

The summer time has stared and holidays as well but before that i win player of the year tittle when they called my name i could not belive that i will came this far i have always dream about the trophy since i was eight the first time i stared to hold tennis racket in my hand .

The mc anouced now its time for the girl player of the year of the saint mistic international school of art and science.

so i whould like to called miss Arica mount to came on stage and collect the trophy for exilence perfomence in intra high tenins championship .

When i came to stage to collect the trophy i was thinking how precious reaction she would get from her mother when she tell her about her achievement in school.

Its not like my mother is fan of me playing but she wanted to have me great school performance for better futher so i chould enter in high standard college and who doen't want a champion to attend their college.This make her tension for my college education less other wise she would never support her .

my mother want me to join her for business in future so.But until than me joining her in business she let me do what ever i want to do my school life.

after collecting my trophy i chatted with my friends and there come max .

he is kind of handsome and i every girl in the school want to attract his attention and due to his blue piercing eyes he look some kind of movie hero.

but he show no emotion to any girl , but he get angery when someone called me his sister because of our eye colour its same and we are most of the time hangout together but i don't mind them calling me his sister,but he on the other hand very naive about that and always try to hit on me but i am more saveage than i look.

He said that you wait one day i become a great bussiness man than i will hire you as my personal assistant and than we will see how you gona ignore me.

Do you think my mom let you do this after all i am the only hair of mount corporation. why not are you dumb or you really don't see my mum and your mum are high school friends and its their suggestion to us join the same school and when ever we do lunch together with our family don't you see how they look at us and smile at our intraction.

haa in your mind, bullsit

oh so you think i am making the castle in the air than what about last night dinner when your mum said she can't wait to be called mother in law from me.Is this is also my imagination.

what he said was right no matter how i ignored it my family want as to be in relationship in futher its good for their business .But in futher that doesn'tmean that i have to be in present.

what ever....bye i have to go now my driver came see you at the dinner and congurats for winning player of the year in boys.

yeah thankx and congratulations to you to bye arica.


introduction of the female lead

jagijkcreators' thoughts