
Beastly Cursed

“When a child is born of fire and snow of two enemies, the world will be covered in a sea of blood. Their howl blows the fiery ashes of the enemies, and their touch can melt the ice of winter. The Great White Alpha will bring to the end under the blood moon. Only a silver heart can subdue the beast.” Aneria knew she was different. Being a hybrid born of two natural enemies made her life difficult. She can feel her body change. She is loved by both of her parents and close friends in her life but once the beast starts to emerge out from within Aneria fears she will hurt those she cares and love. *Updates every Thursdays

helloyingz · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Chapter Twelve: The Truth

I heard commotions coming from outside my room. Looking around and never noticed how I got on my bed.

Stretching my arms and rubbing my eyes, I gave myself a breather before I was fully awake from my long time nap. I can never tell time here because all I see in my window is the ocean, and I don't think my phone means the right time.

The noise grew louder in my ears, and I recognized Mom's voice.

Fully awake, I went out of my room and poked my ear to listen in.

"Are you telling me that those rogues are hunting our daughter?" Mom questioned in a frantic and angry tone towards Uncle Stan and Gideon.

"Honey, relax-"

"Relax? Relax!" Mom's voice boomed throughout the place. "Our daughter…she is very special. I never found her hideous since she was born with those features. She was the most beautiful baby girl, and I was already in love when she was in my womb. If some rogues are after my little Peanut, they must go through me."