
Best served cold

It all seemed right to Trisha, everything seemed really good to her, it was like the universe was paying her back for all the struggles she had to face alongside her mother. Her job seemed right, her love life was beautiful, her mood was everything she wanted, and her family was filled with so much love even if it wasn't the typical nuclear family… It all seemed right!! Well, that was what she thought till the series of events she found out next shook her to the core. She caught her fiance, soon to he husband sleeping with her step sister one day she decided to surprise him after he had denied her request multiple times  Leaving the scene brokenhearted, she was stabbed in the back yet again by her stepfather's sudden divorce papers. She loses her job soon after because of her inability to be productive It all seemed unreal to her until sometime after, when she begins to adjust to her new life. It takes a few trials and errors for her to fully get back on her feet… Eventually, she does and she ruins their wedding by just simply appearing. A huge shock when they thought she would never amount to anything again. It doesn't end there as her payback plan unfolds into the biggest scheme to completely criple them.

Simp4_Tomi · Ciudad
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40 Chs

Chapter ten

Despite the call she had received from Collin, Trisha would be lying if she said she didn't doubt his intentions.

The seed of doubt had been planted, however, it wasn't out of jealousy, their friendship had gone through far worse circumstances where they had learned to love each other.

Trisha couldn't focus on work anymore, nor could she stop sighing. She weighed the pros and cons in her mind as she sat on her swivel chair.

It was like he was always avoiding her, at the same time calling her when he needed her.

Between the both of them, Trisha knew who the relationship was centered around.

Instead of her normal routine of going home an hour after most of the staff signed out, she packed her things and headed home.

During the drive, her mind drifted to the woman Elle claimed Collin was cheating with.


What if she didn't see them vividly? What if it was someone that looked like her stepsister?

Or what if it's a prank?

Trisha kept asking herself a series of questions as she still couldn't believe it.

It was no surprise that the step sisters weren't too close. Considering the hate Adriana harbored for Trisha, no form of sisterhood could form between the two.

Trisha got home safely despite how distracted she was by the thought of her stepsister having an affair with her boyfriend.

"Hi baby!" Paula exclaimed from the kitchen as she saw Trisha coming into the house through the front door.

"Hi mom", Trisha said, her voice indicating that she was in a bad mood.

"What's the problem sweetie?!", Paula asked.

Not feeling the need to discuss the topic before dinner, Trisha tried to ward off her mom's inquiry, well that was till she couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Remember when it was just me, you and dad?", Trisha asked, her question taking Paula by surprise.

She paused before setting the timer on the oven. Paula washed her hands to finally go around the kitchen island to sit beside Trisha on the dining table.

"Yeah, where it was just the three of us!", Paula replied, her eyes filled with longing.

"Remember the time when we had Ice cream after dad came back from his shift. The weekend before the accident?!", Trisha asked

"I didn't want you to have more than one scoop, I wonder how all three of us ate the whole bowl and still watched a movie while doing so!".

"Wasn't it my idea?! Not like you let dad hug me, you took the seat I was aiming for!", Trisha responded.

The two sat there recalling fond memories. There was a pause before Paula asked..

"Is there any buyer yet?", Paula asked, talking bsou the house they used to live in before Paula's husband passed.

"I took it off the market!", Trisha replied, facing Paula to receive a questioning Stare.

It took two minutes before Paula connected the dots, her daughter was moving out.

"You want to go back?!", Paula asked, a lone tear escaping from her eyes.

"I think you need to spend more time with your husband. Do this for your happiness. Besides, Adriana isn't always home, so I think the Idea is beneficial!" Trisha said.

"I'll do just that then, spend time with my husband. Will you be okay all by yourself", Paula asked, worried about her daughter's well-being.

"I'll be fine mom. Also, there's something I have to tell you, I think I might be crazy!", Trisha said, piquing her mom's curiosity.