
Chapter Six_ Such a pervert(1)

I kept feeling uneasy around him.

The word punishment kept rummaging through my mind,i glanced at him but he was just busy on his laptop but a smirk was hanging loosely on his lips and am sure he knows that am looking at him.

The ride was so quiet and akward, even the driver was so stoic.

Soon the driver halted,i wanted to come down but someone blindfolded me and carried me inside before i could say a word.

Finally coming out of my daze"Hey,let me down"i yelled and flung my arms and legs but the person didn't let me go.

I could feel the person muscles pressed on my back and kept quiet when i was thrown on the icy cold marble floor,i think.

I wanted to yell,not knowing when you am i,i kept quiet.

"Take off your blindfold"i heard the familiar voice and hurriedly removed my blindfold.

He was sitting on the leopard coloured couch with his legs crossed over the other.

"What happen?,why am i here?"i asked breathlessly.

His look darkened and i kept quiet intimidated by his looks"What do you refer me to as?"he asked.

I opened my mouth gaped "M..master"i blushed in shame and embarrassment but he only smiled.

"Good, now what should i do to punish you?. Any idea?"he asked.

Is he really asking for my own opinion?.

He wants me to decide what i want as punishment.

"I_i don't__i don't know"i stammered answering him sincerely.

"You clearly disobeyed me and needs a punishment_"he said as if he was thinking but i know that he was just toying with me.

How was i suppose to tell him that it was all because of Rose,i was late.

"Since you're just starting today. Let's start with something simpler. Robert,take this disobedient servant to the garden"A guard came and made me stand up.

"Follow me"i slowly followed behind him as he walked to another part of this mansion where there were flowers, different colors but their was too much weeds in the garden.

It looks so deserted,the wind blew fiercely touching my skin as i shivered.

"Pluck out those weeds one by one"i jumped in fright hearing the cold voice from my back.

"Uh_"i asked pretending like i didn't hear what he said.

"I don't repeat myself twice. I'll be back in two hours,be done by then or you'll get punished severely"he walked but the guard didn't move.

He probably ordered the guard to watch over me.

One by one,i started plucking the weed whilst shivering due to the cold that pierced my skin without mercy.

It's been three hours since i've been plucking out the weeds and am not even half done.

Most parts of my dress has been torn and i was shivering badly"You're not done yet?"I looked up and saw my Master coming down to meet me.

I wiped the sweat the bed had formed on my forehead"Am_am sorry m_ma_master"i said stammering in every word i said.

Before he could reach me, everything turned black.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw myself in a white room,was i dead?.

"You're awake"i looked at my side and saw my master sitting on a couch,i slowly sat down.

"Am sorry that i didn't finish what you asked of me,punish me"i said closing my eyes.

I'm definitely not a lazy person and will receive any punishment he gives me.

"Do you think i'll love to be a murderer?"he raised a brow.

"Rest but don't think you'll avoid your duty. Am hungry,so rest for a bit and go to the kitchen"he stood up and walked out.

And i thought he cared!

Who carried me in?, maybe it was the guard.

I stood up with difficulty, now where's the kitchen?.

"Miss,boss said i should show you the kitchen"The guard appeared in my front and spoke.

I followed behind him, he showed me the kitchen and where the various ingredients were.

Hope am not to rusty.

Am used to ordering takes out or going out with Mason and haven't had the time to cook.

I cracked my knuckles and got to work, I'll make a simple pasta dish.