

seting at the cafe for about 2 hour Rose Willson have found what she came for.As soon she found her she called her boyfriend Rockey marron and said:' tell brother that i have found her 'she in the the Red Cafe sitting with some of her friend.What should i do now. ok i am conecting him stay on line .

after few minutes her brother said :so where are you rosey? after heraring her brother she replyed in hissed tone that i am at same cafe as her. What should i do "now" should i go straight to her and interogate her or i take her with me . jay replied after few second on thinking and told her that monitor carefully what she is doing now and if you find any thing suspicious informe me. She was just talking with her friend about the party at her home for celebreating her project at the college which she have worked on very hardly has finally compleated and got good respond from profresher. Mia now very relife that the project has end accoding to the schedule now she have some free time for her self before her samster exam have come.Mia was very excited about the party and talking to her friend Rachel and june when she notice that someone is watching her for long time and taking very every action in note suddenly she didn't feel comfortable she told her friends that she have to go now for pepration of the party with that she leave the cafe her friends said "if you need any help just infrome us.Mia nodded and leave the cafe.