
Being a Titan in the Multiverse

"The Story of how I became a Titan in the Vast Omnivers and had Fun in every way Imaginable on my Adventure" I do not Own any Art or Franchise that will be used in my Fan-Fiction

P_J_Sch · Video Games
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7 Chs

A New beginnig...


"Ughhhh" I groan at the light that Hits my eyes, I try to turn away from it but no matter wher I turn to it dosen't help so I Open my eyes

".....Not... What I exspected to see..." I said looking around at the strange scenario I find myself in, said Scenario being finding myself in a space full of Universes, Nebulas, Stars, Planets, a Black Hole here and ther and Asteroids Flying about to and fro

"Beautifull..." I say as I obsorve the Beauty that is around Me and as I follow an Asteroids path with my eyes, Noticing that I seam to be standing on Water and each step I take sends rippels out from wher I walk

"Ok enough looking around time to Ask for something *Inhale* HELLO ANYONE THER?!?!?!?" I Scream out to get answers for my situation, Even tho it should be Obvious that I am Either Dead or On a Trip becuse of my Food that Mom sent me thinking 'Must have switched up the Champigon's with Shrooms instead'

3rd POV:

As the scream rings out into Space, Somthing starts to Move, Somthing that you would Normaly see in the oceans and yet it is here compleatly Unbothered, as it Aproches our MC starts hearing a sound simmilar to swimming and Turns to the sounds direction and Drops his Jaw in the Process as he beholds the being that aproches

A Gigantic Shark but as it comes closer, It becomes Obvious that it isent a Normal One for it has far more Fins than Normal(2 Back, 3 seid and 4 Aft Fins) and 3 Pairs of eyes(6 in total), the lower Jaw seams to Split in the Middel, the Body is armored in Scales that look like Stone and are of a Lapiz Blue in Color, from the Gaps of the Scales pulses of electric blue light shines in a stendy rythem like a Heart Beat and Arcs of Purple Lightning Jump around on it's Body with every Motion it makes

As the Shark aproches it starts slowing its Speed and starts circeling our MC looking at him, Judging him, and as it compleats it's 3rd lap around him, It Speaks

"You are a strange one, I never saw something like you in my Eons of Travle and Live and from what I can tell you have never seen something like Me either, How.... Curious" the Shark says in a Boming Voice, Like a Tunder over an Ocean, That the MC is forced to Grit his Teath and Hold his Ears bevor they Burst, As he gains his Bearings again and the Shark keeps moving in Circles our MC speaks after a few seconds

"Yes I have never seen Somthing like you, You look like a Shark to me, Oh how rude my name is Paul a Human, Do you have a Name?" The now named Paul asks the Titanic Shark as he follows it's Movement around himself

The Shark's Eyes Narrow and It's Mouth moves in to a Kind of Smile as an Amused Expression forms on It's Face "Indeed I have Paul the Human, I'm Etharium and I am a Cosmic Titan Shark one of the Few around her in this Corner of the Omnivers, It is refreshing to meet someone as Polite as you who dosent Imidiatly start to Grovel or Scream in Fear at the Sight of me and sorry for being so Loud bevor, I am not used to talking to small beings" said the now named Etharium to Paul in a Softer Voice, It still sounded deep and charged with power like the Rumbles of a Storm on the Horizon

Paul scratches at his right Ear and answers "That Honestly wasent that Bad, Something New to be sure for me but not the Worst that Happened in my Life till now, Ther was that one Time I drank to much Alcohol and Forgot like Half the Stuff I did that Evening, Never Drank more than a Shot or Bier after that" weil following the Slow moving Etharium

"I dont know what Alcohol is but I guess I dont want to Know if it makes you Forget things" said Etharium pondering about it a bit and than cocentrating on Paul again to ask "Do you know how you got here, Little Friend?"

Paul is stuned by being called Friend by Etharium but quickly gets Back from his stuned state to reply "Either I am Dead or my Mom accidentaly made Psych Shroom Sliced Chicken in Cream Sauce with Rice and I am curently expiriencing the Tripp and thank you for seing me as a Friend" weil being Nonchelant about it, Paul would still feel Sad about Kicking the Bucket with out leaving anything in Life to be Remembered by other than Family and the Discord Messages

Etharium hums Hearing that "I beilve you being Dead is more Likely since you most likely fell from your Reality here if the Crater behind you is any Indication, So what would you like ro do now Hang around a bit with me? Me sending you back to wher you belong or something that has gotten quit Popular, Reincarnating you to somewher else as someone New?" said Etharium giving Three Options to Paul in the Process

Paul thought about it the Pro's, Con's and what it would mean for himself in the Long Run 'more than likely I would forget myself if Etharium sent me back since I am dead and Nothing against him but he dosent seam to do Much here other than Move around wich leaves me with Reincarnating ' as Paul comes to a Conclusion in his mind he misses the slightly sad and hurt Expression of Etharium

"I have made my Choice, Oh Great Etharium the Cosmic Titan Shark, I wish to take you up on the offer of Reincarnation" Paul says with Flair and Humor in his Tone

"Mhmmhmmhmm, So you have now tell me what are your Three Wishes for the Next Life my Tiny Friend" says Etharium humoring Paul's Dramtics

Paul takes a Deep Breath and thinks and once he has his Three Wishes he says them " My First Wish is to Reincarnate as the Cybertronian Titan Trypticon from the War for Cybertron Game with out his Overheating Weakness and a Self Repair"

Etharium Blinks "That has never bevor been Wished for and I should know since lots of beings visit and tell me Storys about the Reincarnators that they sent away into the reaches of the Omnivers... How Exciting, Granted" said Etharium excitedly

