

Zendea's P.O.V

Opening my eyes I'm greeted by sun rays hitting my face, I use my hand to shield my eyes while getting up only to be stopped by Sebastian's arm around my waist. I smile and slowly remove it then head to the bathroom.

It's been 2 weeks since I found out about his past, when I woke up the next day he was still there and I was so relieved. From then I slowly started to try and get to know him , it hasn't been easy and sometimes he shuts me out completely but other times he's this sweet and wonderful man I know he is.

We sleep in the same bed and we eat breakfast together, he even goes grocery shopping with me although he dreads it but, he's trying and that's all that matters. After brushing my teeth and washing my face I tiptoe out of the bedroom and head downstairs.

"Good morning Keke." I smile to her.

"Good morning Luna, you're up early." She states curiously. She's always looking for gossip.