
Ben 10 and his Marvelous Adventures in the Universe 616

The Multiversal, shape-shifting hero ben 10, gets stuck in the Universe 616 and tries to find his way back to his own universe.

Dragen_K · Película
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The Tesseract

Two years later:

Ben was chilling at the Stark Tower when Stark arrived in his Mark VI.

Ben: And back again.

Tony: What have you both been up to?

Ben: Nothing. Just wondering what would happen if I were to kill you and take control of your armors?

Tony: That would…be unnecessary. Omnitrix is far better than my armors.

Ben: But what if I killed u right now?

Stark: Then I'll be haunting you for the rest of your life.

Pepper: Oh you don't want that.

Ben: Yeah, that would be irritating.

Jarvis: Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overridden.

Tony: Not as irritating as this. Who is this?

The gate opens.

Coulson: It's urgent.

Tony: Good evening Agent Urgent.

Pepper: Phil!

Tony: Excuse me, his first name is Agent.

Ben: Sup?

Coulson: I need you to look at this.

Tony: Official consulting hours are between 8:00 and 5:00, every other Thursday.

Coulson: This isn't a consultation.

Pepper: Is it about the Avengers? Which I know nothing about.

Ben: What's the Avengers?

Tony: The Avengers Initiative is scrapped. And I thought I didn't qualified.

Coulson: You don't. Ben does. We only need you to study It.

Tony: Study What?

Ben: What is the Avengers?

Coulson: I'll be leaving the rest to you.

Ben: Why isn't anyone answering me? What is the Avengers?

Pepper: I'm not supposed to know so sorry. I'll too be heading out.

Tony: It's not important right now. Let's see what Coulson got us.

They analyze the file Agent Coulson brought them.

Tony: The Tesseract is an unknown object, claimed to be from outer space. It was believed that Odin placed it on earth for safekeeping.

Ben: Odin? The king of Asgard? Thor's father?

Tony: It was found by Hydra in WW2 and was used to enhance their weapons and technology, but during Captain America's fight with the hydra, the Tesseract was lost. Along with him. His body was later found by S.H.I.E.L.D. buried in ice, and he has recently recovered.

Ben: Captain America is alive? SHIELD found him and didn't even tell me?

Tony: What are you? Fury's buddy?

Ben: Well…

Tony: Howard Stark, later found the tesseract in the sea, and it has been Shield property since. They were running experiments on it recently when suddenly the cube responded. It opened a wormhole and from the other side came Loki.

Ben: Loki? Thor's brother Loki? The one that attacked earth two years ago?

Tony: Apparently yes. He had a scepter which he used to attack the agents and mind-controlled several agents including Clint Barton and Dr. Eric Selvig.

Ben: Damn.

Tony: He then stole the Tesseract, and declared war on us. We need to find the Tesseract and catch Loki.

Ben: Where is Thor? Why isn't he here to stop him?

Tony: I don't know the answer to that. It's everything they've sent.

Ben: What can you do?

Tony: I can study, that's all. You can do a lot more than that. You can catch him. With you, we don't need to worry about anything.

Ben: Heh.

They then began studying the Tesseract based on Shield's reports and studies. Ben worked with Jarvis to Improve the new Mark VII armor of Stark.

They soon heard on the news that Loki was in Stuttgart, Germany.

Tony: You reach there, I'm coming.