
Billionaire's Revenge Mission

Her parents died , her sister kidnapped and her family broken in just one night ... There was only one name attached to that - The Ramos' ! Ruby Bernado vows to take revenge on The Ramos . Most especially Gael and his father Tiago!. *** She's back ! not just as anyone but as the badass, Icy CEO; Liza De Novo She's back to deal with those who messed up her life! She'll make them pay , For her shattered family ?, Yes!! For her broken heart? , Sure!!! And her first mission is making the Ramos pay & I'll ruin their lives just as they ruined mine seven years back & Will she accomplish her mission?, Get back her sister and revenge the death of her parents ?? Even if her heart beats for a Ramos?!The one who betrayed her? Find out in this novel filled with Love , Hatred, betrayal , and deep secrets !!

therealessylove · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Liza De Novo

Gael's POV

Ginny stood up also and we walked out of the hall.

"So what next?" I asked her.

"You have a free day sir" she replied

" Good , book an appointment with the CEO of LDN"

"Yes sir"

'I hope you let me have it this time Liza'

I headed to my office while she headed to hers . Immediately I got in ,I arranged the files on my table and grabbed my phone and suitcase.


I got into my car , started it and drove off . Some minutes later I arrived at my house . The automatic gates opened and I drove in.

The guards helped me open the door . One of the maids helped me with my suitcase and took it to my room.

" Gael " Claire called as I made my way to the living room. Claire is my younger sister and is in her third year of college.

"Come see something" she added

I sighed and sat on the couch beside her.

It was the news.

"You know how much I hate listening to this?" I called out tiredly.

"You should get used to it" she rolled her eyes.

"I heard the LDN CEO held a press conference yesterday, they are about to show the full video again," she added, pointing towards the screen.

I immediately looked at the TV. Though I had seen the clips on the internet yesterday, I bet this would be more detailed.

"Welcome again to B Star News. The CEO of LDN Corp has finally revealed her real identity. The people tagged it **The Big Reveal** As found out in the conference, her real name is Liza De Novo" The reporter started.

A video came up on the screen


"Hello everyone"

"I know I've kept my identity for a long time now and many people have been wondering who's the CEO of LDN Corp, well today I'll give you your answers . I am . Liza De Novo is "

" Ma'am, why did you keep your identity for so long ? "

" Personal reasons "

" But m-"

"And I hope everyone respects that , we all do things because we have reasons for doing them , I kept my identity as the CEO for reasons best understood by me "

"So ma'am, do you have any siblings or relatives we should look out for ? "

" None "

" Ma'am, as we all know , it's very rare to have female CEOs, how was the journey to becoming the CEO of the top organization in the States"

" Firstly , there's nothing like *female CEO's *. It's a unisexal issue . Well back to the question , it was hard , but i made it to the top "

"If that's all the questions, I'll take my leave now"

"As we have heard , you have refused to book an appointment with the CEO of Ramos Corp, your biggest rival and have countlessly rejected any appointments they try to book. Why is that?.Is it related to you keeping your identity a secret ?"

"What I do and why I do it is nobody's business. I do what i think is right for my company"

" And you think being proud is the best thing?such brat! " Someone from the crowd fired and everyone gasped at that outburst.

*Liza smirks*

"Excuse you?!.This is not an avenue to insult her, you should at least try to be polite "

"You think I am proud huh?" Liza smirked, resting my chin on my palm.

"Have you met Gael?, try being in my position and let's see how humble you are"

" I have said earlier, I do things because I want to and because I have reasons for doing them , so no one questions my actions, " I added .

"If that's all , I'll take my proud leave now"


The video went off immediately returning the reporter back to screen.

Why on earth would she bring my name into this ?

'Have you met Gael?What does that even mean?'

I sighed and glanced at her picture which was on the screen. Liza was wearing a black trouser , with a black turtle neck top and a white armless sweater on . The top was tucked in neatly and her black shiny long hair was neatly styled down . She had a blank expression on and she didn't look like a nice boss at all , she looked like a boss who is out for some company, probably Ramos Corp.

I stared intently at her face.

The reporter said something which I wasn't interested in before the screen went blank and then came up again on a random channel.

"So , how's the state of your company now?" Claire asked, turning to look at me.

" Sales are fluctuating and it's all because of that damned company" I replied tiredly .

"Don't you think that company is suspicious, i mean this whole LDN shenanigan is suspicious"

" Look at it , the company just come up from nowhere and is out for your company and to top it the CEO is a cold , hot headed looking lady"

" Hmm, i don't think so Claire, she probably remained anonymous cause her life is in danger , but i don't know why she's wanting my company down by all means or why she had to call my name? "

"Seriously!. Just don't think about it too much and don't forget to always take a rest" she smiled.

" Yes" I forced a smile.

" By the way mother called me , she said your phone was turned off"

" Yeah , that's cause of the press conference"

" Whatever just text her later"

I nodded and headed to my room


" Mother! "

" Son! "

" Can you please understand me for once?" I half yelled in frustration.

" I do , and i want the best for you also, know that"

" Cathy and i are just business partners , nothing more than that "

" Business partners?Wow! '' Mom said sarcastically and I could tell by that tone , she had a smug look plastered on her face .

"Is there anything I can do for you to stop talking about this issue? " I asked tiredly.

Like I'm sick of this Cathy's issue!

"Yes!, Get married to her"

"Seriously??, mom?! . I already have some issues on my neck and now you're pressing me to get married to just anyone"

" I like how you call Cathy just anyone" she replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

" Mom i - " I was going to say something but I decided against it .

"You know what mom?, I've heard you, I'll figure something out" I replied more calmly

It's useless to argue or try to prove a point with mom , she never agrees with anyone and always wants to get her way. She's just the perfect match for father.

"Now that's more like it . I have to go now" she said, satisfied and hung up before I could even think of saying a word.

I sighed, dropping my phone on the bed. Why does my life have to be this complicated?.What have I ever done to you , dear universe?

Suddenly i remembered Liza's words

*What i do and why i do it is nobody's business*

Sounded so familiar, it sounded just exactly how SHE would always put it.

Whatever! It could just be a coincidence, anybody on this Earth would think of something like that .

I sighed and grabbed my laptop which was on the bed and made to type something when the screen went blank and in a microsecond , Javier's face popped on the screen

"Dude" he called

"Hey" I returned his cheerful greeting in a bored tone.

"What's up with you, you said you were going to call today"

" I got real busy," I replied to his latter question.

" So what's up with you? " He asked again .

"Nothing, just thinking about how my life got so frustrating and complicated" I mumbled running my hands shortly through my hair.

" You're just realizing how complicated your life is? " he asked with a slight chuckle.

" Heck yes!"

"So were you able to get an appointment with Liza?"

" She refused my earlier appointment. I asked Ginny to schedule another one" I replied

"You saw her press release right?She's one damn pretty lady" he added and I could bet my company he had thought of being friends with her.

"But hot headed , did you see how she put up a blank expression the whole conference?, more than any guy would"

"Whatever , but for the time being , buddy , don't get worked up. I know your life is complicated" he said and chuckled a bit .

" But get free , go to the club , have a drink, relieve yourself from the stress " he advised.

" Thanks for that wonderful advice Javier" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious"

"Goodnight" I said instead and ended the video call.

"Ah" I sighed, shutting down the laptop .

I closed it and placed it gently on the study table before walking into the bathroom.