
Chapter Two_ Be your maid(2)

I was already in his car sipping hot coffee,i didn't expect him to be so nice,the blanket wrapped around me was so warm and cozy that i felt like dying in there.

"so soft"i muttered to myself sipping my hot coffee,i glanced at him and he was impatiently looking at his watch then staring back at me.

Knowing the bed he had caught me staring,i shyly looked away,then dropped the mug on the side table"Finally,are you done?"i heard him say.

"Yes"i replied lowly.

"You said you'd become my maid right?"I sighed helplessly.

What choice do i have than to offer myself to this fiend?

I had to do it for my sister Melissa, she has cancer,the same sickness that had killed my mother.

I love her and wasn't willing to let her go, Not now, not ever.

With a heavy breath,i looked at him straight in the eyes, maybe because of his challenging look and belittling in his eyes that made me more determined, I clenched my fists and paused.

"Yes"he nods,then the driver brought a folder for him.

What is he up to?

I looked at him closely,then to the file he had brought out, thanks to my sharpness,i could read some words written on the file.

Master-servant contract!

Is this man crazy?Wait!hold on, does he have this before or is our meeting not coincidental?. Does he know me before?.

He dropped the file on the side table "sign this"he dropped a pen on it,i carried it and noticed my hands shaking a bit.

I'm nervous but why?,i couldn't help but let my imagination run wild as my heart beat rapidly wanting to burst.

Was i ready to read this?

I breathe in and without a second thought,i opened it. I slowly read it,my eyes widened in surprise.

The rules are bizarre and weird.

Master-servant contract!

Rule one_You obey whatever your master tells you

Rule two_You don't call your master by his name but address him as master.

Rule three_You stay in the same house as your master.

Rule four_ You can't be seen with any other men apart from your master.

Rule five_You do not get your full salary as half goes to your debt you owe.

If any of this rules are broken, it'll lead to breaching of the contract.

WTH is this?

Rule four sounds weird,i can't be with any other men apart from him.

I looked at him for a second and moved my lips but he beats me to it"Any rule you don't like?"he asked and i immediately nodded and wanted to speak when he added"Too bad,i didn't leave room for objections. You start your work tommorow, he'll come and pick you up first thing tomorrow"He threw something at me which i barely caught, one move and it could have landed on the floor.

I looked at the case in my hands, WOW!, it's the new iPhone XS,i don't know what to say.

Why did he get me this?,I can't accept it,i don't even have the money to fix his car and now he's handing me a phone,what would i sell after my freedom.

My body!

I joked within myself but i still felt the creeps when i said it,the hair on my neck stood up.

I giggled nervously and put the phone on the table"I can't take this,i don't have the kind of money to pay you back"i said sadly giving up my iPhone.

I heard him scoff then felt his eyes on me"I'll just add it to your debt,if you don't take it,how would i communicate with you to make sure you don't run away?"i couldn't argue with his theory.

Moreover,i really wanted the phone,my eyes twinkled as i carried the phone and unpacked it.

"Wow,this is so amazing. I can't believe that this is mine now"i muffled and curled up my lips.

"We're here"the driver said and opened the door.

We're right in front of my home.

I sighed and dropped the comfy blanket.

"Thanks"i said but he smirked mischievously.

"Is that what you use to address your master?"i glared at him and pursed my lips not speaking.

"I heard that your father is in a financial debt"i froze in my steps and smiled widely turning back to meet him.

"Oh, you're right m_master. Thank you m_mas_master"I said through clenched teeth and the first time he smiled,then ruffled my hair making me pout but i couldn't do anything.

"Bye master"i said and turned to leave when he held my wrists and and drew me closer to him.

I could smell his masculine scent making me dizzy,my head was leaned against his hard rock chest,i could feel heat radiating from my cheeks even in this cold weather.

"Don't think of running away, i'll find you like i've always did"he whispered into my ears as i giggled when his warmth breath touched my sensitive earlobes.

I released myself from his grip and looked down"Yes master"i said and immediately scurried away and entered inside my home.