Paul smiles in Joy "my Second Wish is that I can Eat things and Absorb the Traits of what I Ate, like say I eat Vibranium than now I have Traits of Vibranium in my Body or Variable Tractor Beam than I can use that Tech"

Etharium ponders that "That way you arent Locked to Trypticon's Base Strength wich would still be City Levle but in the Omniversal Ocean that isent All that Much, Granted"

Paul grins at Etharium, Allmost like the Cat from Alice in Wonderland(or RWBY but we dont talk about him) "My Third and Final Wish is an Omniversal Tech and Adventure System that Gives me Main, Extra, Side and Optional Objectivs for the Univers I am in to Compleat that Give out Rewards and than Travle to the Next, The compleated Worlds will be Archived so that I can Visit them again when ever I feel like It" said Paul with the Enthusiasem of a Proud Older Brother

"I Must say Paul you know what you want and the Way you worded it is ,at least to my Understanding, Superbe, Granted and bevor you go a Request from me to You, Visit me here and ther will you? Sharks may be more often than not be Solitary Creatures but not all of them Are" said Etharium with a bit of a Pleading Tone to Paul, wich made Paul flabbergasted on how much Etharium reminded him of a certain Storm Dragon who is Friends with a Slime

Smiling, Paul said "Sure, Etharium my Cosmic Friend, I will come Visit here Between Adventures and we tell each other about interessting things that we have been Done, Seen or Heard, Fin on It?" Holding his Hand out for the Hand to Fin shake, Paul ends his Proposal

Smiling like a Happy Shark, Etharium comes closer and closer untill the Titanic Shark is close Enough for the Shake and says "It is a Promise than my Friend from now till Forever, may our Bond become the Strongest ther Is" as he Shakes Fin to Hand with Paul and seals the Promise of 2 Very different Friends

As the tow of them finish the Shake and seal theyr bond of Friendship, an Aray of colors starts to shine and Etharium says "I hope you bring me an Interesting Story once you come to Visit, my New Friend" and Paul Vanishes with the Flash of Rainbow Light Etharium being alone again in his Teretory of the Omnivers Ocean Happyer than ever bevor

Paul's POV:

As the Blinding Colorfull Light dim and I Open my Eye's again, I am greeted by Darkness but not the Kind of absolute Zero Light but the kind that has you have weil Gaming in a Dark Room, Rho the room I am in is decorated with Electric Purple Light Pulsing in Circuit Line paterns every wher I look and a Typical White Gamer Panel in front of me with Text on it

[Welcome User to the System, Bevor continueing Please chose a Name, Gender and Color for the Interface and Text



Interface Color:

Text Color: ]

I Blink at that, and think that it is quit the Polite System, Wonder if the System will become Like Ciel or some other AI Waifu in the Future, Thoughts for later for now chosing things, My Name is easy since I am becoming Trypticon, I might as well use the Name, my Gender is Male, Even if I wont be able to Reproduce like Biological beings as for Interface and Text Color.... Lets go with Decepticon Purple and Electric White Text

[Thank you for Compleating this step User

Name: Trypticon

Gender: Male

Interface Color: Decepticon Purple

Text Color: Electric White ]

[System Initialising.....


User Data and Preverences..... Compleated



System Functions.....


World Archive.....


The Adventure can begin Trypticon.....

Start Adventure Y/N? ]

My Excitment is at an all Time High and I Press Y, as I did that I noticed that my Finger not only is a Claw but also Holografik but bevor I can Ponder that my Vision goes Black again

As it Returns I finaly see what is around me... I am in Space... Near Saturn to be Exact if the Asteroid Belt around the Yellow-Brown Planet is any Indication and since I cant feel my Limbs, I must be in my Alt-Mode..... Corection, In one of my Alt-Modes since my on bored Systems pinged me with my Robot Mode and Space Station Mode, Mening I am Curently in Space Ship Mode..... Well Time to Do an On bored Systems Check.....

It took me 3 Hours but I now know all my On bored Systems like the back of my Human Hand and the Certainty that Most versions of Starscream are Opertunistic Backstabers, I also got a Conection to the Human Internet after passing Jupiters Orbit and am a Thousend Kilometers from Mars Orbit Now wich... I was actualy to focused on my On bored Systems to pay attention to how fast I was but needing 3 Hours from Saturns Orbit to a Thousend Kilometers from Mars Orbit isent Bad at a Crusing Speed....

Whatever I found out what Univers I started in and what Year it is... it is 2050 and the Words Drift, Jager and Kaiju are Commonly Used in the Internet including Animations about an OP that was Conducted by Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka...

Wich shame I would have Loved to have some of the Cool Jager Weapons, Like Chernos Piston Fist or Typhons Saw Hands but since Australia is in Lockdown Code: Blackout since Five Years I will simply Scavenge the Husks for Weapons

Even tho most of them are for One. Cool Factors and Tow. Mele Combat wich I lack big Time even with the Fact that my Robot Mode has Claws, Teath and a Tail but Simply Punching, Clawing, Sweeping and Biting isent All that great in the Long Run and far to Predictable once I fall into a Patern

Welp, Time to go back to Reserch and Hacking into the PPDC to track down most of the Abandond Jager Husks

To be Continued....

A.N.: Hi, New Author Here please dont be to Nit Picky but do Point out my Mistakes and Give Me Ideas for Materials, Tech, Objectivs and Rewards

Thank you for Reading the First Chapter and please dont be Ghosts and Comment if you find Mistakes or have Ideeas

(Chapter Edited on June 12th 2024)

My First time making something like Thos Hope you Like It and hive me Lots of Ideeas at least as many as can be Humanly writen Down and used

P_J_Schcreators' thoughts