
Billionaire sweet love

Tina was separated from her brother at the age of 9 when their car was met with an accident that caused the death of her mother. Tina was enrolled in an orphanage a few months before she was adopted by Mr Texas.Things took bad turn when mr Texas business suffered loss.Tina sign a contract to becomes a surrogate mother at the age of 18 for an esteemed CEO of the most powerful empire in the capital in exchange for 5 million dollars to save her adoptive father’s company

olasunkanmi_esther · Fantasía
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5 Chs

The chosen surrogate

On one end of the hospital hallway, the accompanying secretary held her phone in one hand and a report in another,representing from the document

Tina is a 19 year old student. Your father was negligent in his buisness and went bankrupt. According to investigations information is correct. Your overall physical condition is proven fit by the medical tests and there won't be any issue regarding your custody rights

This girl was regrettably unable to meet the condition for in-vitro fertilization. Then, they could only seek an alternative method.

Tina sat still on the bench she gazed at the scenery outside the window her expression were strangely calm, yet deep within her watery eyes was complete darkness

Although the young lady delicate features made her look even younger,her tender face,as if she had experience many vicissitudes of life, showed a look that was incompatible to her age.

She was the chosen the one in a million. Because of her aesthetically pleasing visuals,the remuneration provided by her employer was generous. The sum of five million dollars was already astronomical to her.

Three days ago tina secretly signed a contract without her father's knowledge and then she was brought over to this location she was locked inside the room everyday and was forbidden from contacting anyone outside and even more so from going out as though she were a quarantined patient.

She knew that in order to prepare for her pregnancy they needed to ensure her health so that her body will be better suited to carry the baby.

The three meals made for her a day were extremely exquisite. Ham, beacon, beef,bread. Everything was almost too extravagant. She knew that those foods were beneficial to people preparing for pregnancy. Even though she did not like to eat them, she could only forcefully them down.

Tina dared not to disobey any orders,as absolute obedience was one of the conditions stated in the contract.

Thus everyday she faithfully followed her employer's secretary and anxiously came to this private institute to undergo medical examination.

This employer of her was very mysterious;She had not seen him even once. She only knew of the contract and signing it would entitle her to a remuneration of five million dollars. This amount should be enough to help her father's out of his financial crisis.

She dis not dare to mention this matter to her father, when she left,she only left behind a note and did not say a word of goodbye because of the lengthy period of surrogacy she would probably be unable to go home anytime soon. Thus she temporarily did not have to worry about facing her father's apprehension.

According to one of the conditions in the contract ,she needed to be put under close observation all the the time until she conceived.when this condition was met,before the next day,one million dollars will be deposited in advanced to her father's bank account. She would be payed extra sum if she gives birth to a baby boy as mentioned by the secretary.

Surrogacy it was laughable she had thought of everything to earn money but selling her body had never been one of them. However since it was a large sum, she could not help but be moved by it.

In financial straits she choose this road look down.

By the sea. A luxurious sea suite villa.

The villas around this area where presented with the best views and thus the exorbitant land prices where a given.

After a simple tidying up an extravagant limousine brought her to the villa. The vehicle quickly departed after she was given some instructions. The secretary told her that tonight he would arrive. Tina took a deep breath she was no longer in the mood to appreciate the beautiful sea view

She tugged at her luggage and entered the villa with a heavy heart.

Night fell. in a luxurious bedroom the curtains were tightly drawn and blocked all the lights.

Within the silent room. She took her bath and quietly lay down in the king-sized bed she was requested to where a blindfold. She lost the sense of her sight yet her sense of hearing was greatly enhanced. She could even hear the sound of the sea breeze blowing and crashing and crashing unto the shores. Without the blaring lights and the hustle and bustle of the city, the silence could make one hair stand on the end.

Soon after she heard the sound of an engine running getting louder as it approached from the distance a vehicle halted in front of the villa and it engine turned off.

At that moment,her usually calm her tightened as she felt an unprecedented nervousness and restlessness. When the footsteps walking up the stairs grew louder as they drew close. She could no longer maintain her calmness. As she was feeling uneasy the door flung open.

Along with the sound of steady footsteps,Tina could sense that someone had come in and stopped by her bedside. She was absolutely nervous by now and promptly sat up on the bed.

He…. He is here! Is it my employer?

She was on tenterhook's when one side of the bed slightly dipped- a clear indication that someone has sat on it.

Tina was feeling perturbed and leaned her back against the wall for support. She felt absolutely awkward and was glad that in front of her was stifling datkness. She could only barely make out a a towering figure before her, yet her heart still beat with helplessness.

Although she could not see his face,somehow,she was able to sense his strong,overwhelming presence, especially his cold line of sight.

He had the air of aggressiveness unique to a ruler, has if he where a noble arrogant over lord. As for her she was just like a tributes brought to him in ancient times.

Tina opened her mouth and spoke in a somewhat vague manner. You who are you.