
Ben 10/MCU

The year is 2023 Ben Stewart is a genius orphan, who at the age of ten finished high school, and spent the better part of 8 years in college. Earning several degrees in engineering, he also been practicing martial arts for the better part of 8 years. Finally entering into the workforce he finds himself unhappy. For the most part about the type of people he has to deal with daily. Coming back from work after having another stressful day at work. He couldn't help but say to himself " Please if there is someone out there who could take me away from all this madness I'm dealing with. Please do it now otherwise..." As he said these words Ben didn't realize that this would be the being of his journey through another universe. " What is that Iron Man?" " Why do all the heroes and villains look like celebrities? And why do I suddenly have the Omnitrix? Character Bio NAME: Benjamin Alexander Stewart (Formerly) Benjamin Stewart Tennyson HOME WORLD Earth 5554 (Formerly) Earth 2000089 RESIDENTS: New York Manhattan AGE: 18 (time of story) HEIGHT 6 foot 1(1,88 meters) OCCUPATION Superhero/ Vigilante Mechanical Engineer/Civil engineering Programmer (self-taught) Entrepreneur ABILITIES Enhanced Eidetic Memory Freestyle Hand-To-Hand Combatant Advance Marksmanship With Throwing Weapons Spontaneous Learning/Understanding EQUIPMENT Omnitrix (restored prototype)

Shane_Delgado_03 · Película
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15 Chs



" Sir, what do we do now? " Asked Coulson, standing inside Fury's office. As he looked at Fury who sat in his office chair. As Agent Maria Hill stood along side him.

" Phase seven. " Fury said, after some contemplation of their current situation, which is away above what they as mere humans could handle.

Fury himself, only notable ability was his slow aging compared to normal people, Loki was too dangerous for SHIELD to handle alone.

" Sir, I thought that plan was aborted by the council? " Asked Hill, confused at Fury's decision to reactive this plan.

" Maybe? However, a war is coming and will need all the fire power we have. I'll speak with the council explain the situation. In the meantime we're on recruiting. Phil you contact agent Romanoff she'll make contact with Doctor Banner..."

" Sorry, sir but, isn't it a little risky to make contact with the Hulk?" Hill Interrupted, concerned about bringing someone so dangerous and uncontrollable on broad.

" It's not the Hulk, I'm after. The cube emits lower levels of gamma radiation. Doctor Banner is the foremost leading scientists when it comes to this. Well need him if we want to find the cube as soon as possible. "

Fury explained, before turning to look at Caulson, " Agent Coulson go meet up with Stark bring him on broad. "

" Yes, sir." Answered Coulson, before leaving the room with Fury and Hill still inside.

"Hill, I'll need you to make contact with our little shapeshifter. You've studied his files we have on him, haven't you?"

" Yes, I Have." Hill answers, nodding head her as she took a stepped forward while crossed her arms over her chest.

" Good, this well be our official first contact with him. So be cautious, try as much as possible to persuade him to join."

" Are you sure about this? This could get out off hand real fast. Will Stark and the others be able to work together?" Hill questioned, her concerns evident.


A little girl runs through the crowd, trying to force a way through. And into a tiny shack. The girl runs up the steps, only to be stopped by an attending woman. Then, she spots him. Bruce Banner, their local doctor.

" What are you doing here?! Get out! You shouldn't be here!" Yelled the attending lady in their local language.

" I have to see the doctor! It's my father!" Said the girl hurriedly.

"Calm down. What's wrong?" Asked Banner, as he approached the little girl with dark black hair. After just wiping his face with a wet towel, in the girl's language.

"My father..." Said the girl, with a worried expression. Banner looks behind him seeing how the girl is staring at a few people, lying down, looking very sick.

"Is he like them?" Asked Banner as he knelt down, as he pointed at one of his patients. The little girl holds out all the money she has in the world. And with a pleading look in her eyes and with a soft tender voice response with, "Please."


