
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Ciudad
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34 Chs

I do

Becca's POV(12 years ago)

"Yeah, I think I'm just going to go cause this shit is too weird for me," the dickwad says as he zips his pants up and runs out.

honestly, I can't blame him though. sex in a church confessional was never a good idea in the first place but it doesn't stop me from screaming words like 'pussy' and 'wimp' at him as he hightails out of the box.

I sigh in frustration but eventually decide to fix myself up and leave. I don't even know what I was thinking. if only I'd have waited for a few more blocks till we got to my apartment building, I'd have been perfectly occupied for at least three hours or so. But you win some you lose some.

I straighten my hair and I'm about to step out when the curtain on the other side gets pulled back and someone steps in and without a second thought he starts talking.

"Bless me father for I have sinned" he begins in a frankly arrogant voice for someone who's meant to be penitent and repentant. "it has been never since my last confession and that's cause I don't believe in this shit and frankly I just needed someone to talk to before I throw away my life" he continues in a frankly undisturbed tone.

"Father?" he inquires when I stay quiet for too long so clearing my throat I finally answer.

"well I'm not a catholic father and I'm definitely not a nun or a Christian at all. but my night just got cleared up so I might be able to talk for a while" I reply slowly as I test the waters to see if Mr 'arrogant' might decide to throw a little boy tantrum.

"okay?" he surprisingly replies with a tone of intrigue in his voice

"well let's start from the part where you believe you're throwing your life away," I ask as I cross my legs to appear more professional. '#allAboutThatTherapyB***ch' I think happily to myself.

"well I'm 21 and I'm getting married today to my girlfriend," he says and I swear I shouldn't be laughing but it's kind of funny

"let me guess, you forgot to use protection?" I ask between laughs

"no" he replies sharply and I swear I could hear him pout "we just love each other very much" he continues but it doesn't throw me off.

"oh really? so she's not pregnant?" I ask confidently with a smile on my face at having cornered him cause he takes a long time before replying

"well she is, but we also still love each other very much" he finally admits and soon regrets because of my little victory dance and the joyous screams of "I was right and you were wrong", but surprisingly he just laughs melodiously.

"So what's the problem then?" I finally ask him when I finally settle down

"I just feel like I'm too young to settle down and honestly, I'm not sure if she's right for me" he admits exasperatedly.

"well I thought you said you love her? so why do you think that you are having these feelings?" I ask

"Honestly I don't know either. maybe it's the on and off nature of our relationship or maybe it's the fact that I thought id have a little more time to know her before we got married" he says with a groan as from the peephole I see him slide down and relax a little.

"How typical. just knock her up after just meeting her" I think to myself but apparently my mind-to-brain filter is spoilt cause I end up saying it out loud.

"we've actually known each other since childhood" he replies calmly with no hint of anger in his voice at my comment.

"I knew what she was like back then but I feel like I need to get more acquainted with who she's become as an adult and that was the point of the dates we went on after we came back from college but life literally happened, or was created." he continues as he seems to relax and open up more to me.

"well, who she has become now doesn't necessarily change who she used to be. in reality, our characters don't change that much. we can only build on what we already had and if what was there before was good then eventually everything will crumble and fade away and return to being good. trust me you're going to want to be there when that happens." I reassure him and it seems to work perfectly cause he sits up and with a confident "you're absolutely right" he makes a move to leave but before he does he asks for my name so thinking on the fly I immediately reply "Brooks" to which he just chuckles

"and does Brooks have a last name?" he asks and without thinking I immediately reply

"White. Brooks E White" I say as I appreciate my grandmother for teaching me how to lie so perfectly.

"Right, then I must be Wilbur then," he says with a scoff before continuing

"Well, in that case, I guess I'll see you around, Elwyn," he says before drawing back the curtain and stepping out. but my moment of shock is kind of ruined when a scream that would have made a banshee quake in her boots, rings throughout the church.

"where the fuck have you been. I've been waiting at the fucking alter" a blonde lady shouts as I peek at her back from behind the curtain

"just talking to someone" he replies as he makes a move towards the doors before I hear him say once again "let's go get fucking married" and I do a little victory dance for my first successful case but its clearly a big mistake judging by the loud bang I created when my elbow smashed into the side of the large box.

a few clacking heels later the curtain is pulled back as I crouch in the corner and put my hand over my face while saying "I understand that you're angry, but please not the face. I'd hate to show up to work tomorrow with a black eye" but the slap never comes. Instead, she says

"get. the fuck. out of here you detestable whore and stay the fuck away from my husband" with as much anger as she could muster poured into it, and honestly, I am a little scared as I run out of the church never to see Mr arrogant ever again.


just then the door bursts open and Nathan walks in causing her to instead place her blade up against my neck as she holds me in front of her body like a meat shield.

"drop it, Serena, this is between me and you. there's no need to involve her" Nathan says as he tries to aim his gun at the psycho behind me.

"that's where you have it wrong Nathaniel. all members of the family have to be present for a family meeting. and besides, I am allowed to meet my replacement again, aren't I? or do you forbid it, husband?" she says before whispering into my ear "I thought I told you to stay away from my husband, you detestable whore"

yes, I uploaded a chapter.

no, webnovel didn't assign a new author.

yes, I'm hoping we can eventually settle on a nice pace where I can upload daily.

but, in the meantime please vote, share and add this book to your library.

next chapter in a bit so keep checking in every day.

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