
Chapter 6

" We're getting what???" Ariella asked shocked. " " Getting married " Rodriguez replied calmly.

Ariella was boiling within"how are you so calm about this? Don't you know that this decision will ruin my life? What do you stand to gain from this?"

"Which one do you want me to answer first?".

Rodriguez went ahead to explain to her "the press will make it seem that we are irresponsible and always drinking and lodging around without caution. Besides the board members of my company have been bothering me to settle down to prove my responsibility and I'm in a risk of losing my hard work to my brother. so you can see that I have no other option"

Ariella also thought of the effects the news will have on her company and how she'd go back to her former self weak and distressed. She wasn't pleased with the arrangements but she had to in order to save her head.

She grudgingly took the contract and read through it thoroughly . She had to keep the information from her family and friends.

"we are not to interfere in each other's business and our company remains ours" she gave her conditions.

"fine by me" said Rodriguez. She signed and they called for a press conference.

At the press conference, they announced to the public that they are engaged to be married and they were keeping it secret before the press found out. They also warned the press about meddling in their affairs.

The news caused an uproar as many people were surprised at the revelation. When Ariella's parents saw the news they weren't pleased at all and they kept calling and sending messages to Ariella.

Linda saw the news and went berserk because she knew there was no way Rodriguez will sign the contract now that Ariella is his girlfriend.

" why does this girl keep spoiling my plans?" she muttered annoyed.

Romano and his wife saw the news and were disturbed as they didn't see this coming as his chance of being the CEO is getting slimer by the day .

On getting back to the office, Lucas told her that her parents kept calling her phone. She went into the office and called them back.

Immediately, her father started talking and asking her why she made such a rash decision. She told him that she loved him and he won't hurt her but her father asked a question that rendered her speechless. He said" do I need to remind you what happened the last time you fell in love?"

Ariella felt offended but she knew he was right and it was for her sake. Her mother kept crying and asking"what did you do?. After all you went through when that idiot dropped you"

She tried to reassure them that it'd be okay but they were afraid. Ariella's parents called her sister Mitchell to talk senses into her head.

Mitchell herself was surprised to hear the news. She said there has to be more to it because she knew that Ariella is not one to make an irrational decision . She tried talking to her that why would she say Yes without prior information to them all but Ariella kept insisting that she was going to be fine.

She kept getting frustrated as she doesn't like disappointing her parents as they were her backbone when Ricardo neglected her and Linda destroyed her reputation, but she couldn't let them know about the signed contract to avoid further problems.

Ricardo and Linda decided to try their luck with Mr Milos and so they went to his office the next day to remind him of their proposal.

Ariella was in Rodriguez's office as they finalized the contract and he gave her a ring to facilitate the contract.

Rodriguez's assistant reminded him that he had a meeting with the Geo corps and Ariella decided to excuse them.

On getting outside, Ariella bumped into Ricardo and Linda. She closed up her demeanor and said "here comes the famous backstabbers" Linda fired back "here is the famous whore sleeping with everyone to have a name"

Linda went ahead to insult her calling her all sort of names not knowing that Rodriguez could hear them. Linda kept telling her that" your downfall is close because I saved Ricardo from marrying a bitch as a wife very soon Mr Milos will see your true colors. Ariella suddenly retorted " I'm a failure is that why you were looking for an appointment in my company and withdrew when you knew I was the CEO?"

Linda who didn't back down replied " we knew when it was you that it's bound to fail and we can't partner with failure"

"Did you know that it's my fiancee that you are insulting in my office which will soon be hers!" Rodriguez suddenly spoke up from behind them and he went up to Ariella's side and held her hands .

Linda stammered"fi..fi.. fiancee??" Ricardo was annoyed with the revelation but he couldn't do anything so as not to further complicate issues. "Yes. Are you shocked? No you shouldn't after all you said she is a failure "

"Sir we didn't mean that we are just joking as old friends should. She doesn't take it to heart right Ari?" Linda fake smiled.

"James!! Kindly escort them out of my premises " he then took Ariella back to his office. "What was that about? What did they do to you?" Rodriguez asked concerned. " That you came to my rescue doesn't mean I'm a maid in distress. I can defend myself well thank you." Ariella said and walked out of his office.

Rodriguez smiled and said to himself"there's more to you and I'd have a nice time figuring it out "

Romano went to his brother's office and was asking Rodriguez how he ended up in a room after he left. Rodriguez who couldn't remember what happened the day before thought Romano was saying the truth and he was explaining that he couldn't comprehend what happened. He said all he could remember was that he was drinking and when he opened his eyes, he found his fiancee beside him.

Romano sympathized with him and told him " be careful next time you know you need to be responsible for your actions".

" yes brother I will" Rodriguez was happy inwards as he had been trying for a long time to win his brother's favor. So he told his brother that he'd be more careful next time.

Romano secretly tried to see if he knows who's behind it but Rodriguez said he'd leave them alone and his brother was secretly relieved so he gave an excuse stood up and left.

Few minutes later, the owner of the hotel called him and told him" sir I have sent the soft copy of the footage you requested for to your email". Rodriguez thanked him profusely and was glad that he can finally put a name to the evil person trying to destroy his reputation.

Immediately he opened his email and started downloading the video. When it downloaded, he opened it and the video started, he saw he and his brother talking and he received a call, he saw his brother stretch his hands but it wasn't clear.

He then proceeded and saw someone leading him to a room on a closer look he saw two people leading him to a room and he was enraged....