
Beware Of The First

Beware of the one known as the First. System Users were always told. Aku Mazoku, also known as the First. When death struck him, God gave him something special. The Gamer System. With extra perks, God sent him off into the Multiverse. Read, as his name get's known by all.

Piiiiza · Cómic
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6 Chs

My system is so mean...

(I'll show normal stats for the system, and Danmachi stats when he gets in a familia. Another thing, do you want him in a familia? Or just be a lone dog?}


(Aku Pov - Cave)

After being woken up from my agonizing sleep by the system, I decided to learn more about what it can do and it's capabilities.

"So like.... What can you do?" With a questioning gaze to the system, I asked it my question. "Also, what gender are you?"

<Mostly like all systems, I have 5 functions>






Hearing the last function, I cringed. Of course it would have gacha... "Ok, continue"

<That's all>


"What do you mean <That's all>?" I give a small glare towards the system. I'm don't really read that many system fic's, but I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be more. "Shouldn't you give me like a run-down of all there uses?" With that question, the system seemed to somehow deadpan.

<You already know of how systems operate, why learn what you already know>

My words got caught on my throat. It's right, I pretty much know all I need... Haaa, Okay.

"Are you atleast somehow special?"

<I'm the first system this omni-verse has to offer> The system said with pride in it's voice. Ignoring it's pride, my eyes widen in shock. The first? But... What about those animes? As if reading my thoughts (Since it can,) the system responded.

<A fake, an absolute joke, as if they could replicate my greatness. It's a shame>

Hearing the malice in it's voice, I raised my eyebrow. Seems like it hate humans.... Greaaaat. I'm human... I'm sure we'll get along great. "Enough about, what am I even supposed to do in this forest."

<You will train to build up your body>

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

<...Are you a dumbass?>

A screen popped up in front of me.

<Repeatable Quest>

<Your pretty weak... Train!>

<𝟢/𝟣𝟧𝟢: Push-Ups>

<𝟢/𝟣𝟧𝟢: Sit-Ups>

<𝟢/𝟣𝟧𝟢 Burpees>

<𝟢/𝟤𝟢𝒦𝑀: Run>

<Reward: +10 AP>

<Failure: Erectile Dysfunction>

"Ah. What nice rewards... what the hell are AP?"

<Did you not see it... Must've been the author forgetting, he does that sometimes. AP is just Attribute Points. I'm sure you can figure it out>

Sighing at the system, I got up from the ground, and exited the cave. "Here's to one month of hell." With dull eyes, I went to find a place to train.

-1 Hour Later-

"146... Haaa. Haaa"




"150! AGH!"

<Due to hard work. Your STR has increased by 5>

Falling down to the ground with a thud, I try to gather my breath.

<Congratulations. You've completed the Push-Ups. Now, you just have to do the others> Hearing the sarcastic voice of the system, I tried to glare at it, but I failed.

"I'm.. to tired... Need water.... Should've wished for something to do with non-tiredness"

<You wanna claim the starter pack?>

"The. What."

My eyes locked on to the system, it could tell by my eyes I wanted it to explain.

<Alright. The starter pack is... a starter pack.>

Dropping my head to the ground, I triedly sigh. "Just claim it" I said, my voice muffled in the dirt.

<Starter Pack Claimed!>


<Weighted Clothes: 1>

<Food: 30>

<Dagger: 1>

<AP: +50>

<2X EXP Boost: 1 - 30MIN>

"That's.... Actually helpful" While I wasn't to happy about having to wear weighted clothes all the time, at least it's clothes. Even if i don't feel pain, I still don't like the feeling of stepping on rocks... It's annoying.

"Alright, I guess the way I would get it out is... <Inventory>" As soon as I finished saying it, a blue, misty like portal appeared in front of me. I look at it in awe, as a screen appeared.

<The Inventory is very simple. You think what you want, and the Inventory gives it to you>

Nodding at the system's words, I think of the weighted clothes, and the dagger. The portal starts to move around before it drops out what I wanted.

"I'm pretty sure that in every Gamer fic, they have Observe, soooo. I started looking around at everything, I stared as if I wanted to know their entire origin. Eventually.

<A Skill has been created, due to observing the surrondings>

<Observe: LVL 1/100>

<The User gains the ability to Observe people/inanimate objects, giving the User the Name, Age, Race, and stats, of the target. At MAX level, no matter what it is, It can't hide from the User's eyes.>

Perfect. With a smirk on my face, I turn back to the set of items. <Observe>

<Weighted Clothes>

<A pair of weighted clothes, each weighing 50 Pounds. Clothes have been enchanted with. Clean, Auto-Fit. [Bound]


<A dagger created for the first Gamer. It has been enchanted with. Unbreakable, Sharpness, Growth, +10% for item drops when killing Monsters. [Bound]

That's Kinda op... Pftt, whatever. Putting on the weighted clothes, I try moving around and feel my body movement decrease around 40% (Not Accurate at all)

"This is gonna take awhile to get used to." Muttering to myself, I prepare to do the rest of my training. "Let's get this over with..."





"55, Haa."

"This is torture."

<So is losing your ability to get a hard on>

"Tch, I hate you... I'll beat you up one day."

<What are you, seven?>

I smirk at that. "Nah, I'm a Gamer."



<That was really cringe.>



(End Stats)

<Aku Mazoku>

STR: 25

VIT: 20

AGI: 20

PER: 20

WIL: 100

CHR: 20

LUK: 20

AP: 50

<Skills: Pain Nullification, Debuff Resistance, Unbreakable Will>

<Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator>

<Perks: Perfect Body, Superhuman Body, A Prodigy Of All>

<Unique Traits: Combo Maker>

AN: Here are the description of all his skills. sorry if it's bad, I'm not good at descriptions.


<Pain Nullification>

<Level MAX>

<You are completely immune to any kind of pain. Mind, Body, Soul. Nothing can hurt you>

<Debuff Resistance>

<Level MAX>

<Debuff spells have no effect on you. Even if you are hit a God-Tier Debuff spell, it wont affect you.>

<Unbreakable Will>

<Level MAX>

<Even if tortured for months on end, you wont break. No matter what happened. You. Won't. Break. (Lies, Slander)>

Unto the Perks, since I'm pretty sure everyone knows about Great Sage and Predator. If you don't, I'll post it on the next chapter.

<Perfect Body>

<With a body crafted by many Gods with extreme care, you were born into this world. Your face has the charm of Gods, you will no longer suffer an illness of any sort, You no longer require the need to eat or sleep. Your Perfect.>

<Superhuman Body>

<Users' physical abilities are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally physically superior over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, and more durable than regular beings (in that verse) can achieve by seemingly any method of training. (I got this of Powerlisting.)>

<A Prodigy Of All>

<Users can improve their natural abilities far faster and to a greater extent or beyond the limitations of other members of their species. This applies at a genetic level, allowing the body to keep up with the user's own rapidly developing skills/physical attributes, and at an intellectual level, to which their mind/mental capabilities can develop beyond their normal limits.>

Unique trait.

<Combo Maker>

<As long as you punch the enemy. Your strikes gain a 5% Increase in power. Can only be used once a day.>

AN: .....Thx for reading? ❤❤❤❤❤

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