in that moment.

He wanted her to acknowledge that she belonged to only him.

"Swallow your pride for a bit," he looked into her eyes, pleading to be one with her.

Furina let her eyes wander away as she was pinned down, nowhere for her to escape against Kyouya's strong yet gentle embrace.

Even though she wouldn't confess this willingly, she had dreamt of being taken only by him.

His throbbing cock could only make her walls yearn even more to be filled up. She was ready for him.

"F-fine! I want your big juicy cock inside me!" she shouted, throwing all of her ego away, albeit momentarily.

This was nothing like the dignified and elegant Hydro Archon everyone knew. That was the extent she was willing to go for him.

"Ask and you shall receive, my queen."

Without wasting a second, Kyouya slipped his member inside Furina, causing her to wince in pain.


"Oh, am I going too fast?"

"N-no! I can take it! Don't you dare stop!" she said, looking into his eyes pleadingly.

Kyouya pulled her closer and kissed her as he began thrusting. Her walls tightened up at the sudden assault.


Furina could feel his dick throbbing inside her and getting hotter by the moment. He was close. She locked her legs around him, and hugged him tightly, pulling him in closer.

"F-fuck… I'm cumming!" he shouted.

"Me too!"

Droplets of sweat trickled down Kyouya's cheeks as he pushed his hips against her own one last time, finally releasing his semen within the warm walls which clenched on his cock.

His hands gripped her hips tightly, holding her close as he let his pent-up arousal paint her insides with his fluids until his cock deflated.

He looked at Furina one last time to check for any signs of discomfort, before sliding his member out of her pussy.

With each pull, her own fluids mixed with his cum leaked out. He felt proud of the beautiful sight before him and couldn't wipe the grin off his face.

"Wow… you really got into it, Kyouya. I've never seen this side of you before."

"Sorry, maybe I was too rough. Got caught up in the moment."

"No… it was perfect."

He lied down next to her, staring at the ceiling as they both began panting heavily.

Furina snuggled up in Kyouya's arms, her head gently resting on his chest. Their breathing synchronized as they basked in the comforting silence of each other's presence.

The rhythmic beat of his heart lulled her into a sense of tranquility. She felt safe in his arms.

They stayed like that for half an hour before Furina finally sat up.

"I need to take a bath…" she yawned while stretching her limbs.

"I'll join you," Kyouya whispered as he sat up, hugging her tightly from behind.

"Oh my, you've gotten way clingier than before."

He didn't say anything and only smiled at her.

"Ugh, fine. Let's go," she said playfully as she got up, taking his hand.

They waltzed over to the bathroom together.

Furina settled onto the bathtub while Kyouya reached for the faucet and turned the knob, allowing the water to flow. She could feel the warm water soothe her muscles.

He got into the tub, settling himself behind Furina. She leaned onto his body and relaxed herself.

"I wish we could be together like this more often," she whispered softly, while resting on his body.

"I feel the same way," he said while pulling her face in closer for another passionate kiss.

While kissing her, he slid his hand onto her pussy and began rubbing vigorously. She instantly froze up at his touch, not expecting him to be horny again right after the intense sex they had just a while ago.

"Mmph! What are you doing? Ahh~" she moaned.

Furina leaned back, her eyes closed in contentment as she enjoyed the sensation of his fingers teasing her most sensitive spot. Her hips begin to gently rock against his hand, her moans growing louder and more intense with each passing second.

As he continued to pleasure her, Furina's body became increasingly responsive, her movements becoming more urgent and desperate for more stimulation.

"Would you like me to stop?" he asked playfully.

"N-no. Please... I need more..."

Kyouya continued rubbing faster while nibbling on her ears. Her eyes remained closed, her head tilted back slightly as she allowed herself to fully indulge in the pleasure.

He used one hand to pleasure her pussy while using the other to grope her delicate breasts. Her breathing became heavier and more irregular, her body trembling with anticipation of what's to come next.

"Ahhh.. I'm close," she moaned.

"Let it all out, my queen."

Furina's toes curled up and her orgasm hit like a tidal wave, her body convulsing and shivering uncontrollably as waves of pleasure washed over her. She closed her eyes, almost passing out in his arms, panting heavily.

Kyouya brought his hand closer to see that it was full of her love nectar. He began licking his fingers, savoring the taste.

Furina finally opened her eyes and looked at him, her cheeks flushed and lips swollen from the intensity of her release.

"H-hey! Stop that!"

"But it's so delicious"

"Well then, it's my turn now," she said as she turned back, facing him directly.


She grabbed onto his dick and began stroking it, while staring at him mischievously. He closed his eyes as he groaned at the touch of her soft yet cold hand.

Without warning, she took his member inside her mouth, her tongue swirling around the length eagerly. Her skillful technique sent shivers down his spine, and he felt himself growing hard within moments.

"Holy shit… you've gotten so good at this, Furina…"

She continued to pleasure him, using her tongue and hands to bring him closer and closer to the edge. Her breath was hot against his skin, her passion and enthusiasm evident as she worked tirelessly to please him.

Her focus remained solely on Kyouya's pleasure, ensuring that every moment spent together was unforgettable. He couldn't hold back any longer as his dick began throbbing in her mouth.

"I'm close…"

Upon hearing his words, her skillful technique intensified as her tongue worked its magic on his sensitive flesh. With every stroke, Furina pushed him to the brink until finally, he could hold back no longer.

"I-I'm cumming!"

Kyouya's release came in waves, pouring forth from his body as she took him deep into her throat once again. She savored the taste before finally swallowing it all down.

He turned to look back at her and watched in awe as she moved away while licking her lips.

"You really swallowed it all?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?" she smiled while licking her lips.


"Then we're even," she whispered into his ears, stepping out of the bathtub.

Kyouya smiled as he watched her playfully strut out of the bathroom.

"What a woman…"

Whew, I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of writing sex scenes. It may not be perfect but I'm happy with how it turned out. I hope the readers enjoy it too. The initial draft (from like a month ago?) felt so boring compared to this. The scenes were the same but I just didn’t like what the final product looked like. It felt… emotionless? I guess that’s my problem since I’m not good at dealing with emotions myself. I would like to shout out my bestie Sheep for proofreading this. She gave me some valuable pointers to improve upon this. I love ya, bestie!

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