

Sebastian's P.O.V

6 months later

It's been six months since that day. I spent the first two looking for her but eventually took it as the gods telling me to keep to my ‘not wanting a mate’ way of thinking. I mean, can a broken man even dare to have thoughts of mates and love or compassion? Of course not, how repulsive. At first I couldn’t forget her, but thankfully I never officially met her so eventually I got her out of my system. But can a person really disappear like that? Without a trace?

The war Jason and I had been preparing for, against Mason, leader of the rogues, was a good distraction. With the thought that my pack’s safety comes first, I was able to to protect everyone and avoid casualties. Now that the war is over, my main focus is how to deal with Jason, permanently. While consumed by my thoughts Jake walks in, pulling me out.

"Alpha ." He says coming in. Those two months were hell for my pack, especially my Beta and Omega. With my hot temper and unwavering stubbornness, I made things difficult. Thankfully everything is fine now.

"Jake." I gesture for him to take a seat.

"Bass-" He sighs. “I’m a little worried man. You don’t take care of yourself anymore, Kylie says you’re skipping meals and you lock yourself up in this office.”

“What we’re planning needs to be perfect, I can’t accept anything less.”

“At what cost Sebastian? Luckily you’ve calmed down from since you met that girl but, the way you’re doing things? You might slip back into how you were four months ago.”

"Jake.” I call him, my voice low. I don’t want to get mad but Jax is always on edge these days. “Can you really be lecturing me?” I glare at him as he looks up at me towering over him. “Do you want to die?”

"No Alpha, please accept my apology. I didn’t mean to overstep, I’m just worried about you. You’ve always had the habit of overworking yourself then burning out with violence in the end.” I sigh. I know he means well.

"I hear you but, I’m not a child that needs you to constantly look over his shoulder. Once I remove Jason everything will probably go back to normal.” I say going through the file in my hand.

"Sebastian .." I cut him off.

"I know, it's not a possibility. Did you gather the evidence I asked for? On the other matter?" I change the subject.

"Yes, we have all the information we need. All that’s left to do now is attack."

"Good , gather our best men and we'll leave tomorrow at dawn. It's time to put an end to this." I say. He looks a little shocked.

“Are you sure? I mean maybe you shouldn't come with." What did he just say.

"I'm fine , stop acting like my damn mother. Just do what I ask if you."

"Yes Alpha." He says getting up and leaving.

Finally I can put an end to this. Ever since Jason left , after his visit, Jake, Asahya and I have been investigating him. We found out when he was here that he stole a blue print layout of our land and a file on all my enemies, making us assume he's planning an attack against us. We also found proof that the bugs planted in my office were purchased under his name because he left credential crumbs behind, idiot. He's formed alliances with all my enemies and they're all gathered on his land for their attack on us, planned for next Monday, but what they don't know is that we're aware of all of this.

Tomorrow is our only chance to attack while we still have the upper hand. Meaning this is also the only time I can kill Jason, should I choose, without facing the Elders.

I get up and head to my bedroom to take a quick shower. Getting out I dry myself off and put on grey sweatpants with a black tee shirt and sneakers.

“Open the gates.” I instruct my men. Transforming, I sprint off with no actual destination in mind and before I know it I’m back at the waterfall, where I first met my mate. I smile to myself and sit on the ground reliving the day I saw her.

When I was a teenager I never used to believe in love and I still don’t. I actually loathed the idea of loving someone more than my pathetic life itself. It proved to be a weakness to me and made Alphas vulnerable, controversial to us needing to be strong for our packs. But my strong opinion about the matter changed when I saw how Kylie and Jake were with each other. Jake and I met Kylie when she transferred to our high school and even though her eyes landed on me first, thankfully that didn’t matter the moment her and Jake met each other. Seeing no one else exist to them besides themselves really did give me a different view on mates. It was definitely different from how my father and mother were.

I head back to my house instead of the pack house, laying down my mind drifts. Maybe I should go check on my restaurant franchises after paying Jason's pack a visit, it's been a while since I've done that. I need something to keep me busy and once I’m done with this job I’ll have more free time. Downing my sleeping pills with vodka I soon feel sleep consume me and fall asleep.

"Sir." She says as she kneels down in front of me.

"You're such a good girl. Maybe I should reward you." I say to her as I brush the top of her head causing her to shiver.

"Yes please sir." She purrs.

"Get up." I command and she obeys immediately.

"Strip then get on the bed with your legs wide open and your knees facing the ceiling." I say, my voice sounding husky.

