

Matt Rondall the desendantn the hero Rondall was killed and his body harvested by the church, his flesh could prolong life and his blood could heal allmost anything, all due to having the blood af an angel in his body, but matt also inherits one major weakness from the angel, his soul falls, but I stead of becoming a fallen he is reborn as a demon, by a strange entity that call itself the will of the abyss, matt wants to get revenge on the church for Killing him and using his body as a mine, join matt as he tries to conquer the planet habboth. the story might be lacking something for now, but from chapter 5 it's going to be more interesting {{{ FOR THOSE PEOPLE THAT DONT LIKE STORIES ABOUT ANGELS, DEMONS, AND GODS I DONT RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO YOU, BUT STILL REMEMBER IT IS PURELY FICTION...NOTHING I WRITE IS REAL}}}...................peace out................

somy_king · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Summoning Demons/ Plague demons

Alal knew how to summon demons from the abyss, every high ranking demon knew how to summon other demons from the abyss, the process was complex and Alal did not have the things needed, firstly he had to draw a magic circle and inscript in magic symbols the place he wanted the gate to connect to, then he needed souls no particular amount, but the more souls the stronger the demon that comes out of the portal, then finally demon blood to act as a catalyst and open the portal.

Alal had not seen souls before but he knew how to get the souls, as for the magic circle and the blood he had all that, he knew that he could get souls from living things but he did not want to get from the demi-humans or the demon beasts, he though of the possibility of getting from humans as that was his only choice.

Remembering that he had told Ubel to build a place for him he had to give this task to the demon beast.

"Morfran" Alal called out to morfran. The ground trembled, the trees broke as Morfran moved his massive body, he was easily seven meters, his legs were no longer six, the two front legs had merged together, he had an additional skull on his face and the protrusions now looked more like small tentacles as they were wriggling about his face, it seems like the more demons essence he absorbs the more hideous he became.

"Morfran, gather the strongest demon beast, I need a hundred live humans before the end of the week".

After Alal said this, he suddenly had an idea, if demon essence from his aura, could make the demon beast stronger what would happen if the demon ingested his blood.

Alal immediately slit his wrist and told Morfran to take his blood, Morfran being large could only bend so low, so Alal had to move closer to his head area wondering which skull face had his mouth, The tentacles on Morfrans face started wiggling then they extended and wrapped around Alal's hand.

Alal could feel his blood leaving his hand, so he just stood still, Morfrans biological structure simply did not make any sense, his tentacles were absorbing the blood, his skull faces all had mouths but they dint seem to be of any use, this made Alal wonder how he ate.

After a full minute Alal pulled his hand away, then told Morfran to go and complete the task, Morfran moved away while stubling, he moved like he was intoxicated, It would possibly have been a funny scene if it wasn't a 7 meter tall beast with a very ugly face.

Alal now finished planning things wanted to get used to his body, he tried flexing his back to get a feel of his wings, and sure enough he could feel it, it was like an extra limb and he could control it but its different from the human structure so it was easy to forget he had them.

Flapping the wings Alal slowly ascended into the air, his tail was straight to maintain balance, he was stumbling in the air as he tried moving around a bit. after a full hour he had learned to fly properly, he was zooming througth the air.

Alal had gotten used to using his wings, he flew to the top of the trees and looked around to the left of where he was large figures could be seen maving around a larger figure, it was Morfran and other demon beasts, the were circling around morfran, as he seemed to be in a state of extacy, he would swing his head left and right, his tentacles would erupt from his face and go back in, truly a disturbing sight, the other demon beasts circled around him while making strange creepy sounds.

on the right Alal could see the demi-humans through the trees, they had started building a place for him to stay.

Moving on Alal had gotten used to his body so next he wanted to try magic.

According to his inheritance Demons could use all types of energy but the best was Nether, demons had the best affinity for nether manipulation, as it was synonymous to demonic energy as it was only produced in the abyss.

Alal, waved his hands in the air, gathering the ambient mana in the air, then absorbing it into his body, he started moving the mana around his body, then gathering it in his hand he cast a basic fire spell, then a basic water spell followed by an earth spell then an air spell.

moving the mana around his body had become easier, the rate at which the spells manifested was instantanious, he wanted to try other things but there was still a lot he dint know about himself so he used the time he had to figure things out.


The demi-humans had competed the building, it was a massive castle, given that they had only taken a week to build it was quite impressive, with magic anything was possible was all Alal could say.

He had also discovered that his tail had a stinger in it, the tip of the tail couls split into four parts to reveal a stinger. It was flexible but very strong, he found out three days ago when he was messing with his tail.

The demon beasts had also brought him the humans, a hundred to be exact, for some reason they were all kids, Alal had no problem with this but he was kind of curious as to why they were only children when he asked Morfran his answer was that children were the best, Alal did not ask anymore after this,

Also it turns out Alal was right about giving his blood to Morfran. Morfran had grown from 7 meters to allmonst 30 meters, the growth rate was unreal, Alal wanted to give more demon beast his blood, but it would be a problem if they all grew to be like Morfran so he was hesitant about that idea.

Now it was time to summon his first demons, Drawing the summoning margic circle in fron of his castle, he then painlessly killed all the children, (they were uncounscious so it was painless). After he killed one a translucent orb that glowed a slight blue would float out of their bodies, Alal knew that these were the souls, so he held them and tied them to the summoning circle with magic power, after this he slit his wrist then poured blood allover the magic circle.

Space started trembling, then Alal stepped back, as the space infront of him was about to break. half a minute later, there was a tear, a blade was sticking out of the tear, as the tear continued to expand the blade showed more of itself, Alal looked in disgust at the end of the blade, it seemed to be connected to the arms of a creature, another blade followed at this moment, the creature had blade for limbs, how unreasonable was that. After a little more time a Demon with blade for hands and legs, large round hunch on his back that looked like they carried thousands of diseases, a tube connected from where the nose was suppose to be to the chest area then another tbe from the chest area to the hunch on its back, its skin was pale and there were flies all around the demon.

The demon just stared at Alal after it came out of the portal, Alal taking this as a que remembered that demons only respect the strong released his aura, the strange demon then panicked as it said;

"Your highness' im sorry for my disrespect, I am demon Morana, your highness I am a high plague demon, I have a total of 50 legions under me"

Alal was simply disgusted by this demon, its shape was grotesque but not as much as Morfran, also the amount of flies was simply ungodly, they went anywhere the demon went, Alal simply waved at the demon and told it to stay outside the castle and wait for further instructions, there was no way he would let a demon like that close to where he was staying, he then started wondering if all the other demons were like that.

As soon as Morana left Alal was downcast, his first summonimg had given him a nasty demon, but on the bright side it was a plague demon, it was bound to be strong. Also the demon said he had 50 legions under him, were they all like him; truly horrific.

Alal then told Morana to get his 50 legions to surround his castle but not get close to it, to his horror, endless plague demons kept pouring from the portal, some were like Morana some were even worse they looked like maggots extremly large maggots with worths all over their body, large circular mouths with serrated teeths.

Alal decided to summon more demons another time, the plague demons had quenched his desire to see more demons, especially the maggot like plague demons, looking at a maggot bigger than a dog, allmost the size of a vehicle was simply not good for ones health, They burrowed through the ground, the plants around them seemed to be dying, and the flies, the amount of flies around the castle, Alal would rather not think obut it, so he went into the castle.

"I wonder what the demi-humans and demon beasts would think when they see the plague demons".