
Ben 10/MCU

The year is 2023 Ben Stewart is a genius orphan, who at the age of ten finished high school, and spent the better part of 8 years in college. Earning several degrees in engineering, he also been practicing martial arts for the better part of 8 years. Finally entering into the workforce he finds himself unhappy. For the most part about the type of people he has to deal with daily. Coming back from work after having another stressful day at work. He couldn't help but say to himself " Please if there is someone out there who could take me away from all this madness I'm dealing with. Please do it now otherwise..." As he said these words Ben didn't realize that this would be the being of his journey through another universe. " What is that Iron Man?" " Why do all the heroes and villains look like celebrities? And why do I suddenly have the Omnitrix? Character Bio NAME: Benjamin Alexander Stewart (Formerly) Benjamin Stewart Tennyson HOME WORLD Earth 5554 (Formerly) Earth 2000089 RESIDENTS: New York Manhattan AGE: 18 (time of story) HEIGHT 6 foot 1(1,88 meters) OCCUPATION Superhero/ Vigilante Mechanical Engineer/Civil engineering Programmer (self-taught) Entrepreneur ABILITIES Enhanced Eidetic Memory Freestyle Hand-To-Hand Combatant Advance Marksmanship With Throwing Weapons Spontaneous Learning/Understanding EQUIPMENT Omnitrix (restored prototype)

Shane_Delgado_03 · Película
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14 Chs



" Sir, what do we do now? " Asked Coulson, standing inside Fury's office. As he looked at Fury who sat in his office chair. As Agent Maria Hill stood along side him.

" Phase seven. " Fury said, after some contemplation of their current situation, which is away above what they as mere humans could handle.

Fury himself, only notable ability was his slow aging compared to normal people, Loki was too dangerous for SHIELD to handle alone.

" Sir, I thought that plan was aborted by the council? " Asked Hill, confused at Fury's decision to reactive this plan.

" Maybe? However, a war is coming and will need all the fire power we have. I'll speak with the council explain the situation. In the meantime we're on recruiting. Phil you contact agent Romanoff she'll make contact with Doctor Banner..."

" Sorry, sir but, isn't it a little risky to make contact with the Hulk?" Hill Interrupted, concerned about bringing someone so dangerous and uncontrollable on broad.

" It's not the Hulk, I'm after. The cube emits lower levels of gamma radiation. Doctor Banner is the foremost leading scientists when it comes to this. Well need him if we want to find the cube as soon as possible. "

Fury explained, before turning to look at Caulson, " Agent Coulson go meet up with Stark bring him on broad. "

" Yes, sir." Answered Coulson, before leaving the room with Fury and Hill still inside.

"Hill, I'll need you to make contact with our little shapeshifter. You've studied his files we have, on him haven't you?"

" Yes, I Have." Hill answers, nodding her head as she crossed her arms over her chest.

" Good, this well be our official first contact with him. So be cautious, try as much as possible to persuade him to join."

" Are you sure about this? This could get out off hand. Will Stark and the others be able to work together?" Hill questioned, her concerns evident.

" That why we need someone to lead them if need be. " Fury spoke, with serious tone, his eye burning with determination.


Out in the outskirts, near a railroad, a still in construction building is being occupied by Georgi Luchkov, a large, Russian general along with his thugs. A Tall thug stood in the middle of a brutal beating on Natasha Romanoff, a slewing, unbelievable attractive spy.

He backhand's Natasha face hard. Feeling the pain, the Widow doesn't breakdown. As she stairs back at Luchkov. Luchkov, smiling, walks up to the tied up Widow.

Speaking in Russian, "This is not how I wanted the evening to go." Luchkov, grabbed Natasha face, before let go.

Natasha response in Russian, not afraid of her current situation. "I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better." She said, as looked up from her position at Luchkov.

Luchkov "I'd like to know why they sent you to carry out as a carrier," Luchkov as he grabbed a stained glass and other random items. The tall thug rocks Widow chair back, balancing her off the edge of an open floor. Natasha is now a little scared.

"I thought General Soholob was in charge of the export business." Natasha spoke, looking over at Luchkov, who was still looking at her items.

" Your reputation is quite a progression. The famous Black Widow. Nothing but a pretty face." Luchkov response, as he turns to look at Natasha who was still tied to a chair.

