
Beyond Reality - Atomsk Ascension Over Heavens

I was born in a boring world... I didn't like my reality I lived a life without meaning... evading reality I died in a stupid way... trying to escape from reality But that wasn't the end ... It's hard to believe that this is real I was reborn in a closed room without a father or mother... This is really weird At the time of birth I already had the body of a 9-year-old boy, capable of destroying the walls that contained me with my own hands... Too impressive to be real I wasn't reborn in my boring world... That really excites me I don't know what the hell I am... This really is thrilling This is impossible... Really? Shut up and look The world is against me... I will be the real master of this world My existence goes against the laws of the universe... I don't really care My fate has already been established by the laws of heaven... I'm the only one who decides my own reality I will make my way through time, space and causality And I will destroy all established order with my own hands There are no chains that can bind me. There are no walls that can slow me down. There is no path that I cannot create I have no limits Because I am ... BEYOND REALITY -------------------------------------------------- Release rate: 3-5 chapters per week Chapter Length: 1500-2500 -------------------------------------------------- English is not my main language, so I will commit some spelling mistakes. I would appreciate if you corrected me -------------------------------------------------- It's an original story but the protagonist is a hardcore geek, so during the course of the story there will be references to manga, anime, videogames and POP culture. -------------------------------------------------- This story was previously only called Beyond Reality. However, I have made some changes and I have corrected errors and I wanted to restart it.

Meralman · Oriental
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47 Chs

Frynoer is a perfect place

For the next two and a half weeks, Sarah and Atomsk were following the training program proposed by Sarah every day.

Among the activities they practiced was:

Train physically, increasing the level of demand every day. Sarah feared that she was overloading Atomsk, but to her surprise and joy he could keep up with her perfectly, despite Atoms was activatin "No pain no game" with more intensity every day.

Fighting, Atomsk despite not winning any time (Sarah never liked to lose ... He continued polishing his combat capabilities and strategic ability… but not only that, he had also learned what were the limitations of Libera Me From Hell and how to deal with long-ranged skills with greater efficiency.

He also practiced blacksmithing, during the Atomsk afternoons, Libera Me From Hell continued forging while he meditated. He did not focus on making inner artifacts, inner weapons or MEDIUMS was something he could not do at the moment...

Although he continued to study his theory, he only practiced with normal materials and forged objects requested by Mathias, which monitored his incredible progression ... and also manufactured certain things behind his back...

And above all he meditated...Thanks to the previous training while practicing "Welcome to my life" and "No pain no game", the mastery that he was acquiring with his AVATAR ant to the nutritious food that was served him every day...

The already impressive physicist of Atomsk became even more powerful, and in the same way also the absorption speed of Origin energy ... in those two and a half weeks Atomsk had reached level 7.

Therefore, his Space Oddity had also increased in size, specifically, now measured 72 meters.

However, his first chakra had not even been filled in half.

[It seems that the INMORTAL is much more demanding than the AVATAR ...

I guess it will take me a long time to unlock the Manipura Chakra...

What a shit, I wish to unlock my second innate ability😔...

It's such a, so, so, so incredible ability🤩...

I suppose that a happy outcome is worth waiting for]

Atomsk was right, it is much more difficult to increase the range of the IMMORTAL compared to what is required to increase the range of the AVATAR.

Even with Atomsk's ability to absorb Origin energy directly through his STIGMA in incredible quantities...

Most of the internal energy was concentrated and remained in its STIGMA ... not becoming martial energy...

In addition, in the early stages, it is extremely easy for the Devas to advance in rank with a little work, which was not the case with the Asuras, who had to wait a long time to obtain martial energy to unlock another Chakra.

The only help to cut back that time was consume certain alchemical products that are very difficult to prepare and get ... Products that Atomsk did not have access to yet ...


Atomsk had achieved in less than three weeks what an Asura of his rank using secret methods would take more than 5 years...

If any Asura could hear Atomsk's complaints, they would surely try to beat him to death... and and with good reason...

"Atomsk, the time has come ... are you ready to go? Don't worry, we will be back again for the holidays.

"Yes, I already have everything" Atomsk said as he showed his space ring.

[Honestly ... I'd prefer to keep everything in my inner space ...

However, it will be better to carry certain objects in the ring as well.

It would be weird for someone to pick it up by chance and see that I do not have anything and…

Even then, I'm able to get objects out of nowhere😅]

Had come the day to leave the mansion of the small town of Lardana and go to the Frynoer, the capital of the Zexarion empire, where the main branch of the Vermillon family resided.

At the exit of the summer mansion was the usual carriage, with Sebastian as a driver as usual.

There were also 3 other people next to the carriage.

It was obviously Mathias, Jehko and James, who had come to dismiss Sarah and Atomsk.

"Young people, have both a good trip, but remember, it is good to train hard, but you need to have fun from time to time, you have to take advantage of all that youth can give you" James said, trying to make his granddaughter see that he was worried about her lifestyle...

"You're right dear, Sarah, stop training so much and get yourself a good boy and give me some great-grandchildren JAJAJAJA.

Atomsk, my little one, be strong and smart, the capital is not a place as quiet as this little village, and people don't always tell the truth... and take care of Sarah, you are my last hope if she reaches 30 single HAHAHAHA" She said Jehko with his classic jokes

"OK grandma Jenko" Atomsk said following the joke while both looked at Sarah ... Sarah with a poker face ... preferred not to say anything.

"Atomsk, keep the letter of recommendation well. With the letter, your talent and the presence of Sarah you will have the doors open in the Blacksmith Association...

When you meet Roman, don't forget to tell him that he owes me 2499 Zeniest from the last time we went to bars... Tell him I'm old, but my memory is still working perfectly" Mathias said as he shook Atomsk's head energetically.

