
Because I didn’t want to make a move, I ordered all the domineering

Xia Xing traveled to the world of One Piece and successfully activated the sign-in system. As long as he sign-in, he can get certain attribute points. "Armed color, seeing and hearing color, physical skills, swordsmanship...These are awesome, don't you want to take action?" Because he was too lazy and didn't want to fight and kill, Xia Xing chose to add all the attribute points to the overlord color. ! So only half a year after joining the navy. In the recruit assessment, he accidentally stunned the general candidate Cha Dolphin, and was promoted to the fourth general of the Navy by the Warring States Period, making a sensation in the world!

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110 Chs

Because I didn’t want to shoot, I ordered all overlord sex Chapter 6

Taotu glanced at this infamous guy, and passed the box he was holding.

  "This is a deposit of 200 million Baileys."

  Taotu took the box and threw it over, and then he was going to go forward.

  "Wait a minute, I changed my mind and took away Huoquan Ace and that intelligence. I want to add a billion Baileys as a deposit... This intelligence has a deep connection with Captain Ace. This intelligence is for you guys. The navy will definitely feel that it is worth the money."

  Blackbeard Titch narrowed his eyes and said with a treacherous smile.

  "You dare to be so shameless!"

  Taotu looked at Blackbeard's Tic who changed his mind without hesitation, his expression became annoyed, and his right hand immediately reached up to the handle of the knife on his body.

  The navy behind them also saw Taotu's movements and Blackbeard Titch's arrogance, and they became vigilant.

  And Blackbeard Titch was not afraid at all, and black mist began to appear on his body.

  Van Oka even pointed a gun at Taotu's head directly behind.

  "Now I have the most terrifying power in the world, that is, the white beard father now I dare to do it. There is a fourth general and alternate general. You still honestly send Bailey over."

  Blackbeard Tickey, who was full of black mist, laughed arrogantly, showing the arrogance and arrogance in his expression.

  The speechless expression on Xia Xing's face, what is this Blackbeard Titch's brain, just his virtuous behavior with Whitebeard?

  The atmosphere immediately became tense at this moment.

  Taotu's fiery temper directly drew out the long knife, and the armed and domineering on his body began to cover up, and he would start to do it if he was aggressive.

  Badgers, Lafayette, Poison Q and the others of the Blackbeard Pirates, with a slight smile, directly put on a fighting posture, eager to try.

  And the expression on their faces didn't change much, they obviously planned to do it from the beginning!

  Suddenly, behind Taotu, a powerful overlord color directly radiated to the past, and the terrifying deterrent force made the air tremble!

  Taotu looked back at the domineering Xia Xing immediately.

  At this moment, Xia Xing completely changed into a human form. The powerful and invisible overlord's color was directly pressed against the black beard group, and even the ground under his feet was lifted up, gravel and trees were all impacted.

  For an instant.

  Badgers, Lafayette and others were taken over by tremendous mental pressure. The world in their eyes was only Xia Xing's eyes bursting with domineering and domineering. They persisted for less than three seconds, and they fainted with annoying white eyes. On the ground, he rolled back after being impacted.

  Although Blackbeard Titch did not faint, the black mist on his body was directly dissipated by the overlord's domineering impact at this moment, and his body was directly knocked out by the huge momentum, and a mouthful of blood was spit out without resistance. Li was seriously injured, and his expression was extremely frightened for an instant, and his eyes were full of shock when he looked at Xia Xing.

  "This is... Overlord!"

  Titch is dumbfounded!

  In the navy, in addition to the Warring States Karp, there are people who have mastered the overlord color? !

  Moreover, this overlord color directly suppressed the dark fruit's ability, and his whole body was suppressed weakly, and the domineering penetrating body directly injured himself seriously!

  At this level, even the red hair who is very good at overlord color may not be comparable to it!

  What kind of monster is this white lion! ?

  Withdrawing the domineering, Xia Xing still stood in place, listlessly.

  Taotu Gion and the numerous navies behind him were completely stunned.

  "Is this the strength of the fourth general, the White Lion....I can defeat this Blackbeard Titch without any hands!?"

  Everyone couldn't help being shocked. *

Chapter 9 The terrified black beard! Fire Fist Ace was tied to the ground and felt the huge and terrifying domineering look of Xia Xing, and looked at Xia Xing, who was about the same size as him, with shocked eyes.

