
Chapter 21 The Scan result

And my sister accepted them with open heart, she welcomed them homely, she had nothing in mind.

Her husband was a good man at the initial stage until his family changed his mind, reminding him of the reason they let him marry my sister.

They threatened to disown him, if he doesn't make his wife dance to their rhythm.

When my sister was sick, we didn't know about her sickness, whenever we call her on phone, she sounds good, we didn't know she was actually dying in silence.

At a time, our visitation became a very big disturbance to them, but we didn't cease our visitation until they relocated to another state.

That was when our visitation ceased.

Anytime I asked fort their house address, they would tell me is not necessary,and we call them on phone constantly to know how they are doing.

My sister said she doesn't know the address because they don't let her go out. They believed she would run away and come back to us, thereby making them loose everything.

Just one day, I was at my office, you know after I became a doctor, I built my own hospital, and also employed other doctors. It was a popular hospital too.

I was on seat that day, my sister's husband came into the hospital carrying my sister.

He dropped her in front of me, I stared at my sister, she was already paper white. I checked her blood pressure, checked her pulse rate, but they are all gone. It all collapsed.

I carried her in my arms like a baby, she smiled at me and quietly closed her eyes right in my arms.

I cried like a little child, I wasn't sure if it was real, I wasn't really sure if she was dead. I cried so much, then I yelled at her husband as I flung my car key at him. away happened to my sister?

He kept quiet and said nothing.

So my sister was sick, and you knew I'm a doctor.

Yes, I know you're a doctor.

Then why didn't you care to bring her to me?

Well I just brought her to you now.

What do you mean?

You didn't care to bring her to me at the initial stage when her sickness started.

You left her till the sickness detoriated, then you have the gut to bring her to me dead.

Have you no shame? How can you let your wife, the mother of your child die just like that.

You don't even care to let her family know about her sickness?

I have been taking care of her till now, but I couldn't do that anymore, so I brought her to you.

You are mad! I yelled at him. You relocated from our reach, so we couldn't get to know what you do with her. Tell me, what happened to my sister? What happened to her?

This has been a chronic sickness, you just wanted her out of the way, so you and your family could take over her propertys.

I couldn't believe my elder sister was gone, leaving her child behind.

I felt so bad that we've lost a hero.

So you and your family killed my sister because of propertys, huh?

Why didn't she listen to us, why did she think her family was the best to take over all the propertys that belongs to her?

What do you mean? What about the other propertys she bought and registered under your name? I asked.

They are not enough, we wanted all because we now own her, but she refused and that led to her death.

So now that she is dead, that you people know that her family owned her.

Yes, we just brought her back, because that's where she belongs to right now.

That's consequences of not believing in her own family, but believing in her parents and siblings.

He turned and left.

Patients that saw us having those conversations blamed him for being so cruel and selfish.

Yet he doesn't care about what people say.

I had no other choice than to take her body to the mortuary.

I wanted to conduct an autopsy, but my family said no to it.

They said I should just let the case die.

They were just very lucky, I would have showed them that my sister's death wasn't easy on me.

If not for my family, my intention was to conduct an autopsy, then sue my in-laws for taking the life of my precious sister.

I would make sure I frustrate them, and there would be no peace for them, till they disappear from this planet earth.

But I had to listen to my family, they are all I've got.

This is very bad of your in-laws. They are not good at all, I said. I'm sorry your in-laws have to treat your sister that way, is very much appalling.

What about her child? What really happened to him? I asked.

We wanted to take the child with us, but they refused and claimed that the child belongs to them.

I know is our blood, but we had to let go at that moment, but still kept our eyes on the child.

After we lost our sister, we really felt the pains, but my father felt it the most.

He even fell sick because his eldest daughter was dead.

I thought it was going to be an easy something, but my father's sickness continued.

I took good proper care of him myself, I even flew him abroad to make sure he gets the proper treatment required for his health.

Although he really tried to stay for us a little while, before he left us.

The day he died, we cried so much that we felt something that was so much important to us has left us.

But who are we to question God? We're just nobody. So God knows the very best for us.

I'm really sorry about everything that has happened to you. Maybe I shouldn't have been here if I know I would remind you of your late sister.

No, is not your fault, is nobody's fault. Because if I didn't decide to cover up for my fellow doctor, maybe I shouldn't have seen you, and neither would you remind me of the past.

At least, seeing you made me see my sister again.

One more thing is that ladies needs to be careful on the type of man they get married to.

They wouldn't let you know their bad intentions at the beginning, they would just marry you, and then suffocate you at the end.

And I believed you married to the right person, and he's still the same person you married from the initial stage, no changes.

But why didn't your sister leave the marriage? She would have left the marriage to live longer.

She would have talked to you guys, about it, then divorce her husband and have peace of mind.

According to my sister, she believes that divorcing her husband would tear her family apart. And it would affect their child.

Then what's happening now? Isn't she dead? I asked.

But the thing still remains that she is dead and not divorced, he replied.

She's no where to be found anymore now, so her child would know that there wasn't anything like separation between the parents, if she has divorced her husband, maybe she wouldn't want her child to come from a divorced family.

So, do you think is okay for her to be dead? I asked.

Not really, but I guess she would prefer leaving the earth, than separation.

Hmmm, What you just said is the truth, the female consulting nurse added.

I mean what the doctor has just said about family and marriage.

Whenever a man is been controlled by his family, there is always a big problem.

I should have been married by now with my kids, but everything didn't work out as planned.

My fiancé family stopped our marriage.

After inviting all my friends, everything has been set, I was just dressing up when I received a call from my husband to be.

He told me that he was sorry, he said the marriage wouldn't hold anymore.

Why wouldn't a marriage you've been preparing for long not hold? I asked.

He said there was something his family told him about me, but he refused to relate it to me.

I was mad, how can you allow your family to ride you? Are they going to marry you? Why would they tell you what to do?

I'm sorry, but the wedding is cancelled. After telling me this he turned and left.

I cried so much that my eyes got swollen.

I went through the trauma for almost a year, before I patted myself on the shoulder, pulled myself together, and moved forward.

Well, all these things are temptations, but in everything, we are going to overcome all of them, the doctor said.

Don't worry dear, you would find more love than you need as you move on in life, I said to her.

Thank you Mrs Lara, the female consulting nurse replied.

Is okay, let me go through your scan result. You know I'm the owner of the hospital where you conducted your scan test.

Ohh, I never know is one of your propertys, I replied.

According to your result, the baby is okay, and it is in cephalic presentation.

The fetal weight is also okay.

Everything is just okay. Your EDD (Expected Date of Delivery) is close, you would soon put to birth.

So you should be visiting the hospital every week from now.

Thank you so much, I said.

You are welcome, he replied.