
Beauty in the beast world

Lyra is a 21st-century girl from the modern world who accidentally transmigrated into the beast world while swimming. what happens when a gorgeous young girl with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes with ivory white skin doll falls into a world where the female population is drastically low. But as she stays in the world, she discovers many secrets about herself which she never imagined. Join her journey in discovering love, heartache, and the real truth of her life. This is my first story please support me and join me on my journey through this story. The cover photo is not mine Contains mature content with many r#18 scenes audience below 16 restrain from reading it. Follow my insta @ruby_rosie_2001

Ruby_rosie · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
316 Chs


Lyra and Blake soon reached the house and were welcomed by their babies, She bent down and caressed one of their heads "Look at you welcoming mama and papa, my sweetie pies"

Blake smiled faintly at Lyra and glared at them "Go inside the bedroom, I have something to talk to your mama"

Little snakes shrank back in fear and glanced at their mama, Lyra turned to Blake "Don't talk so harshly to them, they are getting scared"

Blake tsked "Don't spoil them too much Lilly, they are males" then he turned at them and said sternly "Didn't you hear me? Get inside"

The little snakes docilely slithered back inside the room, Lyra also started walking behind them but Blake held Lyra and hugged her "Spend some time with me Lilly, I missed you, those rascals are just trying to steal your time away from me"

Lyra chuckled and hit his chest "Are you jealous of your own sons?"

He buried his face inside her nape and nuzzled against it "I am. Because of them, I had to spend more than a month away from you, shouldn't you compensate?"

Lyra pulled away from him and pinched his handsome face "Before that, shouldn't you explain about your outrageous behavior a few moments ago"

Blake narrowed his eyes "I didn't do anything wrong, it was him that provoked me, how dare he declare his love for you in front of me?"

Lyra patted his shoulder to put her down and sat on the ground leaning against him "Don't be so angry at him, he is a desperate person. The first time when I met him, his eyes were lost and helpless, he begged me not to leave him alone. I for sure know that he never experienced warmth from anyone, so when I showed just a simple kindness he did not want to lose me, he is mistaking his feeling of being cared for as love. So I allowed him to stay with me, I think he would soon realize his real feelings"

Blake stared at her blankly and blinked his eyes "Do you believe that he doesn't like you?"

She nodded her head, Blake looked at her innocent blue eyes and sighed "Lilly, how can you be so naive, he is directly announcing his feelings for the whole world to hear and you think that it is just a fleeting moment? Being a male and an acquaintance of Victor, I can guarantee that he loves you. If it was a mere interest then he would never even care about going as far as coming here to beg you, knowing his personality, he never cares about anyone other than himself, he always stayed inside his cave not bothering to do his duties as a king even when his territory was burning because of someone's attack, he slits someone's throat the moment they talk back to him, that crazy beastman allowed you to berate and criticize him in front of others"

Lyra stared in a daze trying to process his words, Blake glanced at her continued "If it was just a mere interest, he would kidnap you and keep you captive other than going out of his league by staying in our house knowing that he has to share your love with me and Lucas" then his eyes turned sad "As you said, he is indeed someone lonely, his mother died while giving birth to him and his brothers, his father hated them all his life and killed off his siblings. Then he kept Victor alive to torture him, the young him was traumatized because of the abuse, at least in my case my father died saving me even after my mother passed away in an attack. I know that you are kind Lilly, but make sure to clear your stand in his life, reject him now if you don't have feelings for him"

Lyra closed her eyes and tears dropped on her cheeks "It must have been difficult for him to endure it all by himself"

Blake nodded his head in agreement "We may not be friends, but I do feel bad about him"

She clasped his hands "Blake can I try to bring him out of that loneliness? Will you allow me? I want him to experience happiness, he deserves it"

He observed her determined eyes, his throat tightened because of unexplainable emotions. He regretted revealing Victor's past to her, that fellow's happiness was with his Lilly, allowing her to heal him meant allowing him inside their life, he was already on his verge when Lucas became her mate, now she was asking him to tolerate Victor?

He closed his eyes trying to calm his raging nerve "Give me some time to think Lilly" that was all that came out of his mouth, he was scared of her hating him because of his possessiveness towards her, it was the norm in the beast world for females to have multiple partners and by how beautiful she is, he already expected it, however, it still pricked his heart when she thought about other males. It was her fault for loving him so much that made him greedy to have her to himself.

Lyra touched his face making him come out of his thoughts "Are you disappointed in me?"