Banner and the little girl hastily run nearly to the edge of town. The little girl gets ahead of herself. Banner spots a local government vehicle, he turns around, blocking any view of him.

Banner quickly follows the girl inside her house. As he walks in looking around, the girl quickly escape through the window. Banner is left standing there like a dumb ass looking at the little girl's escape.

"Should have got paid up front, Banner." Banner said, with a light hamf.

"You know, for a man who's supposed to be avoiding stress, you picked a hell of a place to settle." Natasha appeared from behind the curtains, dressed in a black dress.

Causing Bruce to turn around, at hearing her words. Finding a red haired beauty in front of him. " You here to take me in? " Bruce asked, defensively.


"This isn't about The Avengers." Fury spoke, as he stared looking at the several monitors in the room. As he tried to get his point across to the World Security Council.

"We're running the world's greatest covert security network and you're gonna leave the fate of human race to a handful of freaks." The first Councilman asked, becoming more and more displeased with Fury.

" I'm not leaving anything to anyone. We need a response team. Who can handle our current enemy. " Fury explained, once again.

" Really now? What about agent Barton. He was apart of you're Avengers Initiative. Who seems to be working with the enemy. " A Councilman spoke, his face concealed on the monitor screen.

" Agent Barton mind has been taken control by Loki, as well as several other Shield operatives, including Doctor Selvig. " Fury countered back, his tone still calm but, internally he was a little surprised.

Only a handful of agents in SHIELD new about, Barton situation. This meant that he didn't have as much control over Shield as he thought.

" So, what are you saying. Fury? " Asked a Councilwoman. " That very simple Councilwoman, we're not dealing with an ordinary person here." Fury replied, everyone remained silent at these words.

They all knew about, Loki they had all had slightly forgotten that he possessed unique abilities. That currently none of their trained combative could match, both Loki and his brother Thor were unknown. Previously the two only being myths and legends until quite recently.

After some time Fury, finally left the analytical room, finding Hill waiting outside. " You, ready?" Fury asked, as he walked with large strides out the room. Not stopping for a moment.

" Yes, and judging by your mood I can assume that didn't go to well." Hill asked, as she followed behind Fury. At these words Fury stopped in his track's turning around to face Hill behind him.

Staring down at her seriously, " Did you tell the Council, that agent Barton has been compromised." Fury asked.

" Yes, isn't that standard procedure." Hill answers, as a matter of fact. Fury raised his head up, as a bet of disappointment appeared across his face.

Before he quickly, turned back around and began walking, Hill still following him quietly behind.


Natasha threw out a folder on an old table desk, in the decrepit house. "This is the Tesseract. It has the potential energy to wipe out the planet." She shows him a photo of the Tesseract on her file Banner takes a closer look.

"What does Fury want me to do with it? " Bruce asked, looking at the file.

"Well, he wants you to find it. It's been taken. It emits a gamma signature it's too weak for us to trace it. Your the world foremost leading scientists in this field." Natasha explained, causing Bruce to understand the seriousness of, what he was currently looking at within this file.


Somewhere in an old, almost WWII-esque boxing gym, Steve Rogers, a man out of time, The First Avenger, Captain America.

Is pummeling a punching bag. With every swing, it's like a memory he's trying to fight off and repress.


Captain America is running through the forest, dodging mortars, gunfire and the Tesseract's energy firearms.

"There's not enough time! I gotta put her in the water!"

Steve's rage keeps building as he punches the bag. Harder as memories flash through his mind.

Steve finally tears the bag open, off its chain, spilling out the sand. He stands there, breathing hard, letting out 70 years of over repressed feeling.

After taking a few breathers, Steve picks up another punching bag, which is laying next another Donzen Bags. He hooks the bag up and starts punching again. At this time Fury walks in.

"Trouble sleeping?" Fury voice, echoes through the empty gym.

"I slept for seventy years, sir. I've had my fill." Steve replied, back not looking at Fury, who just walk in announced.

