
Because I didn’t want to make a move, I ordered all the domineering

Xia Xing traveled to the world of One Piece and successfully activated the sign-in system. As long as he sign-in, he can get certain attribute points. "Armed color, seeing and hearing color, physical skills, swordsmanship...These are awesome, don't you want to take action?" Because he was too lazy and didn't want to fight and kill, Xia Xing chose to add all the attribute points to the overlord color. ! So only half a year after joining the navy. In the recruit assessment, he accidentally stunned the general candidate Cha Dolphin, and was promoted to the fourth general of the Navy by the Warring States Period, making a sensation in the world!

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Because I didn’t want to shoot, I ordered all the domineering. Chapter 63

In this crusade against Fu Xia Xing, both he himself and the Warring States Period had opposed opinions. What's more, he knew his own strength, and he really didn't do anything more to Shang Xia Xing.

Good way.

After hearing Karp's answer, Ganggukong looked very solemn.

I'm just the same as Karp, even if it's strong, it's just a little bit stronger. It's very limited.

Even Suffering thought that he couldn't handle Xia Xing's armed domineering look, so it would be difficult to solve it even if he tried his best.

And listening to these guys talking about how hard Xia Xing's domineering look is, how tyrannical, the faces of Kaido, BIGMOM and others are so dark that they can drip ink.

The prestige of the white lion's overlord color is not achieved by stepping on their heads!

Kaido, in particular, was slashed into a knife by Xia Xing's armed overlord twice and almost died. At this time, he can think of the dying breath suppressed by Xia Xing.


Everyone was a little worried, and the ability to deal with Dou Xing was the most important thing in defeating him.

At this time, the five old stars listened for a long time and finally opened.

"You said that the 700 King of Armed Forces is domineering, do you mean this?

One of them had blond hair and a golden beard, said the old man with a scar in front of Xiong, and at the same time a terrifying pressure spread out on his body!

The surrounding space seems to glow with a faint blue! In this terrifying domineering domineering, there is also the smell of armed domineering!

-Suddenly, Kaido, BIGMOM, Blackbeard Titch, Desolo and other people who have been suppressed by Xia Xingba's domineering look all changed their faces in awe!

Even the red dog, the yellow ape, the Fujitora, Karp and the Warring States all looked awe-inspiring!

The pressure surrounding the surroundings is really terrifying. Even the tables in the conference room of the test site have cracks. The ground and walls are even more impacted.

There was a noise.

This is just one of the five old stars showing the domineering look at will!

"My head hurts! I can't stand it anymore! Mom!

Miss Ba Jin has never dared to speak on this occasion, and now he is directly obsessed by the domineering look of the five old stars.

As a result, at this time, Edward Weibull could not bear this feeling of chasing nerves, picking up the knife and practicing it was like attacking one of the five old stars with blond hair.

Aka Inu, Huang Ape, Fujitora shot together immediately!

The elementalization of the red dog and the yellow ape directly suppressed Weibull's power, and Fujitora was launched by the fruit of gravity to control Weibull on the ground!

The ninety-seventh chapter is finally decided, the five five old stars are dispatched together!

At this time, the five old stars smiled faintly and put away their domineering look.

There is no doubt that although it is not used like the white lion Xia Xing, it is indeed the domineering look of an armed overlord!

Barrett, Kaido, and BIGMOM all felt palpitations in horror at this time.

They participated in the battle in the Valley of Gods, and this old man of Yu Fa was one of the main forces who defeated Lox!

They were very immature back then, but now they are feeling up close here, it is obvious that this old man is even more terrifying than before so many years later, I don't know how much.

Others such as Desolo, MISS Bajin, Blackbeard Titch and others were even more surprised in their hearts.

Such a powerful old man is the highest authority of the world government, and there are a total of five!

No wonder the World Alliance government has been able to stand at the top for eight hundred years. Except for the navy and the steel bones, who can be their right?

hand! ?

In the audience, only Red Earl was thinking about how the five old stars compare to the white lion's overlord color.

"The five elders' domineering and domineering are indeed very powerful, but they have not yet reached the level of the White Lion King!

After the comparison, Earl Red said it carefully.

At this moment, the five elder stars all showed unexpected expressions, and with their lonely red strength, they all said such words carefully.

The white lion's armed domineering color can still surpass us?

The five old stars couldn't help but glance at each other unexpectedly.

Those who had never experienced Xia Xing Bawang's domineering look, such as Fujitora and Ganggu Kong, were amazed.

Look at the looks of Kaido, BIGMOM, and Barrett. They all recognize the words of Red Earl Lederfield.

"The deterrent power of the five old stars is already at this level, and can't it be stronger than that of the white lion Xia Xing?

Both Ganggukong and Fujitora looked dignified and startled in their hearts

So in order to deal with such an enemy, the five of us will act together to prevent accidents from happening 1!"

Wearing a black suit, white curly hair, a flat hat, and a scar on his left cheek, the old man ranked first among the five old stars. He also spoke directly at this time.

Not only him, but the other four people became vigilant, and they were extremely solemn now when dealing with Xia Xing.

With this shot, the White Lion Bonus must be eradicated!

