
Beneath the Shadow of Madness

KochavAvraham · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Through the Madness

After that Negath-Negorath went somewhere, I then saw a strange page where it said never say the name out loud, I saw that the name was Azatheos, it said:

The hidden name among a thousand names; Azatheos; beyond the universe that no one knows exists, an entity dwells there without form and without light, a source and center of chaos and infinity, an Azatheos that is not understood, not even a creature would be able to disturb its sleep by reading its many names, one of which can destroy a creature itself.

Azatheos attracts and chews up all matter and even non-matter that is around him, space and even time can no longer spring up and expand before Azatheos; those whose—existence is infinite, the ever-expanding figures of space and time, are under the shadow of Azatheos and will continue to be drawn by him who is above the beings who blow their trumpets with strange tones that lull Azatheos who will not wake up again.

Beyond the vaults of known dimensions, even luminous ones, where time itself unravels and matter dissolves—in a whisper, lies—Chaos. Formless, voiceless, it lay in an abyss older than the stars seen at night, dawn and perhaps even morning, dreaming nightmares—too vast for the human mind. Before him, shapeless shadows cowered like whimpering babies, their wings twitching in fear of the invisible Lord of All and Everything. Here, reality warped—like an utterly alien physics, and a terrifying echo whispered unnamable things that were dreamed of but never understood. Yet, from this unfathomable belly, from the—infinite desires of alien madness, emerges the fragile and countless—orders of the cosmos, each one a tiny dot flickering in the void, dancing to the silent and unknown music of Chaos.

Around him there is no light, there is only him and small beings endowed with infinite power who sing the song that Azatheos likes as loudly as possible, they will continue to sing the right and play the instrument forever without being able to escape from that place, whatever Azatheos has lived in will take the form of Chaos; things that are formless and scattered everywhere.

After that I saw an illustration that might be real and that was in the book that I felt was quite horrible, even more horrible than all the ghosts that existed, I got goosebumps even though I was just staring at the illustration and felt a little nauseous, I then went to take Athena who had passed out, on that trip I used the car to drive and saw that the city was deserted, I don't know what happened but I knew for sure that this had something to do with those outside creatures.

At that moment I saw a man smoking a cigarette in a white photo spot, and then the man waved his hand in a gesture like he wanted to ask me for a ride, I then stopped—my car and told the person to get in, so as not to be awkward, I tried to open the conversation.

I opened the conversation with the usual method. "It's very quiet today, anyways, what's your name?"

The man was silent for a moment and smoked his cigarette once more, then he answered. "I'm John Eden, I'm just a visitor in this city, I don't know where I want to go, do you have any ideas?"

"I think I do," I replied, "what if we read some books that I haven't researched at all, isn't it interesting? Who knows, we might even gain a little knowledge."

"I know that." said John Eden with his heavy voice, typical of radio announcers and newsmen.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not understanding what John was saying.

"You're going to ask me to read the Picatrix book, aren't you?" John replied. "I already know that, I already understand what's in the book."

I was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what was going on, I asked a question. "Were you in a group with those aliens that you could know that?"

"No," John replied. "I'm not them, I've been hunting them all along."

"The cosmos," John said, seemingly explaining what it was about, "is a form of what is called the ultimate infinity, which contains an inexhaustible space-time, you can read the book, I won't go too far into it."

I stopped the car for a moment, opened the book and read the next page, it revealed what was in the universe, which was described in a complex and evenly distributed manner:

The universe, like a rising tide of understanding washes away everything, reconciling it with the great tapestry of which existence is but a thread. Each side of space, they reveal, is merely a cutout of a larger form that exists in one higher dimension—a box carved from a cube, a circle from a sphere. These familiar shapes, limited to three dimensions, emerge from a four-dimensional entity beyond human reach, glimpsed only in dreams and speculations. And so it soars, this heavenly hierarchy, rising to unfathomable heights of—higher ones, we confined between the three-dimensions of right-left, up-down, and back-front, while those above continue to soar towards infinity. The world of humans and deities is but a glimpse in this vastness, a very small phase in the infinite cosmos that is unfolding. Yet, while humans cling to this sliver of reality, misrepresenting it as a whole, the truth whispers from beyond; the shadow we ignore has true substance, and what we call reality is merely an illusion brought about by unseen dimensions.