" You here with a mission, sir?" Steve asked, as he continued punching away at the punching bag.

"I am." Fury said, at this Steve finally stop hitting the punching bag and looked at Fury who, wore a casual all black outfit.

Unwrapping his hands of the protection hands Steve places them into his bag. As Fury watches Steve who still seems out off place in his new environment.

" Trying to get me back in the world?" Steve asked, wanting to understand Fury's intentions.

" We'er trying to save it."Fury hands Steve a file on the Tesseract, along with other files on HYDRA'S projects.

" Hydra's secret weapon." Steve spoke, recognizing the weapons.

Manhattan Penthouse At Night.

New York Manhattan penthouse sweet. Ben got out of the shower after several hours of intensive training sessions. Wearing nothing but, a light brown bathing towel around his waist, walked into the kitchen to grab adrink.

With a revamped Omnitrix having a white and green color scheme. The Omnitrix had three green buttons on each side, and a faceplate that had two green stripes forming an outline for the Intergalactic Peace Symbol.

Suddenly a woman voice rang in the room grabbing his attention. " Benjamin Stewart Tennyson, age 21 born in Austin Texas. No father, no mother." Than the lights in the living room across the kitchen lite up. Revealing Agent Hill seated on a sofa in his penthouse.

" You're currently the owner of Tennyson Industries one of the top one hundred largest tech company that only appeared two years ago. That's quite the feet for someone at you're age."

Turning around, Ben found a beautiful woman wearing tight fitting blue long dress. Revealing her long smooth thighs that made men, unable to look away from her figure.

Looking at her Ben couldn't help but, asking himself why Cobie Smuldersis, was in his penthouse. He also never realized how beautiful this woman was in person.

" Surprised? " Hill asked with a charming smile, as she stared at her target who had frozen upon seeing her, with her clear blue eyes.

" You're not part of the Hand are you? " Ben asked, her before he continuing to take out a bottle of water from his refrigerator. As Agent Maria Hill watched him closely ready to make a move if he tried anything.

" I'm not, but you're little squabble with them, has brought Shield attention to that organization. However, I'm afraid, to say..." Hill than stood up from the living room sofa and lifting up her left hand revealing a advance looking tablet.

" That not, what I'm here for." She finally said, causing Ben whom had just retrieved a bottle of cold water from the fridge to pause. "You're Shield?"

" Yes, last time we sent one of our best agents undercover, once we figured out you're identity, two years ago." Hill explained, as she approached, Ben handing him the tablet.

Taking the the tablet, Ben couldn't help but, marvel at the device. " The government sure loves to keep all the good stuff for themselves, huh. " Ben said, with a bit of disdain as he looked the tablet.

" Anyway what does Shield want, from me?" Ben asked, lightly as he held the tablet in his hand. Looking at the image in front of him showing a cube that at first glance he could tell wasn't something from earth. And by the reading in front of him it seemed to be some kind of cosmetic power source.

" You seem to be well aware about us?" Hill asked, in a calm tone interrupting Ben concentration on the reading. S.H.I.E.L.D was a secret department of the world council meaning, their jurisdiction far surpass that of the CIA and FBI.

Even the pentagon, didn't know much about Shield except for the top level executives. It was safe to say very few people with power and even influence heard of them.

" Well, to be honest yes, so again why are you here? And what the heck is this cube? " Asked Ben, again looking at the Tesseract displayed on the tablet.

He honestly had no idea what this thing is even about. Wanting her to get to the point, on why after all these time Shield had once again come looking for him.

The first time this happened is when Scarlett Johanson. Who he later discovered was an under cover agent, who in this world works for SHIELD. She hadn't caused any issues for him or his company except for trying to hack into his companies system networks.

Along with sneaking into his penthouse, while he went on night portal. Ben hadn't done anything as it was impossible for anyone in SHIELD to hack into any of his system. But, he kept a began keeping a close eye on them it this first happened.