As I watch her take off her clothes I can't help but admire her beautiful body , smooth and curvy in all the right places. Once she lays on the bed I walk towards her and grab her legs making her gasp , I smirk and slide my hands on each sides of her thighs slowly to the side of her hips and hook both my left and right index fingers on the hem of her thong. Within a second I tear it off . She gasps but I can tell she likes it ,her eyes never lie.

I separate her legs slowly, slide my finger down her inner thigh and slide it down her wet core. "Is my dirty little girl wet for me?" I ask her as she sucks her juices off my finger.

"Yes sir." She moans , "Master please .." she begs

"Please what baby?"

She gets on her knees on the bed and slides her hand into my sweatpants then takes out my hard member , licking my tip with her tongue and making me groan. "Please fuck me master." She says as she lays down and pulls me by my member to align it in front of her waiting core.

Panting heavily I jolt awake. Wiping the sweat on my forehead I remove the covers and get out of bed, heading to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and feel the cold water with my hand then take off my tee and sweatpants, getting inside. I need to stop having these dreams or I'll go crazy. As I stroke my member I picture her half naked on my bed , after a while I reach climax and sigh.

Heading out of the shower I dry myself off and get dressed. Checking the time I see it's 4am , good, it's time. Heading into my closet I take out my soldier pants , gun straps, bullet proof vest and a long sleeve black t-shirt then get dressed.

I head downstairs only to be greeted by all my men seated and eating, including Maya and Kylie, this causes me to give Jake a look as I head into the kitchen to grab a plate, and he follows. "Before you say anything .." I cut him off.

"They can't come with us it's too dangerous." I say flatly. He sighs and looks at me.

"I tried but they won't listen to me. You try." He challenges.

As I eat quickly I just shake my head. After eating I get up , put my plate in the sink and head out to the sitting room. My men stand to attention , "Maya , Kylie you're staying, the rest let's move out." I command, they bow their heads but I can see them sulking.

After an hour drive we park a mile away Jason's land and continue on foot. I mind link half my men to surround the West , East and south side of his territory while me , Jake and the rest move north. We have to surround them so they won't surprise us. We head in and take out some of his wolves using our hands then others with guns , this alarms everyone and they start heading out.

"Jason!" I yell as we approach the pack house. As he walks out I can see the shock in his face but he quickly recovers and smirks. "Well if it isn't the famous Alpha Jacobs. We're so glad you could join our little party." He says walking towards me. As he approaches out walks Lorenzo, Hyde , John , Justin and Titan, his son, all my enemies well, except for Titan.

"Are you surprised?" Jason asks , "I bet you weren't expecting this now were you , you're not as smart as you think you are Jacobs." He spits out and as he speaks all the combined packs form around me and my men , well half of my men , and I have to admit there's a lot of wolves here but I know we can take them. My wolves are the best in the region and for good reason too , we have been trained from birth to fight and protect what is ours.

"Maybe now you realize you're about to lose Sebastian." Lorenzo says making me turn to him.

"I'm not at all surprised Lorenzo. But I’m a bit worried, is this really the best you've got?" I challenge. If this is all of their packs in one then it's not much of a fair fight.

"Our packs are five times your own and judging by the number of your men you only brought half of your pack because you thought you'd only find Jason's pack. Big mistake Jacobs, big mistake." He smirks.

Reaching into my right pocket I take out the micro bugs Jason planted in my office and as I hand them to him his pack growls. I roll my eyes, "Relax boys, I'm not going to kill him, yet." I shout and hand Jason the bugs , when he sees them his face falls. I smirk as I look at him and when he looks up I can see the fear in his eyes. "Surprise." I say

"What is that Jason ?" Hyde questions.

"Those are the bugs Jason planted in my office when he stole blue prints of my territory and files on all of you, before he left my pack house. He used them to listen in on my conversations with Jake , my Beta , and Asahya , my Omega, to plan an attack on my people." I stop.

"But what he didn't know is that I've known from the beginning. You see Jason.." I say as I move closer to him , "I fed you false information about my plans on purpose, even when you came to see how my men trained to fight against Mason , I changed their training routine to lure you astray because I already knew what you were planning the minute you arrived earlier than you should have." I finish off.

Looking around I can tell they already know they've lost. "You will not win Jacobs because you have half your men here and we have an army ! This is your downfall." He growls getting into an attacking position.

"Hell will freeze over before I lose to the likes of you. You're not even worth a second of my time." I smirk.

When Jason yells attack I mind link my men to attack as well and kill every wolf except the Alphas because we're taking them back to our pack house. As I run and kill every wolf in my way I feel the hunger of blood and victory arise within me once again, driving me and encouraging me. I will not lose.


any thoughts?

-JD :)