  The domineering look of the white lion Xia Xing is actually even stronger than the domineering look of the white beard father!

  And a Blackbeard Titch with such a strength can't even resist!

  Taotu Gion and the navy soldiers couldn't help swallowing their throats.

  Huoquan Ace, the captain of the White Beard Second Division, was strong enough. He had refused the recruitment of Qi Wuhai before. Now he was severely injured and tied to the ground by Black Beard, all in embarrassment.

  And Blackbeard Titch is now even unable to resist Xia Xing's domineering look, and the other members of the Blackbeard Pirate Group are directly fainted!

  Xia Xing, the white lion, had not released his domineering domineering back and forth for more than five seconds, and understatement, he slapped the arrogant Black Beard on the ground.

  "General White Lion!"

  The navy soldiers looked at Xia Xing with shocked eyes, a little excited in their hearts.

  The fourth general is really powerful, unimaginable, no wonder the Marshal and Malin Fando were directly promoted to generals.

  Taotu Gion's pair of beautiful eyes was equally astonished.

  Even Blackbeard Titch directly suppressed serious injuries. How strong is this kind of domineering that can cause a real attack! ?

  Xia Xing watched as he fell not far away, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and black beard Titch in his eyes with horror.

  "Do you want to add pounds? I can add pounds too."

  The tone was lazy, which seemed to be a very common sentence, but it made Blackbeard Titch's eyes dilate and felt a huge sense of pressure and threat in his heart.

  "No...no, General White Lion! I don't even need the money, you take it with Huoquan Ace!"

  Blackbeard Titch now feels that Xia Xing is a ferocious ancient lion, and a strong fear has developed in his heart. The white lion is invincible! After reacting, he immediately waved his hands on the ground and said anxiously.

  Xia Xing walked to Taotu's side, very salty fish leaned against Taotu's side, still looking at Blackbeard Titch indifferently.

  "Yes, there is information. Firefist Boscart D Ace is actually the bloodline left behind by Gore D Roger! My own son! This is known on the boat of Daddy Whitebeard!"

  Blackbeard was afraid that Xia Xing was caught off guard after speaking slowly, and said very quickly.

  "What!? Say it again!"

  Taotu and a group of naval soldiers were startled again, and their mouths opened wide.

  "Ace, is the son of Roger, the pirate king, his own blood!"

  Blackbeard pointed to his pupils shaking and Ace lay on the ground and said again.

  Everyone in the navy couldn't help making an uproar, and the eyes that looked at Ace were full of weirdness.

  The blood of One Piece has survived to the present. What is even more incredible is that Huoquan Ace is the captain of the second division on the ship of Whitebeard Twistgate!

  "No wonder you dare to directly ask for a billion Baileys..."

  Taotu Gion suddenly realized what information he had thought about before and offered a price of one billion yuan. Now he finally understands.

  Indeed, amazing enough!

  His shoulders couldn't help pushing Xia Xing who was leaning lazily, and his eyes looked over.

  There was no unexpected color in Xia Xing's eyes and expression, as if he had known it a long time ago, and he seemed particularly calm.

  Taotu couldn't help but look at it for a moment, then nodded in her heart:

  "Sure enough, a powerful person is calm and calm. Even this kind of amazing information can't cause him to have the slightest emotional fluctuations. Also, having such a terrifying overlord's look shows that the white lion's courage is even more magnificent. This kind of thing is not enough to shake."

  Taotu naturally knows that the growth of the domineering color of the overlord grows through the growth of the owner's own courage, and the courage can be deduced from the domineering of Xia Xing.

  After hearing the news, the other navies also saw the indifferent Xia Xing in amazement, and they couldn't help but secretly admire him.

  Although Xia Xing was young, she really didn't have any strength to say, and she also possessed such a stable state of mind.

  "Okay, the matter is resolved, let's go back."

  Xia Xing knew that Blackbeard Titch didn't have any powerful intelligence, waved his hand at the crowd, brought all the people like Blackbeard Titch with him, and returned to Malin Vatican.

  By the way, I pulled Tic back to Marin Fanduo to accept Qiwuhai's appointment, so as not to make trouble for myself.

  After the mission was completed, Xia Xing just wanted to go back to his salted fish den. After speaking, he patted Taotu Gion, jumped on the warship and lay down, stretched out comfortably.

  Taotu and many navies have a black line on their faces.

