
Time and Energy

'Does my planet have time'

[Yes it does, you can change it right now it's 1:1]

'How do I change it?'

[You need to will it]

Closing my non-existing eyes, I started focusing on time and my will to change it. I felt something start to change around me, it was the flow of time in my nebula. I changed the time to 1:10, from now on 1 year for me is 10 years around my nebula. I then took the time and started messing with it.

I made it so Los Angelos was connected to me so 1 year for Los Anglos is 10 years for the rest of the world.

'Does my planet have a name'

[A name is optinal]

'I name this planet GIA'

As soon as I named the planet I felt a deeper connection with it, as I looked at the planet I could see something in.

'What's that'

[That's the consciences of the planet when a planet is given a name it can gain a conscience, but it takes time for them to awaken it could take millions of years are needed for them to be able to just think]

'Can I speed up the process'

[You can, but it's not recommended as it can damage the thought processes of the planet]

'I see'

As I kept looking at the small consciousness I wonder when it would be able to awaken.

Now then, what kind of world do I want? Do I want to rule with an Iron fist or do I want to let the people have free will? Do I make guidelines for people to follow or do I make religion and use it to rule the world?

So many choices, well let's just make it a fantasy world. The one thing that makes a fantasy world fantasy is the energy the people there use.

Qi or Mana, Qi is mostly used to strengthen the body so its most destructive power. Mana can be used to make things or create. I'll make Mana rarer for people to have it in the world, except mythical beasts.

'How do I make the type of energy I want to appear, do I just will it into existence?'

[Yes and no, for the energy you need to name it then explain the properties or what it does and how it can affect the envoirment]

'I want to make energy called Qi, It can be used to strengthen the body from the inside or outside, any creature is able to use Qi or has some Qi in it'

'The other type of energy I want to make is mana, Mana is more scarce then Qi. While people can be born with both Qi and Mana, there will be fewer people with Mana as it can create or destroy things it's even capable of changing reality or making elements'

[Now focus on that while making it happened to infuse this Qi and Mana into GIA]

While infusing both Qi and Mana Into GIA it started shaking an aura spread around GIA and it started to transform.

'Dam I'm a bit tired, a little nap won't hurt'