
Chapter 20 Lara and the Doctor

Sweet girl, I love you, but you are always giving me headache, he said rubbing my tummy.

You should stop all those things you do, cause you know I hate them. I will not continue with you if you keep sleeping with multiple girls.

But you love it the way I handle you on bed.

Yes I love it, but that doesn't mean you should cheat.

The same reason other girls wouldn't want to leave me.

Was that still the same reason your mum kept on sleeping with you?

Yeah, she knows I'm very good at this, that's why she can't let me go.

I'm your wife, they are your girlfriends, that's why you shouldn't sleep with them.

Hmmm, everything has been said during the families' discussion, and I believe you must have stopped whatever affair you're having with your mom.

Please turn off the light, I need to sleep, because I have a lot of things to handle tomorrow, I said turning my back from him to sleep.

Too much troubles here and there, he murmured and went to bed.

I woke up around 6 am in the morning, Owen was still sleeping, I stared at him, remembering the first day I met him, how handsome he was.

With his innocent face and gentleness, no one would think that Owen could become a beast overnight. If anyone should tell me that he is going to automatically change from his good character to bad character, I wouldn't believe it.

I got to the hospital, and waited for my turn to see the doctor. I knew that my pregnancy has gone a long way, soon I would become a mother.

My other pregnancy didn't get to this point, it was just few months when I had miscarriage. I believed the baby wasn't meant to be mine, if not, I wouldn't had lost it, it would have stayed.

Mrs Lara Wilson Chris? A voice mentioned my name, I turned to the direction of the voice, she was standing in front of the consultation room.

Please come with me, the beautiful nurse said. I stood up and followed her immediately. She led me into the consultation room.

Please sit, the doctor said as he signaled with his left hand, while holding a ball pen on his right hand.

I quietly sat down and watched him go through my folder, I haven't seen him before, I have been meeting the other doctors, but not him.

Maybe he is a newly employed doctor.

Any complaints? He asked.

No fresh complaints, I answered. I haven't seen your face before, are you newly employed? I asked with a smile.

I'm not really new here, I came over to cover up for my fellow colleague, he had an emergency to attend to, so he's out of town right now.

I opened my hand bag and brought out the scan result and handed it over to him.

He stared at my scan result, then looked at me, he sat back and exhaled deeply.

Then I wondered why he was just staring at me like that.

Just then, tears dropped down his cheeks,I bent over to see his face, then I wondered why he was crying.

Doctor, are you okay? I asked peering through his eyes.

Yeah, I'm fine, he replied.

Then, why are you crying? I asked.

I just remembered something of the past, he said.

What could that be? I asked.

Immediately you came in, you reminded of my late sister.

Late sister? I asked.

Yeah, she's just exactly like you. No difference. You look so much alike.

I'm so sorry about your lost dear, may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace, Amen.

And Amen, he replied.

But if I may ask, what really happened to her? Was she sick? Was it something that couldn't be treated by a doctor?

I don't really know, and I can't really tell.

Just that my sister was a very good somebody that wouldn't wanna see anyone surfer. She hustled so much to make ends meet.

She can spend her last money to make sure that someone close to her doesn't lack anything.

My father has a provision store, that's where he gets the money he uses to take good care of his family.

He made sure we doesn't lack anything, he doesn't wanna see us hungry. I think my elder sister took after her.

my mom, was also helping him out with the provision store.

My dad made sure he trained us all in school, from the Nursery section till the high institution. He provided everything we needed at that time.

We all went to high institution except one of my siblings. After high school education, one of my brothers said that he doesn't want to continue with schooling anymore, that he wants to be an entrepreneur, my dad said okay, but he would had to call his lawyers and relatives, so that my brother could say it to everyone's hearing, then it would be documented against the future.

My brother agreed to what my dad said, and our relatives and the family lawyers were invited. My dad made it official so he wouldn't be blamed if anything should go wrong in the future time. You know our dad was smarter than we thought. But we are not actually praying for anything bad to happen.

After the meeting, everything was documented and kept for the future.

We all graduated with good grades from school, I became a doctor, my elder sister became a banker, our last born, she became a nurse while my brother became an entrepreneur like he had said before.

My elder sister was a very smart girl, she made lots of money at a very young age, she also bought lots of propertys. But she registered them under our family name.

She got married to the love of her life, they lived together happily, until her husband's people started patrolling her marriage, that was when enmity started.

She had a son for him. During her post partum period, her mother in-law, refused to visit her and the baby.

I just wondered why she didn't visit her daughter in-law during her postnatal period. But I found no answer at the initial stage.

My sister's husband stopped visiting us like he before. We were very close each other, and we visited each other regularly. But he just totally cut us off.

I wondered what brought about the enmity, but I couldn't tell.

I would always visit my sister or call her on phone to know how she and her child is doing.

One day I came to visit them as usual with plenty gifts, because that's how we have been doing it even before she got married.

I came down from my car, and headed inside the house to call them to come and help me bring the gifts inside.

I was at the door when I overheard my in-laws yelling at my sister, they were so angry that my sister registered all her propertys under our family names.

They told her to go and re-register it under her husband's name, but she told them that she bought those propertys when she was a spinster, and cannot change it again. And she has bought those propertys before she met her husband.

She said to them that the only thing she can do was to register any new property she buys under her husband's name.

I pushed the door open and entered, they were surprised to see me at the door.

How long have you been standing there? they asked me.

For so long, I answered.

Why would you stand at the door listening to people's conversations?

Another family's discussion?

I'm also part of the family, I answered.

Did you hear anything? They asked me.

Yeah, I heard everything, I replied.

Please come and help me and unload the things I brought from the car.

After unloading everything, I went in to see my sister and her child.

I quietly spoke with her to know if there was anything she needed, but she told me she was okay, and I believed her.

Main looking at her, she was very okay, her baby was also sound and healthy.

I asked her if there was anything she needs to talk about, she said no.

I hope you are not having any trouble with your in-laws in your marriage?

No, I'm fine, I'm just okay.

I will just let you know if there should be any problem, she said and smiled.

To me I took it that the atmosphere was clear, so I didn't bother much.

I spent sometime with her before leaving.

I went to the office but couldn't concentrate at work.

At a time, I couldn't hold it to myself, then I let my family know about what I heard during my visitation at my sister's house, incase something goes wrong.

My in-laws were the least people I expected to maltreat my sister.

You know why? He asked

No, I don't know, but why? I asked.

Just because she refused to rename and re-register her propertys under her husband's name, they were so much against her.

Her in-laws thought it was useless to have married her into their family.

Actually we later found out, that the real reason why they married our sister was because of her money,

You know she was pretty rich, and also she came from a very wealthy family too.

So, they believed that marrying her into their family would make them get majority of her propertys.

But my sister didn't know about their bad intentions before she got married to their family. They looked clear and pure when they came to marry her.