
Beware Of The First

Beware of the one known as the First. System Users were always told. Aku Mazoku, also known as the First. When death struck him, God gave him something special. The Gamer System. With extra perks, God sent him off into the Multiverse. Read, as his name get's known by all.

Piiiiza · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Train, Train, Train. (Short Chapter)

AN: I forgot he should have HP and MP.... hahahahahah. ENJOY❤❤❤❤


<Due to training your body. You have gained...>

<+5 VIT>

<+10 AGI>

<Keep up your efforts!>

<You have completed your Daily Quest>

With sweat all over my body, I fell down to the ground. Even with my enhanced body, this was still to much for me. It's sad that I have to do this everyday. On the bright side.


<Aku Mazoku>

Level: 1

HP: 200/200

MP: 200/200

STR: 25

VIT: 25

AGI: 30

PER: 20

WIL: 100

CHR: 20

LUK: 20

AP: 60

I nodded in satisfaction over my stats, I should also start figuring out what I'm gonna be. Tank? Warrior? Mage? The list could go on. "Hard choice..." I'll figure out eventually... hopefully.

"I guess I could try training with the dagger" Getting up from the ground, I open the <Inventory,> taking out the dagger.

(Image of dagger)

Swinging it around a little, I look around for something to test it with. Tree... Tree. Oh, I forgot. I'll just practice some moves. Taking a stance, I start swinging.

-10 Minute Timeskip-

<APOA Has taken effect!>

<Due to hard work and effort. You have gained a new skill!>

<Dagger Proficiency>

<Level: 1/100>

<Users possess great proficiency, capabilities and knowledge in knives, a tool or weapon with a cutting edge or blade, often attached to a handle or hilt. They are able to wield small blades with great proficiency and cunning as well as stealth; concealing multiple knives on their person flawlessly, to be retrieved at will in combat.>

Ignoring the message, I continue to swing. Sweat flowing down from my eyebrows. My accuracy enhanced.

-20 Minute Timeskip-

<Dagger Proficiency has leveled up!>

<Dagger Proficiency has leveled up!>

<Dagger Proficiency has leveled up!>

<Dagger Proficiency has leveled up!>

<Dagger Proficiency has leveled up!>

<Dagger Proficiency has leveled up!>

Eventually, I stop and catch my breath. I admire my hard work. "That felt... good."

<I'm surprised that you even decided to train> My good mood instantly turned sour, as I hear the system's comment. Giving it the finger, I walk back to the cave. While on the way, I asked the system to give me a rundown of the mastery of skill.

<0-10: Novice>

<10-15: Beyond Novice>



<30-40: Beyond Advanced>

<40-50: Master>

<50-100 GrandMaster>

After the training with my dagger, I reached level 25, putting me in the Advanced level of it. "I'd call that a good day" With a small smile on my face, I reach the cave. "It's already pretty dark out." I mutter to myself lying down on the ground. I try to get comfortable, but fail. With a sigh, I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

"Stupid cave."

-Large Timeskip-

(3rd Pov - Forest)

"HAHAHAHAHA! I can FINALLY, get out of this stupid forest." A young man around 17? With wild, unkept hair, a very handsome face, and a body men would die for. Aku called up his status and looked at his progress.

<Aku Mazoku>

Level: 1

HP: 500/500

MP: 500/500

STR: 35 <Due to training your body>

VIT: 40 <Due to training your body>

AGI: 45 <Due to training your body>

PER: 30 <+10 AP>

WIL: 100

CHR: 60 <+10 AP>

LUK: 50 <+30 AP>

AP: 60 ---> 10


AN: I'm sorry for the short chapter. This doesn't really show any of the MC, but I'm extremely tired... I'll make it up to you tomorrow. THX FOR READING❤❤❤❤❤❤

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