  This white lion general, really like a lion, lay down when he was done.

  "Lazy Lion!"

  Taotu Gion groaned, and then asked the navy soldiers to carry the unconscious blackbeard group and the seriously injured Titch onto the warship to return to Malin Vandor.

  On the warship, Taotu didn't lock Blackbeard Titch and others, and left it on the deck at random. The navy soldiers also took care of themselves, and no one went to take care of the Blackbeard Pirates. .

  There is a white lion Xia Xing blowing the sea breeze on the bow, forgive these guys for not daring to make trouble.

  When the warship reached halfway, Lafayette, Badgers, Poison Q, Van Oka and others also woke up one after another.

  They are even a little confused.


  Van Oka looked at the navy on the warship and ignored them. He couldn't help but whispered to Blackbeard Titch.

  They only remembered that General White Lion's domineering look directly crushed him, and he fainted when his head shook. They didn't know anything. They wanted to know what happened behind Captain Blackbeard and the navy.

  "This time I really planted... that overlord's domineering has obviously reached the top level!"

  Titch didn't dare to make a loud voice. A group of people gathered on the deck and pointed slightly at Xia Xing who was eating on a recliner in the bow of the ship.

  Badgers and others all looked a little frightened.

  You know how domineering you are, but you don't know the class of the overlord, but there is no doubt that the top level means that you have reached the most powerful level!

  "Although I didn't faint when I was enveloped, it was worse than you fainted. I was already seriously injured and fell to the ground...This guy is an ancient ferocious beast!"

  Black Beard said with lingering fear, Badges and others couldn't help showing shock.

  Never thought that this young fourth general would have such a terrifying and powerful strength!

  Without having to shoot, the direct momentum crushed them! This time I really got planted, but fortunately, now I take them back to grant the title of Qiwuhai.

  Blackbeard Titch also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't get the money, he didn't lose the most important position of Qiwuhai, and the plan was still on track! *

The tenth chapter escorts Ace to the sixth floor! The warship sailed all the way, and returned to Malin Vandor a few days later.

  The Blackbeard Titch and the group have been on the boat without any attention. They are transparent, and there are still some delicious food and drink, but the pressure is too much next to Xia Xing. Now when they arrive at Malin Vandor, a group of people set foot on it. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief on the crescent harbor of the navy headquarters.

  The navy headquarters had already contacted Xia Xing and others when they returned to the voyage. At this time, two lieutenants saluted Xia Xing and took away the rest of Blackbeard Titch and the tied Ace.

  As soon as Xia Xing arrived at Malin Fanduo, he wanted to go back to the residence directly, so that Taotu and the black beard could complete the mission with the Warring States.

  In the end, she was pulled by the peach rabbit to report to the fortress.

  In the fortress, the marshal's office.

  Knowing that Xia Xing had returned, the Warring States also summoned Karp, Ms. Crane, and Akadog. The green pheasant, the yellow ape and the three generals.

  Gion came to the office with the dastardly Xia Xing and Black Beard, and everyone smiled.

  Xia Xing completed the first mission very well. He aggressively suppressed Blackbeard Titch and even saved a huge amount of money. As for intelligence, he was not said on the phone. After all, there was a possibility of being monitored.

  So Taotu Gion began to elaborate on the before and after the mission and the intelligence that Blackbeard offered one billion yuan...


  When the Warring States Period heard that Huoquan Ace was the son of One Piece Roger, he stood up quickly, surprised with a look on his face.

  "This thing is real."

  Blackbeard Titch said seriously, and explained that everyone on the Whitebeard boat knew about this. Titch at this meeting was totally afraid to make trouble in the face of so many high-level navy officials.

  Everyone had to believe the truth of this matter.

  The red dog, the green pheasant, and the yellow ape also looked at Karp unexpectedly.

  Ace and Karp are related. Everyone knows this, but no one doubts Karp who is Roger's opponent.

  "The people who have been looking for so long and investigating for so long are actually under our noses!"

  The Warring States period gritted his teeth and looked at Karp, who was extremely ugly.

  Of course, the Navy still needs to investigate, but based on Blackbeard's performance, there is a high probability that this matter is true.

  Karp clenched his fists hard, and finally sighed deeply. This was the path Ace chose himself.

  Karp's performance also confirmed the authenticity of the news.

  At this time, everyone in the office was shocked by the news.