

Alexander and Jessica's lives had unfolded along distinctly divergent paths, shaped by disparate backgrounds and molded by contrasting personalities. Their worlds collided at the intersection of a shared anxiety—both harboring an acute fear of entanglements and commitments in the realm of relationships. This fear, deeply rooted in their pasts and experiences, became a formidable barrier to the prospect of any meaningful connection. Yet, fate took an unexpected turn when Alexander Benjamin, a man of immense wealth and a reputation as a playboy, emerged as a pivotal figure in Jessica's life. The scenario seemed implausible when Alexander, faced with the imminent need to secure a bride, set his sights on Jessica Peter. The reason behind this unlikely proposition lay in the approval of Alexander's discerning grandmother, who found in Jessica qualities befitting the stature of the Benjamin legacy. For Jessica, the sudden intrusion of Alexander into her world brought about a seismic shift. The initial shock transformed into apprehension when Alexander, driven by urgency and an unyielding determination, resorted to a coercive tactic. Threatening Jessica by leveraging the fragile well-being of her ailing mother, he created a situation where compliance became the only viable option for her. Reluctantly, under duress and with a heavy heart, Jessica found herself acquiescing to Alexander's demanding terms, setting the stage for a relationship born out of necessity rather than choice. Somewhere along the way, Jessica discovers she is pregnant but is unsure of the father's identity. Afraid of becoming a subject of ridicule if her husband or anyone else discovers the truth, she decides to terminate the contract and venture to a foreign country to start a new life with her child and family, leaving behind her friends and the love of her life, Alex. She realizes she has fallen deeply in love with Alex, and suspects he feels the same way. Alex had even planned to marry her again. However, burdened by her secret, she cannot face him and chooses to escape. Will Jessica reunite with Alex? How will she react when she unravels the truth about her child's father? Can she find it in her heart to forgive him for everything? Find out in this thrilling tale.

Daoistl476bw · Ciudad
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5 Chs



Tina and Bella were so adamant and bent on helping me. Although, they decided helping me the money we got was still not enough for the surgery. I tried getting a loan from the place I work but my boss refused.

And I've been roaming around the city trying to get another job. I was on my way out of the supermarket where I went to apply for a job, when I mistakenly bumped into an old lady.

"Oh my goodness ma'am, I'm so sorry I didn't see you." I apologised immediately.

"Are you blind or something how can you say you didn't see her" a guy suddenly spoke up and that annoyed me.

"Uh I said I'm sorry I mean I already apologized so there's no need for you to be rude" I shot

"Alex, that is no proper way to treat a lady." the old lady I bumped into scolded. Thank God she's not rude like this brat here. Because I really hate arguing with old people.

"But grandma, she just bumped into you without watching where she was going." He grumbled

"One more word from you and I'll give you a knock on that head of yours" the old lady reprimanded

"Dear I'm really sorry about his behavior, he just happens to care about me a lot and I'm also sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't actually watching my steps too" she turned to me and apologised.

"No need to apologise ma'am it's fine"

"Yeah she doesn't deserve it." the foolish brat continued.

"I'll be on my way now darling, I hope to see you again." the old lady waved.

"Low life" I swear I heard him clearly but I was just not in the right frame of mind to argue.



"Granny I can't believe you scolded me in front of that low life." I groaned.

" She's not a low life. And you shouldn't have spoken to her that way. I was the one who bumped into her." She warned.

"But I was only trying to defend you. And you made me look stupid back there. It's not fair grand ma" I said and she gripped my ear, squeezing it.

"You were defending me in the wrong way, and don't use me as an excuse. Because we both know that you were taking out your anger on her." 

"Ouch, fine can you let go of my ear pls? I don't want to talk about this anymore." I begged, and ignited the car before hitting the road.


After dropping my grandma off at home, I decided to hang out with my friends. I was having a really tough time now all thanks to my dad. And that low life girl at the supermarket was just so annoying.

"Hey, look who we have here. It's Australia's most eligible bachelor" Andrew notified as I stepped into the club. He actually owns a club here in Sydney called, club77. While his brother Andre owns a hotel.

"Hey man, good to see you." Andre greeted. We exchanged handshakes.

"Same here bro. Can I get two bottles of vodka." I said to the bar man.

"You know, for someone who would be taking over one of the biggest companies in Australia, you seem quite tensed." Andrew stated.

"It's just the old man never misses an opportunity to complain about me being unmarried." I grumbled

"Well, I guess he's right. I mean, you're twenty eight and yet you've never been in a relationship since Sarah. I mean you...." Andre was still speaking when I suddenly banged my fist on the table.

"Not another word about her." I yelled

"Sorry about this brother of mine, you know Andre you're beginning to piss me off. He came here complaining about his problems at home and you just had to be the good guy." Andrew apologised and also scolded his twin. Seriously, I hate it when these two fight.

"It's fine you don't have to argue because of me. Let's just forget about this and enjoy the night." I said trying to ease the tension. And as if they've been waiting for my signal, 4 slender looking girls walked up to us and began caressing our bodies.

"I think that's my signal. I have to go now see you guys tomorrow. Andre excused himself. He has never been the type to hang around ladies and that's because he already has his special someone. He's actually engaged to a girl from France named, Fiona and they'll be getting married in no time.

"Ugh, such a kill joy." Andrew muttered and he began making out with two of the girls, while I had the other two to myself.

We drank, danced and talked about a lot of things and we were both wasted.




"I have made my decision Richard, and I would be appointing Alex as the new ceo of Ellie's corporation." My uncle declared.

"I know that uncle and I'm just looking out for the company. You really think Alex can run the company? The Chinese investors are very strict and Alex doesn't seem to understand this. He's not very responsible and you know it uncle." I tried my best to convince him.

"And you think he should hand over the company to you?" Grandma suddenly asked, coming down the stairs.

"Grandma, I didn't mean it that way, I was only trying to convince uncle to give the company to someone who is capable of handling it." 

"And who says my grandson is not capable. Alex has been working in that company for a while now and there's been a lot of improvement since he joined the corporation." Grandma praised. I swear I have never liked this woman. She's also not very fund of me.

"Enough arguing both of you. I never said I was going to change my mind." Uncle spoke up.

"If you don't mind uncle, I would like to take you somewhere. " I informed with an evil smirk playing on my lips. Just watch how I take this company from you Alex.

"Why do I need to go with you. Besides, it's late already." My uncle declined

"Just agree to come with me once and I promise if what I'm about to show you isn't worth your time then you are free to punish me." 

"Fine, let's see what it is that's so important and you better not be wasting my time Richard." He warned

"Of course not, you'll only see more reasons why I am the only one who has what it takes to run the company." I thought

"I'm going with you two." Grandma chipped in

"Sure, you can come with us, that way you can be a witness too" I explained

"I'll just grab my keys and we can leave." I informed

"I can't wait to see the shock on your faces when you see the surprise I have for you. Especially you granny. And my dearest cousin Alex, you'll be shocked to find out that I will be getting your inheritance." I thought as I picked up my car keys and proceeded down stairs ready to give my family a little surprise.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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