
Beast Of The Night (Book 1: Love and Betrayal)

Rebekah Miklaus, an omega warrior, is tasked with hunting down the most dangerous rogue wolves. When her alpha commands her to kill the night beast terrorizing their pack or witness her family offered as food, she faces a daunting choice. Forced into the most challenging task of her life—killing the unseen night beast—she accepts the challenge. Unfortunately, her plan goes awry as she is ambushed, ending up knocked out and awakening in dungeons the next day. Chained and slated for execution by an unknown pack, she faces an uncertain fate. To her surprise, the pack's leader is revealed to be a lycan king, a figure only existing in the stories of her childhood. As their eyes meet, an unexpected circumstance unfolds, and she hears words she never anticipated in her entire life: "Mate."

joy_chigo · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Chapter 3 - A Looming Threat

The alpha's once fierce stare, inure to control and authority, now flickered with an unsettling feeling — fear. It was a rare sight, one that sent shivers down the spines of every member of our pack.

The air in the gathering densified, and the solemn howl of the wind outside seemed to carry an eerie foreboding.

"Listen closely, my pack," the alpha began, his voice bearing the weight of a disclosure that would change the course of our existence.

"We face a new menace, a beast that emerges with the full moon. A beast that strikes with ruthless precision, leaving death and chaos in its wake."

The words hung heavy in the air, each syllable an ominous echo in the cavernous space that held our pack meetings.

I exchanged glimpses with my packmates, a silent exchange of unease and uncertainty. The alpha continued, his tone gravely serious.

"This beast is relentless. It kills without mercy and abducts those tragic enough to cross its path.

Families torn apart, lives disrupted. It preys on us during the full moon, and none have been able to escape its grasp."

The alpha's eyes, once filled with certainty, betrayed a vulnerability that struck a chord within me.

Questions lingered in the collective gaze of the pack, and I found myself vocalizing the fear that echoed in every heartbeat.

"What kind of beast is this, Alpha? How do we fight against something so unknown?"

He sighed, weariness etched on his features. "The nature of this creature is shrouded in mystery.

It strikes swiftly and vanishes into the shadows. We have lost pack members, and the survivors speak of a darkness that defies awareness. It is a menace that challenges the very essence of our unity."

A hushed murmur rippled through the pack, a mixture of disbelief and trepidation. The alpha's next words held the weight of an impossible choice.

"Rebekah," he addressed me directly, "you are our strongest. You bear the burden of an impossible task — slay the creature or sacrifice your family to its insatiable hunger."

The disclosure hit me like a physical blow. The pack's collective gaze turned to me, a mixture of expectation and empathy.

The alpha's eyes bore into mine, seeking a commitment that seemed impossible to fulfill.

"I won't let my family suffer," I declared, my voice a steady but resolute whisper. "But how do I defeat a creature that strikes under the cover of darkness?"

"You carry the hopes of our pack, Rebekah. The forest is dangerous, but I believe in your strength and resilience. May the moon guide you on your quest."

The weight of the alpha's disclosure settled on me like a crushing boulder, an impossible burden that threatened to break the very foundation of my resolve.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting its cold glow over the clearing where our pack had gathered, yet the warmth that once united us now seemed replaced by an unsettling chill.

The alpha's eyes bore into mine, a reflection of the gravity of the choice I faced. "Rebekah," he spoke, his voice carrying the weight of an ultimatum, "you must slay the beast or sacrifice your family to its insatiable hunger."

I felt a lump form in my throat as the impossible choice hung in the air. Slay the beast, an unknown menace that struck under the veil of the full moon, or condemn my family to a fate that echoed with the screams of those taken by the beast.

The echoes of their cries rumbled in my mind, haunting me as I grappled with the cruel reality that unraveled before me.

"My family," I whispered, the word heavy with a mixture of love and desperation. The pack, once a source of strength, now seemed a prison of expectation.

The alpha, who had been a symbol of guidance and protection, now presented a choice that tore at the very fabric of our unity.

As the pack awaited my decision, I turned to my family, their faces a mosaic of concern, fear, and a silent plea for salvation.

Lucas, my friend, held my family's young pups close, their innocent eyes reflecting a trust they could not comprehend.

The alpha's gaze, usually a source of reassurance, now held a glint of something darker. "Rebekah," he spoke again, his voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of menace, "the pack's survival depends on your sacrifice. If you do not comply, I will sacrifice your family for the greater good."

A gasp rippled through the pack, the words hanging in the air like a poison that seeped into our collective consciousness.

Betrayal and fear clashed within me, a tempest of emotions threatening to consume my very essence. How could the alpha, the leader we trusted, demand such a heart-wrenching choice?

The alpha's eyes, once a symbol of authority, now held a chilling resolve. "Rebekah, the pack comes first. We cannot afford to be weakened by emotionalism. Sacrifice your family, or we all perish."

The words struck me like a physical blow, the very foundation of trust shattered.

A knot tightened in my stomach, and a sense of abandonment, of being cast aside for the sake of a greater cause, clawed at my soul.

Torn between my love for my family and my loyalty to the pack, I felt the world untangle around me.

A desperate plea rose in my throat, "Alpha, there must be another way. We cannot abandon our own to save ourselves."

But the alpha's gaze remained unyielding, a ruler hardened by the weight of leadership.

"Rebekah, the choice is yours. Sacrifice your family, or the pack faces extinction. The time for sentimentality has passed."

The clearing fell silent, the moon casting its indifferent gaze upon a shattered unity.

Betrayal and fear mingled in my heart as the weight of the impossible decision pressed upon me.

At that moment, the pack's survival demanded a sacrifice, and the very essence of our unity crumbled beneath the weight of an unforgiving choice!!

What do you think of Rebekah's Alpha??

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