
Billionaire sweet love

Tina was separated from her brother at the age of 9 when their car was met with an accident that caused the death of her mother. Tina was enrolled in an orphanage a few months before she was adopted by Mr Texas.Things took bad turn when mr Texas business suffered loss.Tina sign a contract to becomes a surrogate mother at the age of 18 for an esteemed CEO of the most powerful empire in the capital in exchange for 5 million dollars to save her adoptive father’s company

olasunkanmi_esther · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Unable to withstand him

The man remained num. he moved his body and slightly bent forward, leaning closer toward her. Tina only felt his looming presence get nearer.

Immediately,the imposing figure pressed down on her and completely imprisoned her under his body. Her body shook from the effort of withstanding his body weight. She curled up into a ball and then she was no longer able to move. She nervously held her hands before her chest. She was nearly suffocating.

Not waiting for her to react,the man narrowed his eyes and pulled her clothes straight up. Her soft, milky white skin was exposed to the air. Suddenly his large hands dwell in.

"Wait" she exclaimed with a trembling voice. May I take a look at you?


His youthful yet deep voice was akin to red wine,rich and mellow. It was a husky voice that could draw people in.

" I can't see anything….I am scared."

He scoffed and,with an extremely deep voice,said "you don't have to look and you don't have to be scared"

The girl's delicate body had yet to develop fully. She was still soo pure and tender that her slender waist could easily be held in one hand. His icy finger rubbed her lips harshly and played around with it nonstop. " just close your eyes"

How delightful the tender touch was, just like silk.His fingertips were a little moist and chilly, and when they came in contact with her skin, she could not help but to shrink a little.the darkness in front of her eyes only made her more scared.

His thin lips left her body. He apparently thought that her one piece was in the way l, since he tore it apart in the next second.

His next violent move made Tina stiffened. She dare not move recklessly. Her heart beat thunderously in her chest. It was as if her heartbeats were forcing themselves out from her throat.

Shame,panic and fear... with all these emotions weighing on her, she could hardly breathe. It was in that moment that she started to regret her decision.

She initially thought that she could do it. It was just bearing a child for him after all. She might have no experience, but as a woman this was something she would come across sooner or later. However, facing this unknown yet domineering man. She lost all the courage she had at the start. Right now she only felt utter fear.

She had just become an adult and had not experienced any form of intimacy yet. She never even held a boy's hand in her entire life. Naturally, her heart was unwilling. Still she was unable to resist his invasion. Under his provocation, she slowly opened up like the flower buds under the morning sun.

He lowered his head and ignoring her uneasiness and fear, he brushed his thin lips past her jawline, making her tremble profusely.her body became more sensitive to his invasion.

Tina breathing became ragged,unconsciously she reached out and grasped his large hands to try and stop his invasion. He seems to have perceived her thoughts.

Grabbing her hands he lifted it above her head with ease. She was even more frightened.

Her heart was constantly resisting. But it was to no avail. Her entire body trembled with utter fear, yet she had no way to reject him.

Tina shrunk her shoulders in an attempt to dodge him, but little did she know that the unintentional contact made the man's body temperature rise and become scalding hot.

The man sucked in a breath of cold air. He actually almost went out of control. This girl was truly very attractive. He could not believe that he nearly lost himself.

Tina was shocked at the overly intimate move and tried to shrivel her shoulders further she instinctively pushed him away. "Don't "

He ignored her little resistance. Tina exclaimed. Subconsciously squirming around, she incessantly pushed his chest away. However he merely grabbed her wrist tightly.

To prevent her from resisting any longer. He got off the last thing in his way. Tina was breathless when she realized what was going to happen next. She tried to refuse his touch as her body continuously sank.

How she wished she could hide away in a world where he could not enter. His dominance seems to have scared her really badly.

"No…. Don't"


Fredrick felt dissatisfied with her resistance. He slowly raised his eyes and held her chin with his hand. Under the dim moonlight,his eyes dropped down to look at her bashful face he asked coldly,what? You don't want this.

Tina tensed you and pursed her lips. He squinted his eyes and mercilessly rubbed her lips with his thumb."woman, you know what you have to do by coming here,right ?"

Her expression suddenly hardened as her body continuously quivered. She was uncertain whether it was because of the pain or the fear of his callousness.

Staying silent for a long time,

her almost hoarse voice let out a broken sobs."I....I know"

"Then do you still need me to tell you what to do?"His straight eyebrow twitched as his cold voice asked this.

Tina bit on her lower lips hard and had her eyes welled up. She then felt a string of moisture flowing into the slit in her lips and her mouth was filled with the taste of bitterness.

She knows that they were just going by the contract. They were not in a relationship with each other, so any form of intimacy was established by the contract and nothing more. Still no matter what she was not going to bear with this humiliation.

Fredrick gave her a cold smirk. He was not intending to give her any more time to get used to him. Binding her hands, he shoved them to the top of her head. The corner of his mouth curled into a nearly cruel smile.

"Your mouth, open it"

Tina's facial expression gradually went numb. She then slowly shut her eyes in despair and circled her arms around his shoulder with difficulty she buried her face into his neck.

In that moment, she knew that she had already crossed over into the depths of sin.Fredrick was satisfied with her surrender and abruptly delved in at one fell swoop. Breaking that layer of boundary was such a vivid sensation.

Gritting her teeth,Tina endured her voice was hoarse, she inhaled in the cool air as she tried to withstand the excruciating pain.

Her body became as stiff as a strong stone and was no longer able to move. It was a jet of something unfamiliar and strange l, as if it was tipping her apart in that instant her vision almost went black and she nearly passed out from pain.

His everything was too much for her to withstand.