Blake kissed her cheeks "I'm disappointed in myself for not believing your love for me, I know that you love me but I can't help but feel scared of losing your affection"

Lyra caressed his face and smiled faintly "I will not do anything that you don't like, forget about what I said, I will tell Victor to move out of our house"

Blake's emerald green eyes brimmed with tears as he heard her words, he hugged her tightly and whispered "Why? why do you like me so much? This is what makes me want to become selfish for you, I don't deserve you"

Lyra hugged him back and stroked his back "It's okay to feel selfish sometimes, don't put yourself down like that, you deserve more than this Blake, I love you"

Blake hugged tighter "I love you more, I'm sorry"

They stayed in each other's embrace for some more time. Lucas walked inside the house and frowned upon witnessing it, he felt irritated and called loudly "Are you not going to eat your lunch?"

Both Lyra and Blake jerked by the sudden noise and turned to him, Lucas looked at Lyra and spoke "Come and have some food, you have not eaten anything stopping their stupid fight"

Lyra realized that he was angry and slowly got out of Blake's embrace "I'm coming" then she looked at Blake "Go and get some rest inside, I'll join you after my lunch"

Blake pecked her lips and went inside the bedroom. Lyra got up and strode towards Lucas, she tiptoed near him and hugged him from behind "I'm sorry"

Lucas smiled inwardly but maintained a stern face "You know what you did wrong?"

She kissed his cheeks and nodded her head "I was impulsive when I said about going near the fight, I shouldn't have done that"

Lucas turned to face her "Always remember to keep yourself safe, don't even think about doing something like that Ly"

"I know, I'm sorry," she said and hugged him

He caressed her back "It's fine Ly, now eat something," he said and put some food inside the bowl with a wooden spoon and handed it to her.

Lyra smiled and received the food and started eating. Lucas got up and went outside the house to continue watering the vegetables when Victor barged in front of him trampling the vegetables. Lucas widened his eyes and shouted at him "You!"

Victor ignored his shouting and looked around "Where is Blake?"

Lucas was flabbergasted "You were in such a hurry to meet Blake!? You destroyed everything here," he said as he pointed to the ground.

Victor followed his fingers and glanced briefly before asking again "Where is Blake? I have something important to talk to him"

Inside the room, Blake woke up from the commotion outside and went out, he glanced at Lyra already snoozing after eating food, and went to her, he slowly picked her up and tucked her to sleep inside the bedroom exited the house "Why are you screaming like that wolf?"

Lucas turned towards Blake and narrowed his eyes, then pointed at the ground "Look, this stupid bird trampled our vegetables"

Blake widened his eyes and ran towards it and glared at Victor "You! How dare you?"

Victor frowned "You can fight me for vegetables later, but first I must talk to you both about something, it is about my sweet girl, come with me"

"What ridiculous nicknames" Blake murmured to himself but still followed after him. Lucas also followed after them.

As they continued walking, Victor glanced back at the house "Is someone guarding my love inside the house?"

Blake with a relaxed face replied "Don't concern yourself with my mate's safety, my sons are already guarding their mother"

Victor smirked "Are you showing off your sons to me?"

Blake nodded his head "Yes I am, I want you to burn with jealousy knowing that I'm always Lilly's first choice in everything, be it mating or giving birth to kids"

Victor chuckled and shook his head "Why would I be jealous? my sweet girl's children are also my children"

Blake's face turned dark "Try saying that to them, I'm sure they will bite you with gratitude"

Lucas sighed "Stop both of you, just talk something useful"

Victor glanced at Lucas "You don't feel threatened by my presence? you are always calm"

Lucas smirked at him "Why would I feel threatened? I know that my Ly loves me" then he glimpsed at Blake "I'm not like someone with low self-esteem, I'm confident in myself"

Blake scowled at him "Are you referring to me?"

Lucas nodded "I'm glad you know, you always weep about losing Ly's attention when she continuously looks out for you, she asked your permission before accepting me, she gave birth to your children first, she missed you every day in your absence making me jealous but you always doubt her and pour your negative emotions in front of her"

Then he glared at him "Lucky bastard, she loves you more than herself but you can't even accept it, do you ever find a savage beastman receiving such affections? be grateful or shut your mouth in front of her"

Blake closed his eyes and furrowed his brows, Victor on another side glimpsed at both of them and started clapping his hands "Wow, it is so entertaining being with you guys"

Both glared at him, Lucas opened his mouth "Enough of nonsense just say why you called us?"

Victor stopped clapping at turned serious "Gregory revealed my love's truth to me"

Blake frowned "I will kill him in the coming days, he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut"

Lucas held his forehead "That old fish, he is going around announcing this to everyone even knowing the risk"

Victor glared at both of them "As expected, you dimwits don't know his true colors"

"What do you mean?" both asked in unison

Victor clenched his fists "Gregory is planning to use my love's soul to bring his mate back to life"