
Billionaire's Revenge Mission

Her parents died , her sister kidnapped and her family broken in just one night ... There was only one name attached to that - The Ramos' ! Ruby Bernado vows to take revenge on The Ramos . Most especially Gael and his father Tiago!. *** She's back ! not just as anyone but as the badass, Icy CEO; Liza De Novo She's back to deal with those who messed up her life! She'll make them pay , For her shattered family ?, Yes!! For her broken heart? , Sure!!! And her first mission is making the Ramos pay & I'll ruin their lives just as they ruined mine seven years back & Will she accomplish her mission?, Get back her sister and revenge the death of her parents ?? Even if her heart beats for a Ramos?!The one who betrayed her? Find out in this novel filled with Love , Hatred, betrayal , and deep secrets !!

therealessylove · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Do I have something on my face?

Liza's POV

"Is this Liza De Novo?" I heard a familiar voice ask and I smirked.

I put the phone on *Loud Speaker * and gently placed it on the table.

"It's Ander Gorostiza," he added.

"I'll accept your offer"

I turned to Harper and Kyle with a smirk . They grinned also. I covered the mouthpiece and turned to them .

"Tell him, you'll meet at your office tomorrow" Kyle said silently..

I nodded and released the piece .

"That's very good Ander , let's meet at my office tomorrow afternoon"

" Tiago is a very dangerous man , how am i sure my life won't be in danger , working with you? " He asked , his voice filled with uncertainty. I smirked.

" Don't worry , you'll be safe" I replied.

" Liza's vow" I added , mentally crossing my fingers.

"Okay" he muttered

I ended the call and placed the phone on the table.

" So he wasn't a loyal dog , was he?" Kyle grinned.

"I guess he wasn't , who would be after realizing Tiago killed his mother" I shrugged.

" Absolutely no one in his right mind" Harper muttered with an eye roll . I chuckled,taking my seat again.

"Are you both going to show yourself to Ander now?" I asked , directing my question to Kyle.

" No. It would be too risky , we can't trust him fully yet " he replied .

" He may be two faced , working for us and Tiago, so we have to be careful and Liza , don't reveal too much to him"

I nodded. Immediately, Harper's phone rang out loudly. She grabbed it and got on her feet.

"I'll just take this" she muttered to us and walked away.

I sighed , reclining on the seat. I just want to get all this done , I just want to go back to being the old happy Ruby . The girl who never had any stress . Well , until my family and I became involved with Ramos.

My eyes darted to the elimination board and I sighed when my gaze landed on Gael's picture. Sometimes I think , if I hadn't dated Gael back then , my life would have been safe , probably. My parents wouldn't have found out about Gael's father and his dirty works . Nevertheless,I'm still glad all these happened. I got to find out who I was actually into , I got to find out they kind of guy my supposed *boyfriend* was.

"Guys , I need to head back to the office," Harper informed , walking back to the table.

"Keep me updated if you make any decisions," she added , placing the laptop inside its designated bag.

" Sure," Kyle replied.

"Well then , later " she added with a small smile , grabbing her hand bag .


"Liza?" She rolled her eyes, turning to look at me.

"Byee" I drawled . She released a small sigh before walking out.

I glanced at the time on my wristwatch. It said 6pm. Suddenly, I felt someone's gaze on me and I looked up to see Kyle staring at me.

"What?" I called confused

"Do I have something on my face?" I added , a little amused at how closely he was staring at me.

"No," he smiled.

"It's just that we've been too busy these days that we hardly talk," he replied. I furrowed my brows.

Do we even talk that much? I'm a very quiet person, I find it really hard to start conversations with anybody. Kyle and I are just friends, there's not much to talk about , just our mission.

"Hmm" I muttered with a small smile.

"So , aside from our mission, do you think you're ready to start any sort of conversation with Gael? " He asked , staring right into my eyes.

" What do you mean?"

"You know quite well what I mean," he shrugged.

" You don't want to book an appointment with Gael now because you can't stand him, isn't it?" he added with a sly smile.

I nodded .


"After all the guy did , seeing him will only make the situation worse, and bring back those memories I badly want to forget" I explained , placing my head on the table. I turned sideways to look at him.

"I don't think I'm ready for it," I added in a whisper.

" You'll still have to talk with him ,you know that?"

"Yes, " I muttered.

Deep down ,I really want to talk with Gael. I want to ask him why he did all that years ago , why he broke all the trust I had for him , but I can't . No matter how I had tried to assure myself Gael wasn't involved, everything that happened that night came rushing back and I couldn't help but despise him .

"Just make sure you don't fall in love with him again, you don't want to get hurt twice by the same person"

My eyes darkened as I sat upright immediately.

"There's no way I'll be falling in love with that betrayer, absolutely no way" I growled silently.

Even saying that word gets me irritated. Not just for Gael but there's no way I'll be falling in love with anyone again.

I glanced shortly at Kyle. I could bet I sensed a ray of hope flicker through his eyes ,he had a satisfied smile plastered on his face.

"Anyways, how did your mom take the news of you being Liza?" He asked, breaking the silence.

" She was annoyed of course, we had a little argument. '' I sighed.

" Samantha? " He narrowed his eyes.

" What do you think?" I muttered with an eye roll.

"Her hatred for me is even worse , she thinks I'm hiding something from her" I scoffed

" She could be an hindrance to our plan , she shouldn't find out what you're really up to"

I grinned .

" That's never going to happen, she can never find out anything about me unless I tell her and mom about it" I smirked .

" Well enough of me , when is your sister coming back to the States? "

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