
Chapter 5

On opening the door, they were swarmed by a crowd of reporters who were taking pictures immediately and shouting all at once "Mr Milos.... Mr Milos....."

They shut the door quickly and the banging persisted.

Ariella faced Rodriguez and told him " can you see what you caused . My reputation is at stake here you are just a pretender like a typical man". Rodriguez replied immediately as he felt fury rising in him" do you think only about yourself and not others? I am a victim as much as you are"

Ariella called Lucas immediately to come to her rescue. The questions pondering over their heads was that" how did they get here?, how did the press know their location? Who is after their success?" They kept wondering and Rodriguez stood up saying he knows what to do while Ariella wondered what he was going to say.

He went to the door and opened it. He faced the press and raised a hand to silence them. He then requested for only one question from them. " Mr Milos, we were told that you came here with prostitutes from a brothel. With a man of your status why would you hire a prostitute?"

Rodriguez was shocked at this accusations but he maintained a cool demeanor and replied calmly " I don't know who told you that but I am a man of dignity and I can't do that. The lady with me here is my girlfriend and I don't really like this harassment from you people"

The reporters were shocked to hear this as the informant told them something different. "Who is the girlfriend if we may ask?" " I'd love to keep that as a secret for now" he answered.

The reporters smiled and said " Sir, we are not babies if you refuse to show her face, it means they are more than one and our informant was right after all".

Rodriguez turned and called out" baby pls come". Ariella who was shocked and annoyed at what Rodriguez was saying to the press made a neutral expression on her face and she went towards the door.

"Miss Ferrera!!!!" The reporters echoed. Rodriguez said he was going to file a lawsuit for defamation of reputation for the both of them. Fortunately, Lucas came with bodyguards and they all parted.

The news spread around quickly that Mr Milos and Miss Ferrera were in a relationship and two anonymous people were trying to destroy the relationship.

Linda woke up with a smile on her face. " So I'd be the wife of a CEO" she kept musing. She switched on the television and she was shocked to see the latest news. She immediately lifted up her phone and called Capo. With anger she told him" how did Rodriguez find his way to her room before your men did. Are you that incompetent to do a small job?"

Capo replied her calmly" you made the mistake I told you room 129 and my men didn't find anybody in the room after you called me. So who is incompetent now? Don't test my patience woman!" and he cut the call.

Linda was scared and angry at the same time. She was also confused on how she mixed the rooms up and how Rodriguez knew she was there. Her plans failed again and she couldn't help but feel really disappointed. She had no one to blame but herself .

Romano who has been switching from channels to channel to see the news he's expecting was surprised to see that the tables have turned again. He called for his wife and asked "how Ariella know he was there and why did the girls not do their jobs?"

Seren called Tina immediately and asked her why they didn't do their job properly. Tina replied her" mama the room number you gave us has a couple inside already and we can't be going to all rooms looking for one person"

The couple was disappointed that Rodriguez escaped yet again from another big scandal.

Davis and Yohana Ferrera were worried about their daughter. Since she made her grand appearance at the company's anniversary, it has been from one scandal to another. So they called an investigator.

Ariella got home and she met Gabby at home waiting for her. She accused her for causing the incident that if she had not texted her she wouldn't be in this predicament.

Gabby was quite shocked as she told Ariella " I came by yesterday night and I didn't see you at home so I thought you were doing an all nighter at work until I saw the news this morning".

Ariella showed Gabby the message but Gabby's phone was working well and nothing happened to it. Then both of them knew that something was wrong somewhere.

Ariella explained what happened and how Rodriguez took advantage of her. " To think that he is a CEO to do this to me" she said

Gabby became skeptical at this explanation and tried explaining to Ariella that it might also be set up for him but Ariella wouldn't listen she kept insisting that all men are dogs and that they will never change.

She told Lucas to schedule a meeting with Rodriguez as he needs to settle what he started.

Rodriguez on the other hand couldn't place anything right but then his reputation was at stake and he has to act fast which was why he said what he did.

His assistant told him that Miss Ferrera's secretary is demanding for a meeting with him. He sighed as he didn't know what to explain to her. He told his assistant to cancel his appointments for the day and prepare a marriage contract for him.

He then suddenly remembered that the owner of this club is someone that owes him a favor. He sighs in partial relief and called him. He greeted him and asked for a favor " I need a copy of last night's footage from your bar to the lounge. Thank you"

Afterwards his assistant went into his office and said" Sir, I have prepared the contract as requested ". He collected it and went to Ariella's office.

Ariella went to the office and declined all meetings for the day. Her parents were calling her but she refused to pick up their calls until she finds a solution to the problem on ground.

Lucas informed her that Mr Milos was around and she said he should come in to see her.

Rodriguez came in and sat in her office. She asked immediately " what is the solution to the problem you caused".

Rodriguez asked her frustrated and annoyed at her behavior" no greetings? We're in this mess together and our reputations are both at stake here. When will you stop being a self righteous bitch and think of others"

Ariella got angry and she said" do you think it is only reputation that is at stake for me? I lost my dignity for heaven's sake and I'm just discovering that someone is after my success and you're saying I'm a self righteous bitch?. I don't care anyways. What is the solution to the mess you created now because that's my priority for now?"

Rodriguez felt that there was no point arguing and he went straight to the point. He dropped the documents on her table and said" we're getting married!".