
Millions of Years

Today was a normal day like always, it was the day of my first college exams. I've been preparing for a while so I was quite confident of at least a C. That would be good enough to make my parents happy. As I was crossing the street I saw a child crossing the street, then I saw a truck. This has been happening on the news lately where a truck would appear and someone would get saved by some otaku or a white-collar worker. I kept on watching to see who would be the one today.

Turns out it's a skinny guy this time, dam look at how happy he is. Well not my problem, as I was crossing the street I noticed I'm the only one crossing. As I looked around everyone was screaming. Then the world went black.

'What the fuck...'

After calming down I started to look around me it was pitch black I think I'm in a void. After looking around for while I saw nothing so I just sat there. Then the idea to meditate came to me as I mediated.

[Congrates you have become a lvl 1 God]


[You have now gained the ability to have a planet]

'Who are you?'

[The helper]

'Helper of what?'

[Helper of a newborn god]

'How did I become a god? All I've been doing recently is meditating for like a day or two.'

[You've been meditating for millions of years.]

'Say what now'

[You've been meditating for millions of years.]

'How why?'

[You have been absorbing energy, universal energy it the energy used to make a universe. Since you have been absorbing the energy for millions of years you've transcended to a lvl one god also known as a newborn god.]

'What would have happened if I didn't meditate?'

[Your soul would have faded or gone through a cleansing which you would have been born a new]


[Anyway, let's get you set up on your first planet]

All of a sudden my view changed and I saw a nebula, it all the color moving I instantly felt some type of connection. This is what omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient must feel like. As I tried to move my sense outside the nebula felt myself go blank I hurriedly attracted my sense.

'what was that?'

[That was the void, its made to protect newborn gods from being attacked and going out]

'Going out where?'

[Gods space, A place where only true gods can live]

'Am I not god?'

[No you many have the energy of a god but you aren't a true god]

[Anyway enough talking, its time for you to create your first planet]


[Now making a planet is about your imagination, all you have to do is imagine how big you want your planet to be, and remember don't make any creatures just the planet.]

As I thought about my planet I decided I wanted it three times as big as the earth. Earth is made of 71% percent water, but I don't like that so I'll make mine at least 69%.

'I'm done'

[Onto the next step make your land or islands]

'I'll make four big continents that are all connected together by one single island'

My planet started shaking all of a sudden mountains started growing. The water started splitting tsunamis came. The land kept rising then the continents started forming and in the middle of all of them came up a small island the three size of Los Anglos connecting them.

[You can now start playing god]


AllMightyTallLordcreators' thoughts