"I want to ask," I asked, "why did those strange beings come to earth? Aren't there other possible planets to choose from?"

"Because earth is the closest to them, pal," John replied, "one of them is the species that first inhabited earth, they know it as 'The Old Ones', they have been colonizing earth since the first earth was formed, billions of years ago—they can be found as frozen or dried fossils now, but if their frozen or melted process is given a substance such as water or melted then they will live again."

"I see, certainly the fossils are in places with snow, what if we look in ancient caves with snow?" I said, coming up with an idea that might be useful.

"Exactly," John said with an expression that seemed to know, "I've heard in Mount Hood like there are fossils that are said to change shape every time and are also said to be able to change their total size, I'm sure of it."

"So we have to go to the US, right? I hope you can be the co-pilot." I said hinting at something that John must have understood.

"Wait. . . you mean we're going to use the airplane that's here?" asked John, as if he had some doubts.

"Yes, but don't worry, I'm a reliable pilot." I replied to John who seemed to doubt.

Me, Athena, and John then prepared what had to be prepared by heading to the shops that were left behind, we took preparations such as flashlights, glasses to avoid blinding, food stocks and other—necessary things that were not left behind to document it, namely John's sophisticated camera which seemed to get it from shops that were left by their owners because of the condition of the city which I thought was not convincing at all, we prepared it for about thirty—minutes until finally it was all done, we then headed to the car and prepared to head to the plane.

"I think this trip is pretty extreme and maybe a little exciting, what do you think?" I asked John who seemed to be ready.

"I think so, well increase the speed of the car, we have to get to the US as soon as possible, precisely in Oregon." John replied seriously and suggested.

I then increased the speed of the car, coincidentally the airport was very close, about two kilometers away, I saw the road was quiet so I did not hesitate, until the car touched a speed—of four hundred kilometers per hour, which I saw around seemed to slow down then finally arrived in two and a half minutes, at that time I immediately put the car and rushed to the plane without thinking.

"Alright it's time, John, let's go!" I said to John as I ran towards the plane.

John and Athena then followed, Athena entered the front passenger door so that I could see her condition and John immediately took the position of co-pilot in which time, we immediately started the plane to head to Oregon by dripping the location.

We saw that the plane was able to travel at fifty thousand kilometers per hour which was technically very fast, it only took about nine minutes to get to Oregon, I reminded Athena to wear an extra safety harness than usual, Athena nodded then she slept using two safety harnesses at once to protect her.

I also saw that suddenly a giant iron was directly covering the entire fuselage, this was probably used to reduce the frictional force, considering the speed of this plane was unreasonable, so carefully, I saw that there—was an extra defense system where the pilot's glass would be added with three shatterproof glass which was said to be a thousand stronger than the bulletproof glass itself, so with that I immediately activated it to prevent strange things from happening, after that I looked down for a moment, seeing that the very strong but thin propeller of the plane was—already alive, I then immediately got into the plane and immediately flew the plane carefully.

"Alright, let's begin." I said as a sign that the plane would take off.

At that moment I also backed up the plane and got ready to take off, I didn't forget to turn on the air conditioner which seemed to have been modified as well, then we took off, unexpectedly—time around really slowed down as Albert Einstein said in his theory of relativity, I then accelerated the plane to its maximum speed, which after nine minutes we finally landing in Oregon, the state of the US, we then got off the plane to see the airport there was also quiet.

"Come on John, hurry up, we have to hurry!" I said to John, reminding him that we were in a hurry.

