
Chapter Five_ Be your maid (5)

The sun rose and my alarm rang.

Today is the day!

My new phone rang, since i had only one contact,i picked it up and placed it on my ear.

"Come downstairs"the call was disconnected immediately.

WTH!, it's just 6 a.m in the morning.

Am i ready to do this,i have to be for Melissa,if i probably tell her my reasons, she definitely won't let me go.

I carried my suitcase and walked downstairs,Rose was standing by the door sneakily looking outside.

Rose is my half sister who had seduced Mason into betraying me,i frowned wondering when she had gotten home.

"What are you doing"I said coldly and she jerked and held her chest,i couldn't care less,i actually wish she could get scared to death.

From a frightened look to a mocking gaze"Who do we have here?"she slowly walked towards me looking at my suitcase.

"Running away?,i didn't expect this from you at all,oh wait,i did. Is that your escape car out there,Mason could probably get me one"she taunts and i knew that she had called Mason's name to provoke me and i couldn't help for fall into it.

My eyes stung with tears but i still managed to reply"Yet he didn't, do i need to say more?"i forced a smirk and tried to pass her by his she didn't let me pass.

I frowned and wanted to push her"Admit it,it pains you to see the one you love get taken away right under your nose. Well that's what you did for me, stealing Dad's love from me now am repaying you back"my lips twitched slightly.

Is that why she is mad at me all the time"No matter how hard you try to match with me,you can't because he's already used by me which means you're using my used junk,he can't ever love you the way he loves me,so stop living in your fake fantasies"i snorted.

I could see how angry she was and was practically happy"Leave my way"i said and made way to push her again but she stood still.

"Dreams do come true, he's mine"she roared and i was afraid that she might wake up the people in the house and that could further delay me from going.

"Good to know that you know that you're dreaming"she seem stunned and i used that opportunity to push her off the door and walked to the car parked at the next street.

The car was awfully eye-catching,no wonder it caught Rose's attention.

I stood there and the door opened,the devil was sitting right in his full glory, he wore office clothes making him look devilishly handsome.

Would i be able to stop myself from drooling?

I licked my lips,then someone came and lifted my suitcase placing it at the booth.

"You're late, did i forget to mention that you get punishments whenever you do something that doesn't pleases me"He smiled charmingly but something about that smile gave me the shivers.


Why does it sound like he wants to do something bad to me,i entered the car as the driver drove.

I could feel pair of eyes glaring at me but it wasn't from him but somewhere else.