
Not So Easy to Bully

Moris saw Samantha going towards the rest room and she followed her immediately. She was going to teach this country bumpkin a lesson of her life.

Samantha entered the lady's room and she could finally breath properly. She couldn't explain what was happening to her. Why was her body reacting to that dog man? She looked at how red her face was in the mirror and she felt even more embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Moris arrived at the door of the lady's room with a sly smile on her lips. She had her plans perfectly mapped out. She confirmed first to make sure only Samantha was inside then she threw in an incense candle that could make one's sexual feelings highlighted. Her movement was small so Samantha did not notice anything. After she threw in the candle, she made sure to hook the door from outside and she changed the sign on the door to men. She patiently waited for a perfect guy to come around. When she spotted a middle aged man, she immediately put up a seductive show.

"Mr, please you have to help my friend" Moris coquettishly said.

The eyes of the man was filled with lust as he already had an idea what kind of help the young lady was requesting for. 

"What kind of help does your friend need, miss?" The man asked playing along.

"Sorry to bother you but I and my friend had too much to drink and she suddenly started feeling hot. So she asked me to help her get help with her dress." Moris shamelessly acted with her moves giving the impression of a slut.

"Well, as long as your friend is a pretty as you, I will be patient to help" the man licked his lips.

Moris laughed pretentiously " of course,my friend is even more beautiful than I am and I am willing to give you $3000 for the troubles". 

The man's eyes lit in greed and lust. He smiled as fate was really good to him today.

"Okay young miss, I will go in to help your friend now" The man opened the door and went inside. Before now, Moris has set a hidden camera to capture the whole scene. She bolt the door from outside to make sure no body interrupts her plan.

Meanwhile, when Samantha was done freshing up, she suddenly felt dizzy and hot. The feeling was unusual and she was sure it was not due to alcohol. But something was definitely not right. She felt so hot that she wanted to rip her cloths off and the only image in her head was the handsome face of Lucas. She called his name faintly as if it could wake her up from her dizziness. Just as she was about to give up, a figure appeared before her.

"Lucas". She called trying to hold into him.

"Don't worry miss, I am here to help you feel good" the man licked his lips. Damn, the lady was even more beautiful than he expected. He did struck gold today.

Samantha heard a different voice from the person she had imagined. Then it dawned to her that the person standing was not Lucas. As if this realization brought clarity to her mind. She begin to struggle. The man was startled by her resistance and wondered if she really wanted him but his list overtook him and he forcefully start to tear her cloths.

"I like women who struggle, so the more you struggle the more exicting it will be" the man continued his assault.

Samantha, despite her weakness and clouded mind did not give in. She suddenly kicked the man in his neither region and that gave her a space to escape. But, unlucky for her, door was locked from the outside and won't open not matter how she tried.

The man stood up angrily and pounce on her.

"This fierce girl really like to play rough". He thought. Samantha struggled to keep her cloths and mind intact. Remembering she had pin that was used to hold up her hair, she reached out for one and stabbed the man on his acupuncture point. The man fell fainted and fell like a log. Samantha managed to get him off her. She took his coat and wrap it around her body. Fortunately, this was a high ended hotel and there was an escape door created in case of emergency. Whoever set her up did not know this. Samantha did not want to cause a scene or become the subject for the news if people finds her in that type of compromised situation. Most of all she didn't want to bring more trouble to Lucas. That dog man could add another contract if she rubs mud on his name.

Meanwhile, the party was almost ending and Samantha has been gone for almost an hour. Lucas looked at his watch and frown. What was keeping that ferry cat woman or did she get lost? A hint of complexity appeared on his face. He suddenly had a bad feeling. Samantha knew no one other than him in this banquet so it was unexpected she had wondered off chatting with a friend.

"Grayson" Lucas spoke through his ear connected device. "Samantha is missing! Spraead the body guards and I want her found as soon as possible." Lucas eyes flashed with fear. He was a man with so many hidden enemies and anyone close to him was a target. He prayed his thoughts was wrong. He took large steps to the restroom. When he checked the restroom with the sign of female, he noticed immediately that the signs have been switched. He quickly went to the one with the sign male and he was surprised to find it bolted from the outside. Just as he was about to go in, Moris rus came out of her hiding.

"Mr Green, please wait. I promised Samantha I won't let anyone inside" Moris acted so well to sow discord. Originally, she just wanted to use the video footage to threaten Samantha to leave Lucas but since things has developed to this point, she will be more ruthless.

"If you have something to say, say it!" Lucas was impatient.

"She told me to watch over the door and make sure no one comes in while she play around a bit" Moris framed. 

Lucas sneered obviously not believing her tale but she was confident that the scene inside will match her story.

Lucas kicked the door open and his face darkened. Moris was confused and speechless. 

How could that bitch have escaped! She would have believed the girl was a spirit but she realized she must have used the escape door. That bitch was so lucky. She was still lost in thoughts when she felt a murderous gaze. She looked up to meet Lucas's drake face.

"Moris will you tell me what happened here or should I inquire myself" Lucas almost breath fire.

"I didn't ... It was not me... Please spare me Mr Green" Moris could never t resist the pressure and knelt with a thud. 

Without being told, Lucas could analyse what the situation was as he already perceived a foreign scent when he entered the restroom. Just then Grayson appeared covered in sweat.

"Mr Green, we found her. She is now in the car" Grayson Said.

Lucas nods and begin to strode out then he stopped and turned to Moris " If I discover that as much as a hair is missing from her, then I will make you feel what it means to travel to hell alive" Lucas threatened the already scared Moris.

"'Grayson, take her and the man to the dungeon. I will tell you what next to do" Lucas strode out and walked to the parking lot.