
Beyond Impossible

" Nothing is impossible, It's just the probability of it happening is infinitely close to zero which makes people believe it's impossible. But remember one thing, even if you are infinitely close to death dont lose hope as its still possible for you to live an extra ordinary life." A teenager boy kept on murmuring these words as he was laying on the ground covered in a pool of blood on the verge of death but the chances of him living were very slim. Then suddenly there was a loud thunderclap which alerted the galaxy and the boy suddenly disappeared from the pool of blood. This is a story how that boy lived his life full of adventure and overcame the difficulties in his life step by step until he reached the realm of God hood and started to control the elements of the universe freely like he controlled his fingers. ------------------------------------- This web novel is based in magic cultivation world and just follows up the adventure of a young man named Avadhut. The cover isn't mine. Its just something I got from google.

Destamon_0332 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Leaving Airawat for Vringhi

The next morning Avadhut headed towards the center of the slum where an old man resided. That old man looked like only his bones were left and didn't had any meal for the last month. No one knew his name or any background but has been in this sate since the Avadhut knew him. Whenever Avadhut met him he always looked like he would die the next second but he contrary to his looks his eyes show some thing else.

His eyes contain a lot of mixed emotions like grief, sadness, a urge for revenge and many more things. Avadhut was in his way to meet this old man as he was the only one who never despised him for lacking elemental affinity. He was the one who tended to his injuries when ever he was beaten the shit out of him in the slums. Whenever he asked him why was he being so good towards him he always smiled and said that Avadhut reminded him of his grandson but nothing more than that. There was even another which always bothered him. The old man in the slums and the old man which he used to see in his dreams who pursued him to keep on living resembled each other a lot but he could never confirm his thought.

Avadhut thought that he must say goodbye to the only person who treated him kindly so he was moving towards that old mans home. After some time he reached in front of the old mans house and like always the door was left open but the old man was nowhere to be seen. After he went inside the home there was nothing extraordinary. After he searched for sometime something caught his eyes. It was a glowing crystal just below the table beside the bed the old man used to sleep in.

That was a blue mana crystal which was mostly used to cultivate. It was mid level mana crystal which could be only found in places rich with spiritual power. But this mana crystal was even rare as its blue color indicated that it was a attributed mana crystal. After he picked the crystal he found a piece of paper below that.(Mana crystal types: Neutral and attributed with rankings followed as low grade<Mid grade<High grade<Top grade<Supreme grade. Its the ranking system of

It was a written letter which contained the old mans writing as was left for Avadhut. He some how knew Avadhut gained an elemental affinity and knew everything about his upcoming plans like leaving for Vringhi. In the letter he wrote Avadhut about his good will for him and said that mana crystal was lightning attributed which will help him close the gap between him and his peers. Avadhut was too confused to comprehend anything as he never told anyone about him getting a elemental affinity or about his plan but still the old man knew everything. Suddenly he heard a system prompt.

[Don't think about the things that are above your reach right now. Just focus on completing your quest. Every thing will be clear once you grow stronger.]

When Avadhut heard it he became even more confused as he found it suspicious of system to interfere in this situation and thought that the system and the old man were some how related but when he wanted to ask system about it system just ignored him.

After not getting any answer for his questions he resumed reading the letter. There were some other matters and finally at the end there was a note for him which had a detailed information about someone who worked for a cargo company which transported goods to military base in Vringhi planet. After that there was nothing in the letter which started burning itself whose flame took a shape of 'Best of Luck' and then turned to ashes.

After completely reading the letter he was very grateful towards the old man as he left a mid grade mana crystal for him to use and also solved his only problem of how to contact someone from the cargo company for his problem.

Avadhut then pick up the mana crystal and about to put it in his inventory but a sudden notification got his attention.

{Ding.. Found a mid level lightning crystal.}

{Would you like to use it? You have two options.}

{Option 1: Absorb it to increase hosts cultivation level. Hosts level will increase according to hosts comprehension of the cultivation technique.}

{Option 2: Use it to increase hosts affinity towards the lightning element by fulfilling certain conditions for using it}

After thinking about it Avadhut ignored them both and beamed it into his inventory keeping it as a backup plan even if he failed to complete his quest after three months.

Finishing everything he once again returned to his home and contacted the employee of the cargo company. After some time they both came to a deal after Avadhut offered to pay 2100GC. They were to meet at 7 the next morning at the cargo port from where the ship will take off.

After confirming everything and spending 250GC from his leftovers to buy a cloak with a hood and some defense to hide his identity, a pair of all purpose boots, a rusty sword and a small dagger as weapons. Each and every things he bought were better than ordinary equipment but were one of the lowest ones among magical items.

Within half an hour he got everything delivered to his house and then packed his every items which only consisted of another two pairs of clothes. After he beamed all his necessary items and extra things into his inventory and ate whatever leftovers he had in his fridge and then slept in the house for the last time.


The sound of alarm woke up Avadhut the next morning. He looked at the clock and it was 5:50 AM. Avadhut got up from his bed and brushed his teeth and bathed. After freshening up Avadhut wore the cloak which he bought yesterday and got out from his house.

After looking at his old house for the last time with some emotions he finally ran towards the cargo port. He arrived at the port just before 7 and was waiting for the employee. After sometime a person came towards Avadhut and asked "Are you the guy who contacted me?"

Avadhut nodded at that guy who just asked Avadhut to follow him. After some walking he brought Avadhut to the cargo ship and asked him to get in where the cargo goods were kept and asked for the payment.

It was the part of the deal they had. The guy would let Avadhut hide in the compartment where the goods were kept without letting anyone and Avadhut would pay for it. After Avadhut payed the guy Avadhut got inside. There were many boxes kept there and was completely dark. Fortunately there was a ventilating system which made him able to breath.

After some time the ship started vibrating and the door of the compartment closed shut. It was completely dark inside but Avadhut just feeling sad for leaving the planet he was born into. he knew he would only return if the circumstances wanted it but not otherwise. He was looking forward to reaching Vringhi planet and starting a new journey and his first journey towards who knows where.