
My Woman

Lucas gave no room for objections and Samantha could not imagine what more requests he would demand of her for the next 12 months. She was surprised on how much could happen within 12 hours. She wished she could just go home and cuddle Rosy to sleep. Speaking of Rosy, she still hasn't seen her. She glared at Grayson. She didn't give him any rating because he was also helping that scum bag to manipulate her.

"Where is my cat?" She asked 

"Want your cat now?" Lucas stood up and Samantha took steps backward. It might look like she is not afraid of him but deep down she was scared of this man god.

"We are not done with business. We still have a banquet to attend and I won't tolerate it a second time" Lucas walked towards the door with the air of authority. Samantha could not take her eyes off him.

"Damn he is so handsome" Samantha blushed at her own conclusion. Lucas stopped and turned to look at her.

"What are you still doing standing there?" He asked 

"I didn't know I was supposed to follow you." Samantha rolled her eyes.

"Now you know so please do me the honors by accompanying me to pick a dress for you" Lucas hooked his lips in mockery.

"Jesus!" Samantha exclaimed. This man was a dare devil insulting her with every sentence.

"You could have said it nicely without mocking me. Moreover aren't you too busy to follow me around to pick a dress" Samantha narrowed her eyes wondering why she has to stick to him.

"Of course I am so busy that a minute of my time is worth millions of dollars" He slide his hands into his pocket appearing more enchanting. He lowered his face to her ears and whispered the next sentence. " But I am not too busy to accompany my woman to pick a dress" Samantha turned red with his breath fanning her ears. She was feeling so hot despite the cold temperature.

Lucas was amused with the color of her face. She acted so fierce but in truth she was a very shy woman. She looked so young and innocent that when she assumes the role of a fierce woman, one could not help but want to pinch her cheeks. Lucas chuckled and this made Samantha's face turn green with anger. She knew he was teasing her and she didn't know why she couldn't just ignore him.

"Okay" Samantha said hooking her arms on his. Lucas stiffened at her touch but he soon relaxed and and places his free hands on her waist pulling her close to his chest. Her scent hit his face and he breath in the enchanting fragrance. 


Click click.

The flash light of the camera almost blinded her eyes. This was the first time she was attending a grand event and she could not hide her trembling hands. Lucas noticed she was shaking and he tightened his hands around her waist. 

"Feeling nervous?" He said into her ears. His breath tickling her ears. She was dressed in a black gown with printed silver at the hem and edges. Her extremely curvey figure was highlighted by the dress. She looked charming but with a seductive vibe. Her pearl like skin was shining like moonlight on the dress. The skin that was exposed made the dress appear on her body like milk and chocolate. Lucas wondered why all his walls against women was easily broken by her. If she was sent by his enemies to seduce and kill him, he would easily die at her hands without her doing much.

Samantha blushed at his question adding another bit of red to her slightly made up face.

"I can handle myself" She snorted but smiled at the camera.

Lucas chuckled but did not exposed her lie.

"Wow, who is this beautiful woman that Mr Green brought to today's event?"

"In all my life, I have never seen a woman as beautiful as her. I feel she is drawing my soul"

"Maybe she is one of this hidden princess, who only appear when they are of age"

"Well, whoever she is , she is bad luck to all the single women who are dying to be Me Green's Woman".

"Who said she is a princess? She could just be a plaything used to drive away other competitors. We all know Mr Green is not into women and that has been like that for long. So who ever this woman is, she is just a plaything." Moris clicked her glass and smirked her lips. That bitch dare bully her! Her end won't be so easy. She will make this banquet her last untill a very long time.

The women looked at Moris and nodded.

"I guess we were going faster than our shadows. Mr Green has a phobia for women. My son works in the marketing department and he confirmed to me that Mr Green does not allow any woman to come near him so he must be using this lady to die the news of him being into men" They all nodded and kept their lips shut. Moris did not get the outburst she was expecting but the night was still young and she was not in a hurry. She sipped her wine and smiled at her mischievous plans.