There I then saw a car parked, at the same time seeing the broken glass, I speculated that there was a riot here and at that time I saw that the car keys were still there, you then rushed—to bring the preparations and put them in the trunk, then we stepped on the gas towards Mount Hood at a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour, we got there around 4:00 pm, I then brought the equipment along with John who was ready.

I then carried Athena who seemed to be very weak, there I built a tent that I fitted with extraordinary protection in the form of lasers formed three hundred and sixty degrees around the entire tent, I also put cooked food in the tent, and I reminded Athena to be careful.

John and I then went to the cave, it was true that it was snowing, we then turned on our flashlights because it was quite dark in the cave, I saw something moving which after I pointed the flashlight at the—creature, it was a snake-like creature with many eyes, with a large size and some of them were small and there was a terrible fact; I saw that one of them was able to change body size as said by John.

I then took a picture of it which indirectly had one bear that was apparently crushed by them, for whatever reason, my guess is that this creature is able to detect panic—or fear from any creature, so I should try to stay calm at this time with John, not only that, the creature seemed to have a blue natural light with tentacles dangling.

I then saw that this creature was a species of The Old One, I then read the book again, finding one page out of many:

The Old Ones used to have slaves called Ghorothnoa who wiped out most of their master's civilization, the Ghorothnoa then exiled themselves—into ice caves or caves unknown to humans until now, the Ghorothnoa usually eat whatever is in front of them, no matter if it is a cow or a buffalo or even a bison, they can crawl to the top of the cave where they can also see things like humans and also have a very sensitive sense of hearing.

This of course made me feel a little scared, with the advantages of the Ghorothnoa they must be and it is very possible that they—can feel the existence of me and John, this then made me rush to document other things—such as what specific characteristics on the Ghorothnoa are the most common or even the most specific.

I found out that the Ghorothnoa have physical characteristics that change because they seem to be able to change all parts of their body into cells or other forms that are unknown to humans because of the limitations of human knowledge and technology that are still far behind the beings who are out there who may be more sophisticated.

John and I then left, setting up a tent not far from Athena's tent, we then looked at our documentation which was enough to—identify this creature that this creature was not from earth, because I was sure that the specifications contained in this creature would not be in the specifications of any creature.

I then re-opened the book and found a discussion of who knows what the creature was, which went something like this:

An uncharted chasm lies at the center of the galaxy, stretching to an unknown destination. Anyone would be jolted—to hear a terrible low vibration, its rhythm all too familiar, the harbinger of Friday's escalation. When the moon was full, the vibrations always peaked, an unholy call to the rest of the world. Could he be sure he wouldn't land on that glowing mound, a throne for a tentacle—crowned nightmare city under a sickly green sky? Or worse, sucked into the belly of the abyss where Azatheos brooded, a primal center of Destruction?

Imagery of the yawning twilight abyss echoed, hinting at a wider, darker abyss out there, where all notions of form dissolved. Pulled to and fro by swirling bubbles and unyielding polyhedral dogs, he now drifted with them—the glowing wisps of mist—in the abyss of deep darkness, the larger tendrils, occasionally merging with nameless ghostly forms, leading their spectral drift. He sensed the path they traveled not through straight lines, but through the alien entanglements and spiraling eddies of an ethereal vortex, governed by laws beyond the reach of any imaginable cosmic realm, an incomprehensible echo of Azatheos, an entity spanning time and space that reigned in the terrible darkness at the heart of it all, which still resonated from the Picatrix's vague knowledge.

The stone fingers of a pillar clamped down on his—groping hands, their edges empty and lifeless. Then, his palms clawed at the worm-eaten steps, dragging him up the slippery wall with something nameless. The stench intensified, burning his skin. Above, a whirlwind of impossible colors sang and moved behind his—closed eyelids, every strange vision collapsing into the image of a bottomless abyss. In its depths, the sun and the world spun like black pearls, swallowed up by the darker night. Whispers of ancient legends stirred through the mind, tales of—unspeakable oblivion and Azatheos, the inscrutable and blind and voracious god at his heart.

To be continued...