"You really think I'm pretty?" Asked Natasha in a tender voice as, Luchkov slowly walks over to a table filled with tools. He picks up a pair of pliers. Tall thug proceeds opens up Natasha mouth wide open with his hand.

" We do not need the Lermontov to transfer the tanks. Tell him, well,... You may have to write it down." Luchkov proceeded to explain, his last sentence in English, as he walked closer to Natasha.

Suddenly, Weaselly thug's cell rings. Confused, he answers. "Ya?" He looks at Luchkov, before he proceeded to walk over, and hands the cell phone to him. " It's for you." (IN Russian)

Luchkov takes the phone, pissed "Who the hell is..."

"You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor.

We have an F22 exactly 8 miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby." Agent Coulson voice came from the phone, which stunned Luchkov.

Staring at the tied up, Widow he proceeded to walk up to Natasha. Placing the cell phone against Natasha's ear, seeing how she's tied to a chair with her hands tied behind her back.

"We need you to come in." Agent Phil Coulson, spoke. "Are you kidding? I'm working!" Natasha said, to Coulson on the phone.

"This takes precedence." Coulson explains,

" I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything." Natasha explained, a little upset at Coulson interrupting her mission.

" I don't give everything. Luchkov spoke, sharing glances with his men, Natasha looked at Luchkov and his thugs with a raised eye brow.

"Look, you can't pull me out of this right now." Natasha said, in a firm tone her mind set on completely her mission.

"Natasha. Barton's been compromised" Coulson said, in a somber tone over the phone.

Natasha upon hearing Coulson words, expression quickly became serious. "Let me put you on hold." She nods to Luchkov.

As Luchkov comes to take the phone off her, Natasha kicks him, with her left leg on his shin than she proceeds to headbutts him. Like a spider, she stands up elegantly and starts attacking the tall thug with a forward straight kick.

Pushing the thug back towards the ground, the second thug tries to hit her with a right hand. Only for Natasha to dodged the attack by ducking low. Leaving the second thug open for an attack, which she exploited using the chair she was tied to.

Hitting him with the chair causing him to fall to the ground as well. Not stopping for a second she rolls on the ground towards the first thug. Her back turned, she kicks him again this time with the back of her heel, on his shin.

Causing the thug, to shout in pain, Natasha didn't stop there as she used one of the chair legs to, crash the men's right foot causing him to bent down in pain only to receive a headbutt on his nose.

Moving as fast as a ghost, Natasha did a leg sweep, using the chair she was tied to. Causing him to fall heavily to the ground, turning to the second thug and Luchkov.

Yeah, during all this Coulson is still waiting on the line. Listening to the sounds of three, men getting their ass handed to them, with an nonchalant expression on his face.

Back to the fight, Natasha used one of the pillars as a foot stamp leaping into the air doing a front flip. Landing on the other thugs who was about to get up from the ground.

The chair she had been tied to during this whole fight finally got destroyed freeing Natasha. As she took out one of the thugs, as she grabbed a piece of the shattered chair.

At this time the first thug finally managed to grab her from behind. However, this didn't stop Natasha from fighting back in this position. Grabbing the thugs hand and twisting it causing bone crunching noises to be heard.

This caused the thug to have to let go of her due to the pain from his hand. She than uses one of the chair broken pieces to strike the thug. Pushing him back, creating some space between the two of them.

She than drop kicks him, falls down to the ground and flips right back up. The was a bit of distance between the two now so she ran up jumps and wraps her leg around his neck.

First her waist and drop the thug to the ground knocking the guy out. She than walks up grabs Luchkov and wraps his leg around with a hanging chain. And finally drops him down the open floor, leaving him dangling.

She walks to picks up the phone and her heels, like a boss. The whole fight barely lasted a minute.

"Where's Barton now?" Natasha asked, on the phone as she began to leave the abandoned building.

"We don't know." Replied Coulson, as he looked at a video of Black Widow and Hawkeye fighting on his tablet.

"But he's alive." Natasha continued to ask Coulson for more information, as she kept walking.

"We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy. " Coulson explained, as he also began to perpare to leave the Shield Base.

"Coulson, you know that Stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me." Natasha replied, recalling her last in contact with Stark.

" Oh, I've got Stark. You get the big guy." Coulson explained, as he stopped down the stairs.

" Big Guy" Natasha couldn't help but, says in Russian as she turned to look back.