
Befouled Love

A young woman, named Anya Miller has a different view of what others call “Love”. Abandoned from her mother she had to learn to survive on her own. But when fate leads a man into her life. Will her view of love change or will she have given up hope and never even bother with love again. -•Update every Saturday•-

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12 Chs

Chapter Two

I took the cash and headed to the counter and placed the cash in the register. I look up at the clock and it reads 12:30. I head to the back to clock out. Hayden had all ready clocked out. Hayden and I walk out and head the ice cream shop across the street from Melbane cafe. We enter the little ice cream shop we are greeted by a young gentleman in a blue polo and khaki shorts. "Hello. And welcome to Frosted Sweet Treats!" He says with a warm smile. "Hello!" Hayden replies smiling back. I order a small vanilla cone, Hayden orders a small chocolate cone with sprinkles and carmel drizzle. We take a seat at a table in the back corner near a window. We talk about school and costumers we met at work. In the middle of our conversation a man walks in. He is wearing ripped jeans and a black hoodie. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He orders a medium vanilla milkshake with reese's, then leaves after paying. He drives off in an Alfa Romeo. "Hayden" I call to her as she is still staring out the window since the man drove off. She looks up to me and replies "yes?" I ask "Do you know who that was?" "I've seen him around. I think his name is Noah Carson." she answers back to me. "His parents are lawyers" she adds. "I think I've seen him in my english class, he always sits in the back and doesn't socialize much." I say to Hayden. We finish our ice cream and leave. Me and Hayden go our separate ways. And we both head home.