"I will try not to forget, especially about the 3000 Zeniest" Atomsk said as he let himself be caressed by Sebastian.

"3000? If I just told you 2499" Mathias said not understanding the mistake of Atomsk

"That 501 Zenies difference is my commission for being an intermediary ... of course" Atomsk said with an evil and mocking laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA, what a fucker boy... I'll miss you Atomsk, take care of yourself..." Mathias said laughing exaggeratedly.

[I'll miss you too, trio of old partiers😢]

"Jojojo, we'll miss you too, but it's time to leave, we'll see each other on the next vacation" Sebastian said while hurrying Sarah and Atomsk.

[However, I'm not going to be able to get rid of this old bastard...😒 yet...😈]

The road to Frynoer was extremely long, with the traditional means of transportation that existed in this world it would take approximately 7 months to reach the capital, without counting the time necessary to sleep, eat and other basic needs.

Luckily, less than a week of travel there was a portal that connected directly with the capital

That was the destination of Sarah, Sebastian and Atomsk.

[The world in which I live there are no planes or flying artifacts like in novels... there are flying mounts, but they are very rare and dangerous ... you never know when the flying beast can get out of control, so they are used in very rare occasions...

I suppose that the reason that there are no better forms of transport is due to three reasons:

1. There are space portals, capable of connecting extremely long distances, converting trips of months into a second

2. There are animals, whether terrestrial or aerial, as or faster and more resistant than many cars or helicopters

3. There is a cultivation system based on internal energy, on which the whole society was based ... So, they have never thought of investigating fuels that would allow these devices to work... and using internal energy to fly a similar object would be an expense of energy.

With these reasons, why would anyone in this world even think about building an airplane?

Said metaphorically ... Why would a dragon, with his powerful and sharp claws ... even try to imagine creating a sword?

Although in the future I will have to try to build or order a more comfortable and practical carriage😤]

During the trip to the point of commerce where the portal was, Sarah and Atomsk continued with their training.

They continued using the training suit, but not having the training circuit that was in the mansion, they just ran in different and complicated ways ... Jumping, making changes of pace, and carrying more weight than the training suits already gave them...

They also fought, but with more care ... Especially Sarah, who was forbidden to use any ability that could make fire ... they could not risk burning the forest.

Nor could they practice professions, the environment was not suitable for it, because the carriage was not big enough and they needed to move constantly.

When they weren't training, fighting and meditating... Sarah explained everything she should know about Frynoer ... but especially the Vermillon family.

She explained who should be trusted and who not, how the internal structure of the family worked, what their enemies might be, how they behaved, what their ambitions were and what positions of power they had inside and outside the family.

During the trip Atomsk increased its level to 8, so its Space Oddity now had a diameter of 81 meters.

"We have reached our destination, Atomsk this is a portal, or more commonly said, a space gate" Sarah said as she pointed to a circle almost 20 meters in diameter.

[Woaaa looks so much like a Stargate of Stargate...😍

So cool, I've always wanted to go through something similar...


Dad, mom, friends, geeks ... and scientists from the earth, I'm going to teleport🤩]

Dozens of Devas operate the space gate; its cultivation was located between ATAVAT Marquis and Avatar count...

It took about 15 avatar marquis to activate the sapace gate for a few minutes a day, but patrols were also necessary to maintain order.

Sarah showed a plaque that identified her as part of the 12 great families...

One of the advantages of belonging to the 12 great families is that when traveling at the Space Gate, he and his companions had priority over the rest.

Therefore, when it was re-activated, Sarah, Sebastian and Atomsk would be first on the list

[I'm really in a world with a noble system...

Will there also be "droit du seigneur"?🤔]

Once the Space Gate was re-operated, the three entered

When crossing it the landscape changed drastically.

They were on the outskirts of a big city, it was something that could be noticed, although this city was walled, by a wall of more than 50 meters high.

After checking Sarah's identity at the gate control, the three finally entered Frynoer.

It was a huge city, measuring more than 500 square kilometers, capable of holding about 1 million people, something impressive considering the population and technology of the world.

There were many technologies similar to those on earth, such as street lamps, sewerage, running water, buildings with up to 5 screens ... although they worked quite differently.

There were also a lot of objects and facilities that didn't belong to earth, as well as strange and huge animals that were used as a means of transport.

It was a beautiful city from a fantasy world...

Frynoer was surrounded by a huge hexagonal wall, and the city was distributed in districts.

In the center was the royal palace, and around it were the important venues and institutions, such as the royal academy, the international association of blacksmiths, the international trade association, the adventurer's guild, military centers and derivatives, the headquarters of the AVATAR Divine Crunch in the empire...

The next district was the commercial sector, where most of the businesses, secondary institutions, and other teaching centers were located.

The next district was the residential area, which, although it was not well defined by what were the rich and poor neighborhoods ... it was obvious to the naked eye what they were..

Further between the residential area and the wall, was the area where the 12 great families lived.

Each great family, fulfilling their obligation as great nobles, were in charge of defending a part of the wall ... and in the same way, they were granted for this the area closest to the great wall, which was also the area more luxurious, apart of the royal palace, for them to manage and protect.

The group of Atomsk, was directed precisely to that last sector, specifically to the east, where the Vermillon family resided.


The title of this chapter is in honor of this scene from the movie Shrek


Hello guys and girls, here I am again

I already have the entire second volume planned

Although I do not know how many chapters will be.

At first this chapter of 2000 words was only a part of chapter one

So there will surely be more than 50 chapters in volume 2

So enjoy, tomorrow another chapter (maybe 2)

Meralmancreators' thoughts