
Beneath the Shadow of Madness

KochavAvraham · Ciencia y ficción
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20 Chs

Madness Cannot Die

At that time, I began to explore whether this strange phenomenon only occurred in Egypt or in other parts of the world?

I began to prepare what was needed to make an expedition to the North Pole, although Egypt had a small population, it turned out that there were still many shops that were open even though they were poorly lit, because according to some people there some of the creatures had quite poor eyesight compared to humans.

Athena and I then went with the technology of the time, which was an airplane, I then tried to operate with my experience as General Dunsany in the previous story, it turned out that the machine was running stably, I then told Athena to sit in the passenger seat and I was in the pilot's seat.

I tried to go to a point called "Antarctica" whose purpose was to see if there were any more strange entities there, I then took off smoothly which turned out to be in technology that could use an automatic operating system, I also saw a camera that I didn't know what it was for-but it seemed important enough to document what I found later.

This trip was approximately fifteen hours almost sixteen hours, which is quite a long time, considering that it was still night around one o'clock at night, so it took a long time, and it would even arrive in the—afternoon later, I didn't want to use my power at this time because I wanted to enjoy the view of the sky full of beautiful stars.

I then tried to sleep without disturbing the system, at that time I tried to create a "barrier" that prevented me from sleeping with my head touching the aircraft system and it worked, I turned the alarm machine there which happened to be familiar to me thanks to the passage of time, I tried to close my eyes and fell asleep at that time.

Unexpectedly, the time was not as usual, the time immediately spun very fast and finally this plane had arrived in Antarctica coinciding with a tall and snowy mountain known as "Vinson Massif", Athena was already awake, I did not forget to bring a camera and of course cigarettes to make me relieved of course.

I then saw that the mountain had a cavity of some kind, but when I entered, there were hidden rooms that were probably only built in secret by the American military, so Athena and I tried to find something to photograph and document later.

As I walked through some of the rooms, I heard a strange sound that suggested there might be life in there but I was sure it wasn't human or animal, because these rooms were previously closed and hadn't been opened at all, if there were humans there would have been a room that had escaped and opened up.

I then tried to see what was there, I was very surprised because there was an entity that smelled bad, its body had spider-like legs and had strange specifications like an alien creature from nowhere I didn't know it either, the creature made sounds that I didn't understand, maybe even the language that had never existed before on earth.

This creature had a mouth similar to a dog, I then photographed it as quickly as possible and tried to understand what this creature was, which suddenly this creature did not move at all, even tended to be silent, this—creature then seemed to call a name that I felt was foreign; Negath-Negorath which I thought this was another creature or entity that this creature in front of me was trying to summon.

I heard what it said in my limited human hearing: Nglwahf R'nlenghi Negath-Negorath Mknha'w Rhdhan, which the System automatically translates as: Eternal Father, Negath-Negorath, I am in a situation that you did not tell me at that time, please, come.

Before that, I then thwarted it by moving the creature as far as possible that could possibly thwart the ritual, which then appeared a flawed entity behind it, the System called the names of the two creatures, the first one I encountered was Druth and the one that just appeared was Reagon, I don't know where that strange name came from.

The system explained that Druth is the child of any outside entity including states and civilizations and even locations, some earth cults refer to it as Negath-Negorath and some—refer to it as "The-Never-Named" and they worship this entity as they worship gods, some of the cults consider Negath-Negorath as a figure who regulates what chaos itself is.

Negath-Negorath is an abomination that is beyond everything yet is in everything, he is beyond all possibilities, Negath-Negorath is an entity that is independent of chaos or not, even though he is an abomination of space-time itself, Negath-Negorath cannot be summed up as good or evil because he is neither.

Different from Arhadroth, Negath-Negorath is more silent even though he exists wherever and whenever it is, Negath-Negorath usually only appears with a sign where the sky becomes reddish or becomes orange like a newly rising sun, usually the appearance of Reagon is one of the signs that Negath-Negorath will send some absurd phenomenon.

