
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Ciudad
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34 Chs

A tale of Skulls and Faces

Becca's POV

"Hello Helen, my name is Menelaus," he says with a creepy smile on his face but not because it is a crazed one. But because it is one filled with emotion and super stalker-ish obsession.

"Excuse the mess, my love. My business associate knew the rules and still tried to touch what is mine and well I couldn't have that" he says as he signals to someone behind me but I had already regained my composure by then and stood up before his goon could even touch me which draws a look of fascination out of him as he smiles at me.

"When did you get out?" he asks with a grin or at least from what I can see under his mask and from his tone I think it is

"So you're the guy who decided to play dress up and run around taunting my fiance?" I say as I deflect his question while walking around bravely with my hands behind my back. Doing my best to ignore the pins and needles in my legs, and the markings on my skin thanks to my restraints and instead focusing on psychologically taking control.

"I wouldn't call it taunting as much as Nathan plainly getting his ass handed to him," Menelaus says as he falls into step five paces behind me which as it just so happens is perfectly out of my range of attack and close enough for me to be right on the edge of his. But that isn't the only thing that I notice, cause it's kind of hard to not hear the disdain in his voice when he mentions Nathan.

"Look Menelaus or Nelly or whatever you call yourself. Oh, wait, on second thought Nelly is actually quite good. Can I call you Nelly?" I ask as I turn to face him and without waiting for a reply I continue "Yeah Nelly I get that you hate Nathan and all but can you leave me out of your playground fight. You see I'll be getting married soon and I'd rather not ruin my skin in any way before Nathan kills you" I finish and he just laughs out loud before he is interrupted by his beeping watch. He looks down for a second and when he looks up this time he has a genuine creepy smile on his face and this one is considerably more dangerous than the first one given that this one is paired up with a crazed look in his eyes which are now filled with a very hard to miss murderous intent.

"Well you're boyfriend got here much faster than I expected. My, my, Helen, have you been a naughty girl?" he asks as he wags his finger at me

"Ok, you got me," I say with a smirk as I walk over to a goon and pluck a tracker off his body "Why carry a tracker on my body when I can plant trackers on at least three different goons?" I finish off with a triumphant smirk but Nelly isn't phased at all

"Well looks like I get a chance to cancel that wedding of yours, or at least change the groom. But don't worry I won't kill him in here though. Can't decrease the chance of you falling in love with me by 25 percent. But first I think I need a wardrobe change cause this mask is way too fat for me" h says before slitting the throat of the goon next to him and carefully carving his face up as explosions and gunshots ring from outside the room we are currently in and yet none of the goons around Menelaus flinch or complain even once.

Suddenly the radio on the goon next to me comes alive and clear as day Nathan's voice rings out "Oh Menelaus, come out and play. I don't got all fucking day, I promised my girl some cuddling after sex and I plan to make good on that promise" Nathan says in a singsong voice as I can't help but think to myself 'Damn, that's my boo'

The goon next to me moves for the radio but Menelaus stops him with a raised hand "Let her keep it, I'd like her to hear him die and besides, if you'd gone any closer you'd be dead" Menelaus says as he finally finishes carving up the face and holding it in his hand he signals for some of the goons to follow him out of the room and leaves 5 bulky guys behind.

"Will there be Ice cream?" I immediately ask into the receiver and not a moment later the speaker comes alive again as I hear that chuckle and I can't help but imagine that perfect smile and those fucking dimples on his face as he replies "as long as we can get some cream-filled doughnuts too" and immediately a wave of memories hits me that make my cheeks flush and I can tell right away that the bastard knew what he was doing when he said that.

"I'll be out in 10 minutes babe. Just wait for me" I say before switching off the receiver and turning to face my bulky adversaries.

"I'm guessing you guys aren't just going to allow me leave right?" I ask the goons and surprisingly one of them decides to speak up.

"The boss told us to try to keep you here even though you'd probably kill us all and still walk out of here" Goon 1 who I am choosing to name Ray says as they all produce steel pipes from their jackets.

"Well this isn't a fair fight now is it?" I ask mockingly but Nelly's goonies don't even smile 'Tough crowd' I think to myself as the goon one cautiously approaches me with movements aimed at capturing me in the center but I don't think he accounted for the speed of my attack cause with a little flexing of my thigh muscles I spring to my left and barge into him catching him off guard.

As we fall to the floor I reach for the steel pipe in his hand and grabbing it I roll off his body right before impact with the floor. Skidding to a stop I pop up and without hesitation turn back and bash goon one's head in with one strike from the pipe in my hands.

"Shame. I liked him more than I like the lot of you" I say and without warning, I move towards the rest of them wondering if the blood on my face made me just a little scarier cause goon three of them didn't even move at all. 'well who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? ' I think to myself as I dodge goon 2's steel pipe and use the pipe in my hand to shatter goon 3's knee forcing him to the floor as I pop up right behind him and using my bar as leverage I break his neck.

'And then there were three, but in this story the big bad wolf wins' I think to myself as I wait for one of them to charge in like an idiot and sure enough goon 5 does charge in. Too bad for goon 5 I remember him. You cant exactly forget the face of a piece of shit who tries to interrupt your conversation with your fiance.

This time I go for deranged psycho as I block his overhead strike with my steel pipe and spin into his arms before raising my leg up and planting my heel into his crotch causing him to bend forward as his jaw falls onto my shoulder. Snatching the knife on his belt I plant it in his eye and run it across his face making a perfectly horizontal line that cuts both of his eyes but doesn't harm his eyelids too much and after admiring my work for a second I plant said knife into his crotch and leave it there

"I wouldn't pull that out if I were you" I whisper to him before pushing him to the floor and turning just in time to see a spray of blood as the last two guys fall to the floor to reveal Isaac and Nathan standing behind them.

"Hey babe" Nathan says with a grin as I forget all about my Jackson Pollock painting and run into his arms.

We hug for a while after mutually agreeing that kissing each other with so much blood on our bodies might be a tad too disgusting.

As we turn to go the door burst open and in comes an irate Menelaus who points the katana in his hand at Nathan and shouts "YOU" with so much anger in his voice.

"Well this should be interesting" Isaac says as he plops down on the recently deceased Po's desk and open a bag of potato chips.