Lucas entrance got the attention of the big shots and they could not miss the opportunity to curry favor from him. After all, it's not every day you see the formidable Billionaire in a social gathering like this and it's even more rare he had a woman's company. It made him appear less cold.

"Mr Green! Long time no see" a middle aged fat man with round belle came towards them with a slender younger man.

"It's an honor to have you attend my banquet" Mr Lot bowed in gratitude.

"No need. You are too polite Mr Lot" Lucas slightly hooked his lips. He knows it was just a pretentious greeting to get his attention. Aside formal meetings, Lucas and the Lots had no contact at all. They were small flies company he allow to co-exist with the Greens. Lucas knew the game of the business world 'fear the strong and bully the weak'. Moreover, the Lots was like a fox spirit among the business world. Pretending to be just a small group of companies whereas they run an underground empire. Lucas specifically attended the banquet because he suspected one of their sponsor was going to attend the event. His open presence was a cover up for his background agents to do their investigation.

"Well, whatever you say Mr Green" Mr Lot chuckled playfully. He turned to the young man beside him "This is my nephew Richard, he just graduated from a prestigious institution aboard, and wants to join the business world, I hope he will be willing to learn something from Mr Green?" Mr Lot asked hiding his intention.

Lucas sneered. It seems the Lots are becoming more bold over the years. He was openly placing a spy in his company. What a crook! Well Lucas was always looking for a way to crush this small flies and Mr Lot just threw him a beacon. He smiled knowingly.

Mr Lot was almost sweating thinking Lucas has noticed his intention. This was like stealing from the lions den and if not that he was following orders from below, he would never dare this human devil. Just when he thought Lucas will reject his request.

"My company welcomes him anytime" Lucas looked at the young man who seems timid in nature but he was a spy! They always appear weak in the open to cover up their tracks. Samantha too was stunned, she might never have been into business but she had instincts and her instincts told her this young man was trouble. If she could sense the danger that means Lucas can too. So why did he accept it?

She looked at the man, she has only known for half a day but it felt like sha has always known him. Lucas noticed her gaze and squeezed her hands. It was like couples communicating with signs.

"I am really flattered Mr Green" Mr Lot smiled in relief. The young man looked up and muttered a word of thank you. Samantha almost rolled her eyes at the display of pretense.

"Wow, business talks has blinded my eyes from recognizing the miss beside you" Mr Lot blurted out as it was now he realized that Samantha was there. Actually, he had investigated her and gotten information through his connected ear device. Her simple background further clarified his assumption that Lucas was just putting up a show.

Lucas showed a rare smile "I rather you don't talk about my companion. She is a very reserved woman and I don't want her identity to be leaked" 

Mr Lot was not surprised that Lucas wasn't going to explain the lady's identity but what struck him was the fact Lucas called him a gossip who could leak secrets! He was about to lose his cool in front of this arrogant man. But he calmed himself. After all he was able to fool him tonight. The formidable man might not be all that formidable.

"I apologize for my curiosity, Mr Green" Mr Lot faked an apology. "Please at this juncture, I beg to attend to other affairs" Lucas gave him a nod and Mr Lot left with his partner.

"You know that young man is up to no good, why did you still accept him?" Samantha couldn't bear to ask.

Lucas smiled and lean in to her shoulders" How will I prove he is up to no good if I don't give him a chance?"

"Geez, you man eater! "Samantha blushed as his breath fanned her neck. "You could just say so without leaning in so close" she was irritated by his constant approach and she is now wondering if he was doing it on purpose or he was just teasing her.

"If I don't lean in, how will I get to see so much color on your face" Lucas whispered into her ears. Samantha elbowed him but her hands were soft and they felt rather ticklish.

"Stop being dramatic! It does not suit you" Samantha complained 

"I am only being cooperative so they will think we have a good relationship, Samantha" 

God! This man was going to kill her with all these little actions. Why does it seem like she was dealing with a different person from the formidable boss just now? This man was driving her crazy and she is beginning to feel hot.

"I am going to the restroom" Samantha fled from his side but the colors on her face did not escape his sight. He wondered why he felt extremely happy teasing this ferry cat woman.