Shortly after the System explained that suddenly some strange realities appeared with strange shapes with various kinds of strange geometries, whether they were lower-dimensional beings or what was clear they existed suddenly and just disappeared, it seemed that this data was enough to prove the entity from outside.

I was then determined to leave that place, because my instinct as a human is to be afraid of something unknown, I held Athena's hand tightly and ran towards the plane, there without much talking, I put Athena on the co-pilot seat even though she didn't do anything.

As a human too I could not digest something that should not exist like the phenomenon just now, I immediately started the airplane's engine which strangely now the automatic system was off, I then tried to drive it alone although it was difficult, but with my experience, I was confident I could.

I then took off as usual where suddenly some lightning seemed to be trying to strike with the sky also suddenly becoming dark, I then increased the speed which indirectly turned on my power which I didn't even think that power—existed, with that power, the speed of this plane became ten thousand kilometers per hour where it only took one hour and forty minutes to get to England.

I then saw the clouds and lightning disappear little by little, I was relieved, after more than an hour of travel I then made a landing at London Gatwick Airport, there was a very calm atmosphere even like a normal airport, I then got off the plane and saw Athena already fast asleep, I took the initiative to carry Athena to the nearest inn.

I then took Athena to the nearest hotel, I saw an empty administration, I hurried to take Athena to any empty room and found a room that was very safe and probably also comfortable for Athena, I put Athena to sleep there, while waiting for the receptionist to appear.

I went outside to get some air, I took a walk around London, it was more modern than I thought it would be, but I saw an old man selling books that I had never seen in my life.

I then pretended to pass by the old man to see what kind of book it was and what was in it, I walked like a normal person and looked for a split second to avoid the old man's suspicion of me, but strangely the old man realized that I had looked at his book.

The old man then said. "I know, you must be curious about this book, right? I'll give you one because there is only one book in the world."

I spontaneously asked. "Why are you giving me that for free? Isn't it the only book in existence?"

The old man smiled as if he knew. "I'm giving it to you for free because I know you'll need it, take this book, but be careful when reading it."

After that the old man put on a cloak—somewhere, he went into a very dark alley, but I didn't want to bother, I took the book and it was written in the title section is "the Picatrix" and underneath there is Arabic writing that I can't read it is "غاية الحكيم" which according to the translation is "The Purpose of the Wise" which after I opened the book many strange things happened, I then ran in a hurry to go to the hotel-trying to read it later.

After I arrived at the hotel, Athena looked confused looking for me, I then approached her and saw that Athena was very weak for some reason, I then hurriedly took the food stock on the plane, I saw that the airport was very quiet, there were not even planes taking off or landing, I also just felt that since I came there were rarely people here.

I then carried the food to Athena, there Athena was already sitting as if waiting for me, on this trip Athena did not speak a single word, it sounded strange, but it seemed that she was too tired for this trip, I then took the food, in the form of soup and several pieces of chicken in which there was already a spicy seasoning that I felt was enough to season this food.

I then told Athena to open her mouth wide—and then I took a spoon of rice along with the side dishes and put it into Athena's mouth, Athena then chewed it with a smile as usual, time goes by, now it's late, the receptionist has not yet arrived, but I don't care and I am now trying to research what is in the Picatrix book.

I open the first page that I haven't read yet, it contains horrific and crazy things: O Chaos That Is Here and There, High Lord; Lord That Is Behind All Things: Thou, the Giver, the Vile, the Deceiver; Thou, the Miserable, the Wicked, the Destructive; Thou, the Wise and the Alone of All Things; Thou, the Unbounded by Things; Thou, who are behind the stars and planets; Thou, the Old and the Cunning and the Master of Deceit; Thou who bring destruction and creation, who make creatures happy or unhappy! I call upon you O Most High Father, with your great generosity and generous bounty.

