
Becoming a Chad!

A man stumbles upon a system that surprisingly makes him more bold and more intelligent… Will he use that to his exploits? Or will he become arrogant due to the system and meet his inevitable demise? - BTW!!! There may be a lot of grammar mistakes, I’m also too lazy to find an editor. The pacing is absolute shit since this is my first time writing a book. I also have the maturity of a 10 year old, SO PLEASE! WORSHIPP ME MY FELLOW DAOISTS!!!

HorribleReader · Acción
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32 Chs


I was about to continue the workout mission but then I stopped. Because I just realized... I JUST FINISHED SHOWERING...

"Damn, I should've eaten it before I showered... Oh well, what time is it? 21:55? Oh well, I'll mind as well sleep now and prepare for my... SUFFERING IN 2 DAYS..."

I've always hated school, I wasn't talented at anything. I didn't understand the curriculum... Anything. That's probably why when I checked my status I had 2 intelligence and 1 on personal talent...

But luckily, my teachers are way too nice and gave me the opportunity to get at least a C, barely passing all of my classes with straight C's.

'enough reminiscing, it's time to sleep'

I said inwardly as I tried to sleep. Unfortunately, I have insomnia... So it took me about 1 hour to finally sleep.


SNORT " Oh it's morning alrea- WAIT... WHAT??? WHERE AM I?? "

I looked at my surroundings, it was pitch black on both of my sides, including behind me... Only when I look forward do I see a bright light path ahead of me.

"What the f**k, this some horror type sh*t... AW HELL- I'M OUTTA HERE BRUHHHHH!!!"

I started sprinting as if I was being chased by my MOM when she's ANGRYYYYY

However, even when I was sprinting towards the light, it never came close to me at all... So I stopped and think.

"Is this due to the system?"

There was no reply...

"Wait, what if I touched the darkne-"

As I touched the darkness, a series of painful memories came back into me. When I was being bullied and got beaten black and blue... When my friends betrayed me and said to me "Not gonna lie, you deadass look like the donkey from Shrek bro..."

I started crying from the painful memories that suddenly came back to me... but then I realized, I have the system right? with the system, I CAN CHANGE ANYTHING!! WITH THE SYSTEM I CAN BECOME A GODLY EXISTENCE!!!

After I thought about that... a small seed of self-pride formed into my very soul... It kept growing and growing until it became a beautiful tree that looked.... absolutely beautiful.

Once the tree fully blossomed all the darkness has faded away and only light stands right next to me...

"What the f**k happened?"

No response...

However now, I see my mind that was foggy, becoming a little clearer... I feel like I can comprehend things easier and faster than before.


[ Hidden Mission completed! ]

Mission: Reborn

Reward: 1 personal talent directly added

[ Claimed ]
