

Matt Rondall the desendantn the hero Rondall was killed and his body harvested by the church, his flesh could prolong life and his blood could heal allmost anything, all due to having the blood af an angel in his body, but matt also inherits one major weakness from the angel, his soul falls, but I stead of becoming a fallen he is reborn as a demon, by a strange entity that call itself the will of the abyss, matt wants to get revenge on the church for Killing him and using his body as a mine, join matt as he tries to conquer the planet habboth. the story might be lacking something for now, but from chapter 5 it's going to be more interesting {{{ FOR THOSE PEOPLE THAT DONT LIKE STORIES ABOUT ANGELS, DEMONS, AND GODS I DONT RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO YOU, BUT STILL REMEMBER IT IS PURELY FICTION...NOTHING I WRITE IS REAL}}}...................peace out................

somy_king · Fantasy
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8 Chs


There were demon beast, and demi-humans surrounding the alter, looking up to Alal, he was a bit suprised by this. From what he heard from the church demi-humans and demon beast originated from demons, they had absorbed demonic essence one way or the other.

Maybe they are expecting somethig, should i say something. Alal did not know how to deal with the demon beast but then a certain demi-human approached the alter, his upper parts were wolf while his lower parts were human.

when he was directly at the foot of the alter, he said

''Great demon, I am a representative for the other demi-humans, we wish to serve this great one if you would allow'' then stared up at Alal expecting a reply.

At that same time a demon beast approached the foot of the alter, it was a large horse like monster with six legs, it had no face but had a human face on its head and tiny horn like protrusions coming out of the side of its face, it was truly hideous.

The demon beast stopped not to far from the demi-human because of its large size, it was easily snapping tree's apart as it approached the aler.

''Great demon, the demon beasts here would be glad to serve under you, if you would allow it''.

The demon beast and the demi-human had not spoken the same language but Alal cound understand them, he did not know why but somethingelse was on his mind, the egg, The egg was really pulling his attention to it.

''Do as you please, if you are willing to serve me feel free to do so, but for now I need privacy''. Sayin this Alal turned and faced the egg,



Alal, broke a piece of the egg, and shoved it into his mouth. It wasn't the tastiest thing he had eaten but he could feel himself gaining more energy as he ate the egg.


As soon as Alal finished the egg, a massive surge of demonic aura ruptured from his body, then he lost consciousness.

At the same time, in the jubilis empire...

"Your highness, there was a report of demonic aura coming from the barren lands in the southern continent". One man reported to the Emperor,

"what is the authenticity of this information", The emperor replied.

"Your Highness, the information was gotten from the Napolis Kingdom, they said the Demon beast started migrating deep into the barren lands on the sulivan continents, they also said that all the demi-humans are moving to the sulivan continent, and that is where the demonic aura was found to come from" , the man reported again.

"If the information is correct, this might be another demon lord, Tell all the popes to temporarily stop the farming of heroes, tell them to prepare them for war". The Emperor said.

"Your Highness, the gift given to you from Mayne last week, was the Head of a hero, we seem to be one hero less", the man replied.

"So what !, we are just a single hero down, we have hundreds of heroe's tell them to prepare the heroes for war". The emperor replid with a bit of anger in his voice.

With this the Empires and kingdoms started preparing for war.

Meanwhile ALal having lost consciousness was in a trance, he had inherited a ton of information from eating the demon egg, he had been floating around in a place filled with brim and ash, the sky was red the land was black and had red veains on them, there other creatures there even demons but they dint seem to sense him.

Alal felt most comfortable in this place, he could not exactly point out what it was but this place felt like home to him, while he was exploring this strange place something suddenly gripped him and held him in place, he couild not see what it was but he felt more relaxed than before so he'd t struggle, and just like that he saw himself in front of a black gate..

Whatever held him had carried him to a black gate, then he was thrown inside, all that was inside was endless darkness, nothing could be seen, there was not a spec of light, once he got inside here he had an endless feeling to sleep, he wanted to sleep so bad, so he did, he let himself get overwhelmed by the endless desire to sleep.

Waking up in the real world, Alal was wondering what that weird dream was about, all of a sudden he toched his chest, he felt that something was missing, a part of him was not there, then he figured it out, his soul that's what's missing, then it started making sense, the strange place was the abyss, and his soul had been kept in the abyss, which meant that he couldnt be killed infinitely.

With a creepy smile on his face he jumped down from the alter, then he started checking himself out. He found out that he was fairly humanoid, his hands had a large spike sticking out from his elbows, his nails were pointy and a little longer than the longer length but not enough to be called claws, also it was pitch black, he had a tail, one that reminded him of the ones that lizards had, it was thick but lost most of the thickness as it went, also he had a pair of wings, but he could use them, also he had horns they protruded from his head, if he looked up he could allmost see the base of the horns.

So thats why i was feeling off balance Alal was busy moving his new body parts (tail and wings) when the demi-human from before approached him,he looked more beast like than before.

"Great demon, it seems you have grown stronger, is there anything i can help you with you seem confused ?".

Alal was not comfortable with the title great demon and he was a little curious about the demi-humans change.

"Call me Alal, also you seem diffrent from before, why is that". Alal responded.

"Your highness Alal, when you requested for privacy, you suddenly started releasing demonic aura, absorbing the essence from the aura you emmited purifies the demonic bloodline of demi-humans and demon beasts".

Alal was suprised hearing such a thing, once he heard in the church that demonic aura curropts, once it comes in contact with something that is not demonic like itself it will immediately try to corruption it.

So if they absorb the aura i release they will become more demonic, if i want to destroy the church, and take over the planet ill need strong demons by ,my side, as for the demi-humans and demon beasts ill just have to continiously release my aura and they will become stronger. What is you name Demi-human

"This ones name is Ubel, and the leader of the demon beast is Morfran, i and morfran are the most powerfull among others and as such designated ourselves rulers". was the demi-human now known as ubel's reply.

Ubel, gather the demi-humans and build a place for me to stay, then tell your people and the demon beast to gather around that place to absorb as much demonic essence as you can. Alal said.

As you wish with this Ubel vanished and Alal was left alone standing under his alter.

touching his chin with his pointy nails, alal was in thought, he was not sure on the number of dem-humans and demon beasts, but he knew they would not be enough for to take over the world, with a smile on his face he said.

I guess its time to summon demons.