Eventually, she left without saying a word which, had greatly worried and upset Angela for some time. She likely figured out he was onto her, after her first attempt to directly hack into their system.

" I'll get to that. But first I'd like to know where you suddenly come from? You just simply appeared seemly out of nowhere. With a suspicious record, of your existence. " Hill questioned, before grabbing the tablet out of Ben hands. "Huh, why did you.."

" First answer all my questions, then l'll maybe willing to consider letting you in on this. " Hill explained while, waving the tablet in her hands.


" Fine," Ben said, with a sigh it was one thing if Ben had no idea about the Tesseract. Even though he still didn't no exactly what it was, he was now interested. A cube that a emits immense amount of energy from space, could potentially be something earth-shattering in all respects.

" I'll go put on some clothes, unless you like what you're seeing. " He said, while winking. He was immensely proud of his physique, which well toned body not to big or small, a highly athletic built.

Which Hill had long noticed, and could tell at a glance that Ben could likely go hand to hand with some of their best. But, she could also tell from his posture and demeanor he wasn't even close to their top elite for now.

Hill nodded her head in response, before they continued their discussion. She wanted to test him, and see if he would try do anything funny. If that the case, she wasn't scared of Fury contempt.

A few minutes later Ben, returned now fully clothed, "Alright, to answer your first question. Would you believe me if I said I'm from a different reality from you're? And was given the power to turn into different aliens by a powerful existence. " Ben said, with a cheeky smile as he walked back into the room.

Hill once again seated on the sofa turned to look at Ben with an unamused expression. " Can you be serious, I'd believe it if you said you were an alien that can shapeshift if that were the case."

Hill said, however internally she was now even more skeptical in recruiting him. If this guy really is actually alien from space.

Even with all their resources they weren't able to find anything that, could explain his abilities. In turning into various creatures, as well as how he seemingly appeared, out of no where, one day.

Widow decided to abandoned her mission since she suspected her cover had been blown. After failing twice to hack into his computer system.

Hence, why they had abandoned approaching him and to continue observing him closely from a distance, after that, as well as collecting, crystal shards and DNA samples from of his transformations.

Looking at Ben, Hill silently wondered if this guy was joking about, being from an alternate dimension. They had at first speculated that his abilities were similar to the Hulk. But, instead of just turning into one green monster, he could turn into various different forms.

Fury on the other side, has been listening to the whole conversation and frowned. But, this situation didn't stir him away from recruiting Ben. Even if just to keep an eye on Ben more closely, in their own controlled environment.

" Hill get him on bored. Use any means possible but, nothing lethal until said otherwise." Fury spoke, commandingly after careful consideration. It's not like he, himself has never worked with extraterrestrials beings before.

"If his really an extraterrestrial being, his knowledge about the universe at large could be a great asset. " Fury continued, trying to convince Hill about, his important right now.

Both he and Hill mentally dismissed the whole alternative universe thing as a joke. It was more likely that he was an alien himself, with the ability to shapeshift. Even if the DNA samples they had taken from him, clearly said he was entirely human, this isn't anything new for Fury.

Loki was their biggest concern for the moment. He wasn't sure how much he could trust this person at the moment. Unlike Thor, whose history with the earth dates back thousand of years, but is still classified as a potential threat.

Anyway, he would use this crisis to find the truth, behind this person sudden appearance.

Hill understood Fury thoughts but, she also thought it would be better to try to capture this person instead. But, that would be as risky as trying to capture the Hulk.

They didn't know how many more from the five creatures his shown he could turn into, was the extent of his abilities.

Watching Ben closely Hill stealthy, hit a button on her bracelet, telling the team she came with to get ready. Just in case.

"Alright, I've told you all, there is to know about me. Now it's you're turn, Miss Hill." Ben said, with a relaxed demeanor as he leaned back into the sofa.

I agent Phil Coulson, headed towards Stark new tower building.