
Billionaire's Revenge Mission

Her parents died , her sister kidnapped and her family broken in just one night ... There was only one name attached to that - The Ramos' ! Ruby Bernado vows to take revenge on The Ramos . Most especially Gael and his father Tiago!. *** She's back ! not just as anyone but as the badass, Icy CEO; Liza De Novo She's back to deal with those who messed up her life! She'll make them pay , For her shattered family ?, Yes!! For her broken heart? , Sure!!! And her first mission is making the Ramos pay & I'll ruin their lives just as they ruined mine seven years back & Will she accomplish her mission?, Get back her sister and revenge the death of her parents ?? Even if her heart beats for a Ramos?!The one who betrayed her? Find out in this novel filled with Love , Hatred, betrayal , and deep secrets !!

therealessylove · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Fancy me bumping into Liza

Liza's POV

I chuckled darkly.

" Oh Ander, are we really going to play dumb here?" I drawled smiling inwardly at his terrified face that he was trying his best to hide.

"Ms. De Novo, you can't just come into my office and accuse me, " he replied, trying his best to keep a calm expression.

" Mr Tiago Ramos is my business partner and nothing more than that " he added

My eyes darkened.

" Tell me the truth, Ander!" I growled silently , slamming my fist on the table. He flinched slightly and i smirked at his facial expression

Such a scaredy cat !

"What do you want?"

I smirked, getting on my feet still holding my phone tightly.

"You are quite aware that Tiago is involved in firearms and drug smuggling" I started, slowly pacing the room.

" And I have evidence you are involved in it"

"Excuse you?! "

" I'm not done talking" I snapped .

"And I know you are one of those giving him funds" I added.

" I could expose you , but!... I won't because I want you to do something"

"I'm sorry Ms De Novo but all those are not enough evidence, please leave my office this instant "

" Tiago was the one who killed your mother, " I muttered.

His hardened face slowly turned into a surprised one.

I smirked. I knew this information would come in handy one day.

" Be on our side , I give you one day to decide" I added

"You can call me if you've made a decision" I added placing a paper on the table.

I turned to leave but stopped .

"If you dare to tell Tiago about our conversation, I promise I'll make you regret " I seethed .

" Liza's vow " I added before walking out.

I slammed the door behind me and heaved a sigh. I saved the record . My phone rang immediately and after glancing at the caller's ID , I picked up the call.

"Hey" I said into the phone heading to the elevator.

"How'd it go?"

"I can't say it over the phone, let's meet at Creamy bowls" I replied instead.

" Okay, I'll head there now" she said


I ended the call and placed my phone in my bag. The elevator door opened and I walked out.

"Good-bye ma'am," the lady said . I only nodded and walked out of the building. I got into my car and drove towards Creamy Bowls.


I sighted Harper sitting at the far end of the room , she had an earpiece plugged in her ear as she nodded her head slowly. I walked towards the table ignoring the stares from the other people. I dropped my bag gently on the table before taking my seat.

Harper looked up immediately, sensing my presence.

She smiled and stopped whatever she was doing on her phone .

"So how'd it go"

"Good , he'll come around, let's just hope" I muttered while taking out my phone from my bag. I connected my phone with the earpiece and played the record.

"My gosh, that was ..." She paused to look at me

"Perfect!" She exclaimed

"I wonder what his expression would have been " she added

I smiled slyly.

" Let's just hope he isn't a loyal dog to Tiago" I added

" Yes" she muttered

"So , has Gael booked any appointments with you ?"

"Yes "

"When are you going to actually talk to him ? "

" Not anytime now, I wouldn't want to blow my cover because I can't stand staying in the same place with that betrayer "

" Well -" she was saying but was cut off by the blaring sound coming from her phone

"I'll take this real quick " she muttered

I nodded and she picked up the call. I stood up immediately and headed to the bathroom. I glanced at the large mirror in front .

Sighing,i closed my eyes . I hope I get enough evidence to put Tiago behind bars.

' Don't worry mom and dad , I'll get justice for you '

' Jade , I know you're still somewhere on earth , I'll find you '

' Ruby I'll get justice for your broken heart'

I sensed someone walking in. I opened my eyes and turned on the tap to wash my hands. The lady who walked in , stood beside me and turned on the tap to wash her hands too.

"Fancy me bumping into famous Liza De Novo" she said in a taunting tone.

I turned to look at her and scoffed silently. "Good for you" i muttered

"I guess it's true, you're really a spoilt rude brat" she sneered

I turned off the tap and turned to face her. Just then I realized who she was , Cathy Alawi, the famous model and influencer. Normally, I would ignore her but since she wants attention. Attention, I'll give .

"Talk of the rude one herself" i replied her with a thin smile

"Look here Liza!" She snapped , loosing her patience.

"I'm sure the company you own is surely your dad's or mom's and not your hard work and then you go about being proud over it "

" Seriously who do you think you are?, declining every appointment Gael tries to book with you, who do you think you are trying to bring down his company?" she glared angrily at me.

I chuckled.

" I see it's about Gael , what's your relationship with him? " I asked

" That's not your business!"

" Wife?, No!, Girlfriend??, Not even close!"

"Well , probably a mistress " I added with a slight close-lipped smile

"Shall i rip your lip off" she seethed clenching her fists in anger.

I chuckled.

" How ladylike of you"

I glanced at her and smirked.

"Not to worry , Gael is going to notice you soon" I said and walked out of the restroom.

" Ugh" I heard her groan as I slammed the door behind me .I walked back to my seat.

"What took you long, I was about coming for you" Harper asked immediately I took my seat.

" I was dealing with a loser"

"Ugh, what happened now?" She rolled her eyes.

"Nevermind, I already took care of it"

"Are you sure?" She asked worriedly.

"Trust me" I smirked

"Well if you insist" she muttered

"I ordered smoothies for us"

"Your favorite" she smiled

" Thank you" i muttered

" Aww Liza said thank you" she gushed dramatically

"Oh come on " I rolled my eyes over

I felt someone's hard gaze on me and I looked up to see Cathy glaring hard at me.

I returned her glare with a smirk before turning my attention back to Harper.