After which everything went dark, suddenly, an entity appeared from the shadows. The entity released the black thread that was wrapped around the necks of several people, forming a cursed collar. Instantly, the people fell down and writhed around, which in my experience, they were having a dream that would probably never end. My vision and that of the people around me suddenly changed drastically. I saw the world as if it were spinning. I also saw people in hiding feeling unbearable pain and torture. This inflicted irreparable mental damage, eventually leading to total collapse. Everything was followed by an overwhelming sense of fear that assailed those people.

The system explained that this was the effect of summoning the entity I had previously summoned, it turned out that it was Negath-Negorath who had a very hideous form with a mouth that had lights and had a very large body, it might even be in the distance instead of being on planet earth, its size was more or less the same as the size of all infinity but it could turn finite and shrink even though it was actually infinite.

Negath-Negorath is actually as I explained, he exists in a state of neither good nor evil, but because his power is too great then it can no longer be stopped, his existence alone is enough to make some materials crumble without residue and even it is able to turn off the entropy system in various objects so that the object does not become damaged.

Negath-Negorath then emitted strange sounds and chants that I didn't even know what they were, but described by the System that Negath-Negorath knew very well the anxiety experienced by me, the System directed me to use the language of the outside entity, namely, "Nghaw flnha' cnhkthu Negath-Negorath wgh'ahtlahn nghah'gath ftgahrn phngla nkrelui bneghi Arhadroth nehgranit."

Which translates as: O you who are everywhere, Negath-Negorath who have great power, I know you came because of me, why has the world become like this and what is the cause? Is it because I am blocking Arhadroth?

Negath-Negorath then hinted to me which was immediately interpreted by the System, it said that all this happened because Arhadroth was out of control, Arhadroth usually leads creatures with a form like an octopus or squid in Egypt and appears as a winged creature there, Arhadroth is a chaos that spreads like a creeper, Arhadroth cannot enter sanctified areas such as Jerusalem, Medina, Makkah, the Wailing Wall, the Aqsa Mosque and many more.

Negath-Negorath hints at an existence beyond the shackles of space and time. His consciousness, if the term applies, does not hover in the cosmos we are accustomed to seeing, but in a universe beyond human comprehension, where the laws of physics are turned upside down and no longer work as usual.

Negath-Negorath is the unconscious, residing in the space below space, the space beyond space, a dimension so alien that even the concept of "beyond" collapses at the edges. It is the omnipresent backdrop to all creation, yet stands completely without definition, a cipher etched in the swirling chaos of emptiness.

Negath-Negorath makes the structure of reality unravel, and all dual concepts-light and darkness, order and chaos, life and death-melt into a primordial unity. Although described in such a way, Negath-Negorath is more than this side of the dichotomy, descriptions of zero and one, nothingness and existence no longer apply in the interpretation of Negath-Negorath.

I then understood what the Negath-Negorath who also said the same thing as Leviathan was hinting at, namely: How far are you here, actually this story is not from the author's idea, but mine, actually this is a discarded story, you heard it right, this story was previously discarded but I brought it up again as a complete story.

Although Negath-Negorath only gives gestures, he does not interact with me, he appears through my mind by what method I also don't know, Negath-Negorath also never speaks but always makes strange sounds and chants wherever it is, its shape also varies but most often it is a giant with black features and a mouth that has a lot of light next to it.

Negath-Negorath would not be able to interact with lower dimensional beings because he was in a higher dimension and did not obey any laws or regulations that applied in the universe, even if he wanted to everyone would forget him and only himself would be able to remember him, because of this summoning Negath-Negorath would also be very difficult considering not everyone could interpret whatever he said.

Everything happens because he is neither the changed nor the bound, which in this sense he is all concepts that become one whether it is the concept of life or death, consciousness, soul, knowledge or even other things, he is also known as something that cannot be pursued because there must be something that hinders it whether it is like an unknown horror, usually causing low-level madness.

To be continued...