This kid is less than twenty years old now, and he already has the strength comparable to that of Lockes. From the perspective of the guys on the sea, even the home of geniuses.

The team is also the general level of combat power, such as the fire lift Ace.

But the white lion Xia Xing is now at the pinnacle of the world, and now if he let the time go on, he can't imagine how invincible he will be. By then

How does the world government differ from a small island in Xia Xing's eyes?

The determination to kill the five old stars also made everyone feel cold again, and their hearts were awe-inspiring.

One is terrible enough, and now it's even five dispatched together!

The world government's intention to kill Beanstar is very strong, and it is so strong that it will expose some behind-the-scenes things of the world government.

Ganggukong was even more shocked at this time.

Prior to this, the five old stars said that at most two to three people were shot. Although it was only two or three, it was already directly defeated by Lockes in the world.

I'm sure, but now I have directly decided to do it together!

Karp and Sengoku also looked at each other, and their frowning brows were never loosened.

This time, the kid Xia Xing was afraid that it was too bad.

Kaido, B1GMOM, Barrett, Red Earl, Blackbeard Titch, Weibull and MISS Barking, and all the pirates at this time

The government has deep fears and calculations.

Their strength is so strong, even if they defeat Xia Xing in the end, they have to figure out a plan to withdraw.

The world government, after all, is not worthy of trust! Who knows that the five old stars of this kind of strength lead all the navy's combat power, will they be directly used after they are used up?


But fear of the power of the world government has turned to fear, Kaido and BIGMOM have a sense of excitement in their hearts at this time.

In the same way, all five of these terrifying powers were dispatched directly, and with these people, the fellow White Lion Xia Xing can't justify it if he is not finished, right?

Everyone present was silent for a while with different expressions, and then Ganggukong took a deep breath.

"The basic layout is like this. More details of the battle still need your cooperation. One month later, we will officially go to crusade the White Lion Alliance! This month

Everyone must be fully prepared.


: Obviously these pirates also agreed to the combat policy, and Ganggukong directly stood up and announced.

I have said almost what I should have said

To say a lot less, it happens that the world conscription and other things can also be done, and the navy will go all out in a state of war.

A month is not too much

Appeared in the crusade against the white lion Xia Xing,

", is it too long for a month? Can't you just leave tomorrow?

At this time, Kaido shook his two beards and couldn't help but said in a puzzled way.

Xia Xing wandered deep in his heart like a dream, Kaido couldn't help but feel anxious about the process of crusade against Xia Xing.

BIGMOM, Barrett and others also narrowed their eyes, and also wondered why they had to wait a month later?

We must know that the current White Lions Alliance is getting stronger and stronger. One more month is enough time for some changes to happen.

Isn't it the best time to have all the five old stars dispatched again?

He Yuan, they have such a strong lineup and strength,

This is the contemplation of the lord Mary Joa, we are irreversible

One of the five old stars with long gray hair and beard solemnly said.

But I didn't say more, after explaining that sentence, I stopped talking.

This suddenly shocked everyone (Zhao's), and they looked at the past department one after another.

I heard these two words from the five old stars! grown ups? !

On top of the five highest powers in the world government, there is an adult?

You know, the world government is an alliance of twenty countries to rule the world, and it has always been proclaimed that there is no dictator!

Among the people present, apart from the five old stars, only Kapu, the Warring States Period, and Ganggukong knew about it.

In the depths of Mary Joa, there is still a monster who has not known how many years has survived!!

The five old stars did not say, the pirates did not dare to ask more, so this negotiation ended in Punk Hassad.

The pirates, the navy, and the Qiwuhai crusade alliance have also been officially reached, and they have agreed to go to the island town where the white lion summer star is located in one month!

However, it was at this moment.

-The huge flying island floating and reaching the island where Xia Xing is.

Chapter 98: The legendary figure, the Golden Lion, descends!

Now the island where Xia Xing is located and even the surrounding area have changed drastically.

There are already Duofei Lamingo and Sand Crocodiles in the sea area during Zhou's visit, as well as Hancock's people in Qiping. All kinds of construction are still going on like fire like tea.

Compared with before, this island also seemed to be more lively. Originally, these aborigines were still a little panicked, until they slowly discovered that these people were talking about Ye Jiang.

After Lai Du was very harmless, he accepted them one after another. In contrast, the presence of Qiwuhai's forces has also brought more prosperity.

And at this moment

"Hey, look at the sky, what is that!?

The pirate on the island suddenly noticed a black spot in the distant sky getting closer and closer, and yelled.

If it is on the sea, it may be that a ship is approaching, but if it is in the sky, what would it be! ?

Doflamingo and others' men gathered together and looked to the sky curiously.

As the black spot got closer, everyone's expressions became more and more shocked.

Is that an island?

'Hurry up and enjoy the report, Master Doflamingo

A group of people finally saw clearly that what was flying from the sky turned out to be a huge 700-sized island!

Getting closer, everyone on the island found that the flying island was even bigger than the island under everyone's feet!

Suddenly the pirates on the island became a little flustered.

Many pirates screamed, and Doflamingo's subordinates ran to report to Doflamingo in a cold sweat.

At this time, Doflamingo, Jinping and Sand Crocodile, Hancock and others are discussing things in another built house.